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Tagged > Protests around the world
THREAD Age and time
7 Posts • 2888 Views
Psychology Forum
I agree with many of the responses, but I think that it's a simple thing to decipher. Time only appears to go faster because of our usual monotonous robotic routinized lives. We become so preoccu...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 17005 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Do a little research Decius, it has everything to do with light. Einstein himself, convinced that the atomic world has an order to follow by, changed the conditions of the light to observe the electro...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10231 Views
Philosophy Forum
In depth can also be extensive singular perspective, one that can only be derived from any one's self, there again allowing anyone to be a deep thinker on any subject and how it pertains to them...
THREAD ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21066 Views
Religion Forum
i dont know where you came up with science just trying to be better than god(assuming there is a god), but i think it is difficult to deny the successful manipulations of the natural world which scien...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167897 Views
Psychology Forum
I never thought about killing my mom, but I have wished she was dead. She tried to kill my sister, she tortured all of her 6 children in one way or another, some more severely than others. Told me eve...
THREAD Dressed in You
1 Posts • 2657 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Dressed in the darkness of the moment, my mind slips in to something more comfortable, an invisible world expressed in my dreams illuminates the existence of an alternate reality, where images of...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39611 Views
Philosophy Forum
These are the trappings of indoctrinated minds. It was my own sexual "abuse" that led me to my revelations. As sex is not abuse unless forced. Being too young to know the difference is key....
THREAD Society & SociologyHead Games
4 Posts • 3710 Views
Psychology Forum
Lets make one thing clear : Head Games: I missed the whole point till now I guess but why a lady i am trying to hit assumes herself as my sister when I said my sister is learning German right af...
THREAD Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23026 Views
Philosophy Forum
By frequency I mean how it travels, or perhaps the speed at which it travels . ? . (I'm no scientist but I know there is a difference between light from a fire and light from a bulb.) Whether...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyMathematical error 1=0.9 repeating
18 Posts • 17703 Views
Science & Technology Forum
math is just a language used for mathematicians to describe size, quantity, and order... there is no "one" answer to any math problem. math is always evolving as we need to describe more thi...
1 Posts • 3221 Views
Psychology Forum
As average everyday people they may be great people that the whole WORLD should know. Put them in an office... a resteraunt or any other workplace and they turn into boneheaded morons that can SEE muc...
70 Posts • 22671 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
I am probably going to be an OutKast in this thread again, but I like Rap. I am a music lover period, which is why I can appreciate all forms (including Rap). I also like Alternative Rock, Hard Rock,...
THREAD GovernmentThe Pro-Bush Thread
3 Posts • 3317 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
History will be the judge of this. My personal opinion is that he will go down as one of the best presidents. Let's see, he took over a country with a declining economy and turned it around so it...
THREAD Having Kids
49 Posts • 20515 Views
Philosophy Forum
seriously should we really care if you want kids or don't. don't have kids good for you, have kids splendid, does it matter? the memory of you will fade either way, if you have kids it lasts...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28629 Views
Philosophy Forum
"As I said earlier, if more people are saved than the amount of people who die - then its a good war" wow okkid, that was a real ass-hole thing to say. your saying that everyone is the sa...
THREAD FuturologyIt's time for a revolution
20 Posts • 7051 Views
Philosophy Forum
Alright, I'll agree to give you my results in a week's time but it should be understood that I live on a college campus now which is obviously more liberal than 'the real world'. D...
8 Posts • 2305 Views
Talk Talk
Ah the ole matrixy path finding struggle. People never know for sure. Ask anyone. "Is this your life's purpose?" They will say flat out no, or at least admit they aren't 100% sure....
THREAD Reasons why I love being on this Site.
16 Posts • 4358 Views
Talk Talk
Originally I was here because I got very lost researching anarchic political theory, and ended up in a thread on the site (I was about to say how lond ago, then realised it says above my avatar :( )...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43983 Views
Religion Forum
Yep, can't wait to start burining witches again. Maybe we can find some indiginous people to slaughter, oh wait, we're covered there, but slavery, we need to start bringing them home and cal...
THREAD GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30269 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The problem with all governments I've seen much of is a system that allows corruption and greed within the governing power structure. I'm not against people working extra hard for more, but...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40997 Views
Religion Forum
"sooooooo...u do belive in God as u said" Stop being a wanker. Im obviously saying, IF there is a God, given the evil rules of the world (if they have intent, if there is a God, the rules h...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33971 Views
Religion Forum
Perhaps God does show himself to us, we are just to ignorant to notice or to cynical to see it? As an example, the christian traditiions warns about gluttony, yet through out our history, nations ris...
THREAD Waking the Sheeple. A tribute to Alex Jones.
33 Posts • 9903 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Alex interviews Dean Haglund of the X-Files and its spinnoff the Loan Gunman, specifically about the pilot episode of the Lone Gunman and its story. Which regards elements within the US government...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42266 Views
Philosophy Forum
i do follow what i feel, and i do know within myself that there is something beyond death. but i cant help but question just about everything. all to often i see people going blindly through life so s...
THREAD Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301134 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Bob Yow Z: I've been drawing all my life, my sister is an art teacher, so I get a lot of tips from her...then I've taken a lot of classes for Photoshop and drawing/watercolor or just sketchi...
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