War & TerrorismA Cry For Help From A Distraught Parent
5 Posts • 3120 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I believe this was originaly sent to Cindy Sheehan who posted it on the Veterans For Peace Yahoo Group and asked to spread it around. I know I have more than 4 blogs, but I loose track, so I posted it... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40999 Views Religion Forum |
Well...I didn't read any of the thead, but I'll answer the question...
I don't beileve in god because I've never seen him, heard him, or anything like that, I like proof, I need t... |
ElectionsObama is not fit!
20 Posts • 6468 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Iron, two questions out of curiosity.
- Do you support a true democracy like everyone votes on all issues?
- Do you vote (if so who?)
The ideal government wouldn't have career... |
A new music artist has arrived!!
6 Posts • 3676 Views Jokes & Games |
I prefer her sister by FAR. Ashlee has a cool, raspy voice... but she is far from a professional. I will be buying her new CD though. (Cause I watch the show.... and I am real curious on how it all ca... |
What makes you cry?
44 Posts • 9998 Views Talk Talk |
i geuss i like the pain. 'cause im real objective (see right and wrong thread) and i enjoy crying. and it really helps me learn, about myself and other people, and who cars if someone thinks of y... |
Emotions & FeelingsI Hate Cheating
12 Posts • 7240 Views Psychology Forum |
Not saying it's their fault that assholes cheat, but girls who are aware of it and put up with it certainly does not help the problem.
Shoot them both, I say.
Really though, underdawg, it... |
Captain Cynic Seminar
10 Posts • 3712 Views Jokes & Games |
dont you think it would be funny if we all got together in say,... 9 months asome random location and we all wore name tags with our real names and we had to geuss who was who. |
Habits & BehaviorParanoia
13 Posts • 3826 Views Psychology Forum |
Does anyone ever get so paranoid to the point that you question everything around you?
Thus making you very uncomfortable and uneasy. Like you just want to hide but you can't. *roll*
most o... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67570 Views Philosophy Forum |
How about we give everyone $1,000,000,000 a year? We assign value to money but is is what we agree to be held to. If everyone worked at what they do best and were paid a million to do it, wouldn'... |
Avoid strangers glances and smiles
15 Posts • 3728 Views Talk Talk |
I think it has a lot to do with fear, there is a lot going on in this world.
It was real bad like that here after the oklahama city bombing, but I think we're somewhat back to normal again.... |
Blink-182 forever!
7 Posts • 3333 Views Talk Talk |
blink-182 were good, but i wouldnt say they were the best, starting to get a bit bored of bands that copy what they did, and just play bar chords at high speed, with real guitar playing going on. |
ChristianityWhat makes people so angry about the Christian faith?
23 Posts • 18576 Views Religion Forum |
You aren't listening at all, you are being completely defensive and instead of engaing in a real conversation, you are fighting.
Please re-read my post. Your first sentence is under the assump... |
Your Car
149 Posts • 38602 Views Talk Talk |
Sorry wedawg that it took so long for me to respond to your question.
So far the engine is stock, mostly bodywork is what I have done to it. Maybee in 2 years I will be supercharging it. Look out v... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160020 Views Talk Talk |
Ill_llI : Just wait... until you need the glasses to read the large print too...!!
And I remember fine details of my dreams... it is very freaky sometimes.. and they are very real while they are ha... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33945 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Real wages fall at fastest rate in 14 years
http://news.ft.com/cm s/s/f269a8f4-c173-11d9-943f-00 000e2511c8.html |
GovernmentDid Bush policies help your State?
4 Posts • 2901 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Does Presidential policies impact a state's ability to create jobs? In a Federalist system the States are subservient to the Central (Federal) authority, including policies the Federal level imposes.... |
33 Posts • 10055 Views Philosophy Forum |
What did you hope to gain that you feel you have not in these pursuits?
basically truth. I was not looking for power trips. I just wanted to know my real nature. I met Masters talking... |
30 Posts • 16472 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
327. London bombing (7/12/05)
I think it was the work of D.O.J.
In my case, for many times Feds had tried to carry out terror attacks to control the situation. The evident ones since last year:... |
Your Car
149 Posts • 38602 Views Talk Talk |
lol...it's alright 68...
My '61 Chevy isn't stock, but its not a street racer either.
My real toy is my '67 Cuda. I have a 383 BB w/ a aluminum manifold dual four setup. I haven&... |
New Cloverfield Trailer!
2 Posts • 2280 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
alright, turns out that last one was WEAK in comparison to this one. I'm pretty confident this is the REAL 2nd teaser/trailer for the movie. MUCH better quality, and its about 2 minutes long. The... |
Emotions & FeelingsJealousy
17 Posts • 8156 Views Psychology Forum |
Well, at least someone understands the 1st option real well! Lol.
Some people just don't realize that they can have certain things if they just get off their lazy asses!*angry*
Hey I say, if... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheists Intimidating
38 Posts • 10686 Views Religion Forum |
^^ah but that's the real way it should be said....churches do say that Jesus died for our sins....they're blinded by blood to such an extreme that they've started to imagine things...;)... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36752 Views Philosophy Forum |
you are acting like a child. give a shore fire way to talk to god and know he is real, and i'll admit i'm an ediot. it was a fucking metaphore. decius, you better delete trhis. and its not m... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Reason Why We Cynic
5 Posts • 3447 Views Philosophy Forum |
It's a perfect scenario for philisophical or any arguement. Everyone has a chance to think over their answer. Where as in real life usually things get heated which just leads to yelling. This jus... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29265 Views Religion Forum |
they are
and that's one fucked up religion if you ask me ... so glad i wasn't stupid enough to believe in this.
anotherer screwed up fact - if you didn't know about christianit... |