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 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
"what is the soul" I think its kinda like silly putty or something, I know it comes in an egg, or was that just panty hose and Mork from Ork? Nanoo nanoo.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 51yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that thoughtmanifest is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Angel, you asked a while back what I meant by us choosing our lives... I'll try to explain how I see it. We are not just the physical forms that we can see with our eyes. There is a part of us that lives beyond our physical reality, our soul, our consciousness. It is always connected to the non physical realm and goes back to that realm after our physical form dies. I'm going to call it, for the sake of this discussion, the energetic realm, although I'm not sure that truly captures what it represents. So after we die physically, our consciousness goes back to the energetic realm to look back at the life just lived. Each life is specifically laid out in order for us to learn the lessons we need to learn in that life. We cross over and analyse that which we learned, didn't learn, experienced, etc. and plan our next life according to what we missed, what our next "step" in evolution is, etc. The ultimate goal of every soul or consciousness is to evolve into a state of awareness or enlightenment. So, if we learn our lessons in one life, we can move onto the next step, one step closer to enlightenment. This is how some people explain the idea of karma. We live one life as a "perpatrator" of some kind, then the next life we need the alternate perspective so we choose a life as a "victim" in one form or another. Or we can choose to die at birth, be miscarried, die early on in life because whatever we need to learn can be achieved in that short time. If we can keep this in perspective with some sort of knowledge of how many lives each soul or consciousness lives, one life is, in really the blink of an eye in the big picture. So before we come back to the physical form for another "go round" we choose our parents, our location, our siblings, and some circumstances about our life to best support that which we come here to do in that particular life. We can also choose a life of "unknown". For example, being born to a mother who is more likely to give us up for adoption, therefore a life of "unknown", not knowing who our parents are going to be or what our life is going to be like. The possibilities are endless. There is one thing that at least most souls know before they enter this realm and that is when they are going to do. So if our parents die at a young age, we knew that as well before we coming here, part of what we need to learn. The other thing is that once we get here we can change our "path" along the way if need be. Our consciousness or soul stays connected to the energetic realm throughout our lives, where the higher understanding or state of awareness exists, so we are in constant "counsel" regarding our "path" and the circumstances in our life that supports or doesn't support our planned lessons. That's how I see it.
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"Love everyone, question everything and look up!"
 36yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Angel Of Death is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Yeah, does make sense. Ofcourse, once our physical reality ceases to exist, we become 'one', so how can we then individualy choose. Or maybe, we don't truly become one until we attain enlightnment, by going through thousands of lives.I don't think the 'souls' would actually 'choose' the type of life, there must be some amount of randomness.
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"I'll heal ur woundz I'll set u free, I m jesus christ on xtacy"
 51yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that thoughtmanifest is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I think the idea of "oneness" is more an idea of "connectedness" but that's just my interpretation. Part of us is connected and "the same" as all that is and, obviously when we are not in physical form or connected to the energetic realm we are recognize the oneness more than we do (at least most of us) in physical form but I still think there is a part of us that remains an individual. The closer we get to the universal frequency the more "one" we are but I think we always remain somewhat of an individual entity. I could be wrong though. I personally don't think there is much randomness going on. Even when we are in a car accident or something that happens "suddenly", there is a part of us that knows we are putting ourselves into that situation. There is a part of us that knows and chooses to go into such situations or to avoid it, turn right instead of left or whatever. That is where intuition comes in. Like if we are about to get on a bus with a guy who has a bomb, our "higher self" is operating on the same plane (plain?) as his higher self, therefore we know, on a level, that he has a bomb and "choose" to get on the bus or not. This is why I don't believe in the whole concept of victim/perpetrator... we are all co-creators in this illusion we call reality.
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"Love everyone, question everything and look up!"
 38yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Angelfire is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Unsubstantiated rubbish.
 51yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that thoughtmanifest is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
In your opinion... The only way you could ever know for sure if my perspective is a valid one is if you had lived my life and experienced what I have experienced, which is obviously impossible, so judgements like that are, to say the least, unfair. You may never know for sure.
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"Love everyone, question everything and look up!"
 38yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Angelfire is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Why present an opnion if only your experiences contribute towards it? If no one else has had these magical experiences, what is more likely, that the rest of the world is wrong or that you are insane?
 36yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Angel Of Death is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
look, nothing is absolutly certain, niether is something absolutly false. TM, why do u beleive we 'choose', what makes u think so.
