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Tagged > Reading
THREAD PerceptionI Find Myself Here
20 Posts • 7361 Views
Psychology Forum
As I was reading this, Im pretty much thinking and going through the exact same things right now. But I started "maturing" a little younger, at around 16, when I was introduced to one of my...
THREAD People are...
2 Posts • 2178 Views
Talk Talk
This is a thought about todays people, who have become a pathetic sack of shits. They think they are so cool, they think they are above all others, but when it comes to the real deal they run and clai...
THREAD Society & SociologyCensurship
3 Posts • 2059 Views
Psychology Forum
I see the word "hate" popped out almost involuntarily... Cool,... sorry to illicit that response, but cool... Upon re- reading my aimless rebellion... do ou get it more? Did you not...
THREAD Anarchy... don't you need a rule for that?
48 Posts • 11453 Views
Philosophy Forum
I was giving my definition of anarchy based on how I understand it from talking to people and reading books written by anarchists. As far as i can tell a great deal of them do not advocate revolution...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
Hi, I am 15, and because of the questions I ask, my friends call me crazy. I have two sides. One is the 'drug addict' side, when I go beserk an don car for any shit load of laws(including gr...
THREAD The Sins of the Father
1 Posts • 1555 Views
Talk Talk
I've been doing a lot of thinking about this recently and I've often wondered: how far can one one reasonably hold someone else responsible for what his ancestors or countrymen did centuries...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73055 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
why is it that some 16 yr old girls look more innocent than some 13 yr old girls? look at her for instance (age is like 14): istoegente/38/fotos/rep_casais _1.jpg she is...
THREAD The Bridge to Terabithia
3 Posts • 2072 Views
Talk Talk
To get things started I'll go first. I thought the movie portrayed the original fantasy genre fairly accurately. Anyone who has read The Lord of the Rings (the original fantasy novel) will recogn...
THREAD Society & Sociologyfashion
26 Posts • 8627 Views
Psychology Forum
Fashion itself is not evil. Some people's appreach to it is destructive. I have never been a follower of fashion and sometimes I have been ridiculed for this reason. That's sheep misdset ma...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainStrange things with memory
11 Posts • 3621 Views
Psychology Forum
Smoking and any kind of drug (including caffeine) is bad for you everyone knows that, but lets take smoking as an example "tobacco contains an agonist called nicotine, a compound that activates...
THREAD Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18716 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I'm currently reading an article in National Geographics. Its fact, not fiction and it isn't in the future, its now. Tempurture readings have been taken around the world and compared with pa...
THREAD Human Nature & Emotionnot in love but still benifiting
2 Posts • 3397 Views
Philosophy Forum
i dont know if this should be in psych forum or whatever.. but i was just reading a post by cturtle.. about how "without love their is no meaining in life".. well i was just curious if any o...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49728 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Shotguns blast The heavy fog of unrestricted slaughter permeates my eardrums, The melodic booming of burning powder and flying lead The occasional scream of the unfortunate comrade falling to the g...
THREAD Movie ReviewThe Happening
9 Posts • 3106 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
I have to say, I have never felt more insane reading reviews about a movie before. Everyone hates this film and not for reasons that make any sort of sense. "There's no twist! How gay&quo...
THREAD Child & Family Psychology4YO Boy with Anger Issues
4 Posts • 4719 Views
Psychology Forum
I have a four year-old boy who becomes angry and distraught at the drop of a hat and usually without warning. This commonly occurs when frustration is present. It seems he is embarrassed and enraged a...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39595 Views
Philosophy Forum
Which image would that be? Are you talking the physical or spiritual or at some strange sub atomic particle level or what? I mean its all very well to believe it but you must be able to explain it...
THREAD Sexual BiologyI like sex but have trouble Orgasming
17 Posts • 17689 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Let's cut straight to the point: when a fetus is developing, both begin with an organ that will become either a large phallus (penis) or a small phallus (clitoris). Regardless of whether the uret...
THREAD ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24716 Views
Religion Forum
And at the same time while he claims the unfailing nature of "Glossolalia"... it hasn't caught on...? No matter how many detractors when a system works it's nearly impossible to...
THREAD Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51568 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well you see, you have to break this post down into two words (like all other posts): theory, death You see, death is a word, and the first two letters of this said word are 'D' and '...
THREAD Intelectual Conversation VS Intelectual Masterbation
4 Posts • 3591 Views
Talk Talk
That old thread cracks me up now. I've been trying not to make assumptions, but it's difficult for me still. It's tough to empathize with computer text, but on a forum such as this i...
THREAD How do we know?
60 Posts • 16500 Views
Philosophy Forum
yes. good questions. i like the original post so ill get to that one last. first i'll deal with the adam and eve dilema. First, i think that it is important to read the bible passage in genesis....
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12208 Views
Religion Forum
Ironwood you are just boring me to death now, you don't know what the hell you are talking about! To be honest you really upset me personally by what you said before, I'm not embarrassed...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36742 Views
Philosophy Forum
What if you were told that the Matrix is real? What if you were told that Zion exists? What if you were told that Neo is alive, here in this world, in your world? What if you were told that...
THREAD Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84755 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
ok that is just excuse me for saying this SHITTY talk guys this is ur thang somexs or all the xs going into the girls mouth and hmmmm let me see oOo yes where do u pee from......that dingdong of...
THREAD ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12716 Views
Religion Forum
How does one person give an entire history in one or two sentences? Americans have ADD..attention deficit disorder. I can point out any lengthy post as completely ignored. Muslims assisinated...
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