Tagged > Protests around the world |
Do we really exist?
31 Posts • 19126 Views Philosophy Forum |
yes, thats wat I m saying about our 'awareness' arising because of what takes place in this world. Quite simply, if you had no thoughts, you wouldn't have any feeling of 'me',... |
PoetryWorship the Sun! Worship Love!
1 Posts • 2116 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Sun
I reach up over the sky
I grab at your thoughts
I smash the world
I wrestle the phrases of poetry into rivers of enigmas that fall all over you
I discover all the hallucinations and dizzy... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20397 Views Religion Forum |
And where does this duty come from? Who or what ordains it?
For me, it comes from my understanding upon what human life is, its value and what my responsibilities are in relation to it. And I belie... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42147 Views Religion Forum |
Life is suffering and joy. We try to increase joy and decrease suffering, hopefully for others as well as ourselves. If you could chose between pain and pleasure, you would likely always ch... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20397 Views Religion Forum |
By allowing abortions you are simply telling the world that they have no need for responsibility.
Not necessasarily. (I refer you to my previous post) Personaly, i don't see abortion as right... |
3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9941 Views Philosophy Forum |
exactly these "3 types of people" catagories are too braod, every person in the world falls into all three, but you can get used to a cetain way, however which can CHANGE either from people... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42266 Views Philosophy Forum |
It's not so much a "completely different" existence... it's an existence that co-exists with this one. It's just not one that we, for the most part, are aware of from this rea... |
SocietyI am of society and not society per say.
15 Posts • 4171 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is a simple answer to this, a simple reason as to why humanity acts this way.
Both of you are more than double my age, so you may be tempted to dismiss what I have to offer to this discussio... |
EconomyEducate Yourself About Money
34 Posts • 10009 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Who makes it, who controls it, and why everyone including our governments are in debt.
Familiarize yourself with the term Usury.
It doesn't have to be this way, we can change it, but we hav... |
Society & SociologySides....Opinions....Stuff....
4 Posts • 2585 Views Psychology Forum |
Groups are not the only things... as I said, analysis of the science (observations of our natural environment) provide a basis for accurate opinions.
Hmn...I'm just wondering but what if our... |
RelationshipsShe doesn't want to call it love.
6 Posts • 3180 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
No reason to throw around the world love if you're in a physical relationship. Something you might start throwing around before you ask her to marry you. In my high school days it was ALMOST a re... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43983 Views Religion Forum |
"As opposed to Christian Europe? Christian Spain? Even "Christian America" has spent a lot of its time exterminating natives."
Yes as opposed to Europe.
Exterminating Indians... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21777 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
OK now we are getting somewhere. The only thing I would dispute is Jerusalem because I believe it would be too dangerous to either State. Jerusalem has had a majority Jewish population since the Ameri... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42147 Views Religion Forum |
He gave us the freedom to enter heaven. Yes indeed. What a wonderful self sacrifice.......and ordeal he went thru for all of us. Strange I heard it in a different light?
That Jesus could have had th... |
ConspiracyConspiracy Confessions
29 Posts • 11228 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i dont want it in the hands of a few men operating secretly, i thought i made that point clear. i would like our world run by a sizable organization of people which is constantly watched and scrutiniz... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42147 Views Religion Forum |
I fully agree that there is a God far above our understanding. But why so negative? If you personaly are in suffering (sickness/hunger/homeless) I feel for you. But if you have access to make a post I... |
DepressionI don't think I will ever be happy
5 Posts • 18557 Views Psychology Forum |
I relate very much to your story, tlh20120.
I also have spent my entire life depressed. I don't like it here, in this world. I never have. I've tried every "treatment" there is,... |
War & TerrorismNothing but terrorism
5 Posts • 2832 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Remember when there was more to politics than battling terrorism? How about granting economic opportunities? Increasing literacy? Finding better sources of energy? Decresing the rate of rape and abuse... |
13 Posts • 3725 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thanks for your comments. I don't believe in reincarnation cos what happens if the world is destroyed by an asteroid tomorrow. Not much to come back to huh!.
Evolution and creation can go hand i... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20397 Views Religion Forum |
When you see abortion as murder, you will never see it as acceptable.
As for me, I don't see it as murder, though emotionally traumatic for the mother to be, I don't see it as murder.... |
SocietyMcDonaldization taking over the world
5 Posts • 5625 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There's an underlying assumption that everything Western is better than anything else. This assumption's been around since the Imperial Age. As long as this assumption continues to take root... |
Society & SociologySides....Opinions....Stuff....
4 Posts • 2585 Views Psychology Forum |
I had something writen out but I got logged off.....*dead*
And I simply don't remember what exactly I wanted to say....But I remember some questions.
Are groups the only things that affect/dete... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12646 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Of course, I think everyone is brainwashed you arrogant fuck. Thats what I keep saying, we don't have access to the truth of anything. Your denial of this is your own undoing as well as tha... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"I think everyone would appreciate it if you avoided personal insults to back up your claims."
Well, take a look here:
"Oh wait, I just noticed you're from Texas. Nevermind, ther... |
Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8938 Views Philosophy Forum |
Alright, based on what I've read in the philosophy section, some of you have a pretty good grip on philosophy and the world around you. I'd like to pose some questions that I will contribute... |