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"I'll heal ur woundz I'll set u free, I m jesus christ on xtacy"
 38yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Angelfire is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Of course not, but these beliefs use have a dozen words without coherent definitions. They are effectively meaningless beliefs, more sentimental then real, a dream world set in the minds of the believer. The sad part is that even the believer does not know what the hell he believes, he only knows the empty words he says.
 44yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Vegeto is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Okay, TM, I think I understand your theory, and I cannot 'disprove' it. However, not being able to disprove something doesn't necessarily prove that particular something, so I won't take your word for it, but your point of view is valid, and you explained your theory very well. One thing I don't see is, how would knowledge from this existence be transferable to a completely different 'soul' or 'energy' existence. The idea of attaining enlightenment for our pure 'soul' form doesn't seem right to me because I think the pursuit of enlightenment is usually driven by the desire to rid yourself of the burdens of the physical world, to re-enter the more pure 'soul' existence. If so, then entering the physical world would be like taking up smoking, so you can learn to quit smoking. I might have some things confused though.... And pleas do correct me if I misunderstood you.... Also, I guess you wouldn't mind it if I smack you around and spit on you to teach you one of those lessons you want to learn so much.... 
 51yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that thoughtmanifest is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
It's not so much a "completely different" existence... it's an existence that co-exists with this one. It's just not one that we, for the most part, are aware of from this reality perspective. I agree that when one attains enlightenment they no longer need this physical world but experiencing our particular reality is something that some need to "master" in order to reacher higher levels of understanding.
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"Love everyone, question everything and look up!"
 51yrs • M • 
Wakingyawn is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
After reading I am throughly sad, I have particular fondness for Einsteins early theories. Your compulsive want is what is driving this discussion my question is which dimension is driving replys on a postcard.
 36yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Angel Of Death is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Exactly TM. This form of existance is neccesary for Reality(I d rather not say God because of the pre concieved notions) to experiance itself. If the entire world were blue, would there be such a thing as blue? There have to be other colours for us to be aware of blues existance. There is no right withought wrong, no good withought bad, no love withought pain. Along the evolution chain awareness of this world slowly increases. The Amobea is hardly aware of anything, the ant is aware of something, the cat is aware of it's surroundings, and we humans, are miracously aware of ourselves, we have the capability to be aware of true reality. And no Vegeto, this reality shouldn't be compared to a 'ciggeratte'. There is nothing bad about this world. Once you wake up to see what life truly is like, then life becomes a wonder for you. Life becomes like a 'ciggarette' when you live it unconcious of its true nature, of its beauty, of its reality. AngelFire, going by what you say, you don't beleive in Jesus, The Buddha, Prophet Muhammad, and God knows how many others?....because they all were enlightned beings. So you see, we are not the only nutcases around here. The 'power of now' written by ekhart Tolle is an international best seller. Now I assume that those millions who have brought his and so many other spiritual books must be nutcases too? And many of these nutcases are at peace, and unimaginabley happy, while the 'sane' ones constantly fight, murder and what not. quote: The sad part is that even the believer does not know what the hell he believes, he only knows the empty words he says.
Who said anything about believing? If you 'believe' in spirituality, you'll surely be mislead. Spirituality has got very little to do with peoples current concept of religion. Vegeto, there's no point in you to try thinking about this in a logical way: don't try to think that 'there is a seperate spiritual realm, made of energy, perhaps another unvierse or dimension' etc. And no, there's no need to 'rid yourself of this world', all you need to do is become aware of who you truly are. If you have answered 'who am I', you have attanined enlightment. The buddha, Jesus, all realized who, or what they truly were.
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"I'll heal ur woundz I'll set u free, I m jesus christ on xtacy"
 40yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
It's been awhile since I've been here. Not to "up" on this thread, but I have an opnion. I think alot of people do not realize that our soul is not the "real" us. Think about this logically. If we are souls (with or without bodies). Then we have no experince. Which is very important to the "us" because as most have said, and agreed to we are a "product of experince. The real us rather, is the complete product of soul, and body. Because without the body we would have no experience. The soul rather would be labeled as the eternal part of "us". Even God (if he exist or doesn't) is more than just a "soul". God is all experience too. A better way to explain this is to say that haveing wisdom is different from useing wisdom. In the bible Salamon was said to be the wisest man ever to live, yet God still took his kingdom away because of his "sins". In short we might know that fire is hot, yet still touch it anyway's. This is were I prove that our souls exist outside of experince and since this is so, then the indivdual "me" is more that just soul. But rather a mix of experince and conciness or "soul" if you prefer. Thus our beleifs that baby's have souls even though they have no experience in life. And we all have heard that "It takes time to find who "you" are in life".
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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
What is the soul? - Page 13 |