Tagged > Real life barbie doll |
How has coming here affected you?
17 Posts • 4959 Views Talk Talk |
I have been here for a really long fucking time. Well actually since the beginning of the whole UGN.
I have seen alot of threads and seen a lot of people come and go.
From what I have learned i... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12126 Views Religion Forum |
"I dont believe in and kind of god because i dont like the idea of trusting everything to some high being."
With this comment it is very clear that you are not trully atheist. An atheist... |
SocietyAdvice for the youth...
20 Posts • 6241 Views Philosophy Forum |
The main thing you need to realize is that despite anything anyone in the world tells you you should do with your life or what life is all about, it is your life and yours alone. At the end of the day... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17094 Views Religion Forum |
Let me put it this way, science would not exist without creation, and neither would the thought process of man.
Nothing would exist.
Religion is a formed bond we have in our way of worshipping the... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40700 Views Religion Forum |
if u look at the facts, evolution has no more scientific proof than creation does. Lots Of Luck, secret07.
That the bible (judeo-christian) states that all creatures were created from a common source... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57565 Views Religion Forum |
People.. if you think about your argument then basically you are saying that science doesn't exist and that god controlls everything. If we follow your logic, then why ask why is there good and e... |
Life & DeathLife
15 Posts • 4260 Views Philosophy Forum |
Firebird, I suggest to take a more broadened romanticezed view, your is sweet but borders on dependancy, to enjoy eachother both as seperate beings and as one for the enrichment of a chapter in your l... |
ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12533 Views Art Forum |
I love building forts. Huge blankets draped over chairs that were dragged over to the living room from the dining room, pegs and books to stick it all together, pillows and rugs for padding, a torch,... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55062 Views Philosophy Forum |
although, conway. I do admire your faith in God.
I prove that i am, drawn to those who seem to be consumed by something. And you have an overwhelming faith. Unfortunately, i envy you much..( dont t... |
ConspiracyExcerpt: Mainline U.S. Church Publishes Book That Claims U.S. Government Was Behind 9/11
9 Posts • 3029 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Now to the really pressing question; how do we get a government who serve the people and not some other people?
Destroy igornace and apathy, stop criminalizing the innocent and go after some real c... |
What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13197 Views Talk Talk |
"The only thing worth dying for is death."
Well said. I may sound like a bit of a selfish ego-cynical snob, but I cant think of any reason to want to die.(except for the above) Certainly... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 90963 Views Philosophy Forum |
How do you define nothingness? If nothingness is when there is nothing, then, for my existence prior to my life there was nothing.
If you don't want to call it nothingness, we can call it lack... |
Movie ReviewAvatar
0 Posts • 662 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I agree with the variances of movies. Your right in the sense of escaping the life we have to live something else's fantasy. Points I agree with you I dont feel the need to touch bases on. Preach... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14928 Views Psychology Forum |
Lol..Fashion how absurd it is. However, and this is a real tip, if you wish to get somehwere in life, sometimes its necessary to give sway to trends because people are so shallow they will negate to o... |
Life & DeathHuman Life?
24 Posts • 7106 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is the value of life issue as well. The entire right to life argument is based on an idea of an intrinsic right to life. One they ague for at birth but willingly disregard later when deciding to... |
RelationshipsSex, rate it! Do you fake it?
4 Posts • 3037 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Things like this are cries for attention. Rating your sex life is almost as absurd as having the need to share it with strangers on a forum.
A persons sex life should only be compared with themselv... |
37yrs • M
Live This Life |
48yrs • M
Elementary, my good fellow – when you’re a Cynic. |
43yrs • F
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away'' |
60yrs • M
< no additional information provided > |
35yrs • M
what is the terror of the death? that we die our wok incomplete. what is the joy of life? to die knowing our task is done. |
48yrs • M
Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time |
40yrs • F
live life to the fullest & dont regret it |
42yrs • M
Never Say Die |
31yrs • M
We don’t always get the things we want, but sometimes, what we want isn’t always what we need. There’s a point in life where you stop chasing everybody and everything you wanted, but it’s not giving up. It’s finally realizing the truth, that we don’t need |