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THREAD Tragedy and Comedy
1 Posts • 3088 Views
Philosophy Forum
I was at a comedy club last night, having consecutive pints of Guinness and watching an adequately amusing comedian. He was actually pretty good until he started into impressions *puke*. Anyway, he ha...
THREAD ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5582 Views
Religion Forum
Of free will, fear and God. I was reading into Spinoza(first timer) today and he has an outlook on this that in some places coincides with Decius's thoughts. What I basically understood of him is...
THREAD SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
First, no I hadn't done any math. Second, they were trying to take 126,000 according to wiki Third, the lost revenue due to tax laws isn't calculated. Fourth, the lost revenue and taxes u...
THREAD Basic Friend, What are the Fundamental Trusts?
2 Posts • 2930 Views
Philosophy Forum
What does a friend expect of himself? And you? Between two people, expressed and implied 'contracts' structure cooperative, supportive relationships where goods, services and intangibles, ( like emoti...
THREAD SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4421 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What facts do you feel are in dispute? So far I've primarily heard you make generalized and unfocused complaints about the behavior of and information provided by, others. While simultaneousl...
THREAD SocietyMillenial Generation...
2 Posts • 4713 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Also known as Generation Z, according to strauss and howe, those born from about 1981 to 2000. i was reading some stuff about generations and how their general attitudes are effected by their surround...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views
Religion Forum
Thank you for your warm welcome and the thought you gave to what I wrote. Now to address your input... In respect to the OPs question, you answered that, pretty much by admitting that you needed to...
THREAD PerceptionDoes what you want exist?
7 Posts • 3433 Views
Psychology Forum
Does what you want exist? I guess part of this comes down to seeing something in a certain circumstance as tangible (eg. It has already happened for someone else) or as possible (eg. Certain parts...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39617 Views
Philosophy Forum
These are the trappings of indoctrinated minds. It was my own sexual "abuse" that led me to my revelations. As sex is not abuse unless forced. Being too young to know the difference is key....
THREAD Weight Loss10 Things you should Know about Exercise
3 Posts • 2471 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
10 THINGS YOU SHOULDN'T BELIEVE WHEN IT COMES TO EXERCISE AND WEIGHT LOSS There is a lot of misunderstanding, sometimes even deception, and all that many times leads people to misbelieve about exe...
THREAD Starcraft 2 (no, NOT Starcraft Ghost)
12 Posts • 3355 Views
Talk Talk
The Rise and Fall of a Blizzard Fanboi I know because Blizzard is so hugely succseful and loved these days, Im probably not going to be very popular for this post. But I have had this inside me for...
THREAD ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3232 Views
Religion Forum
Hey Tazzlyn, no problem healthy debate is always a positive step. For the first question, as I said the ultimate decision is of course made by God. But having read the Bible I think there is suffi...
THREAD South African Survey 10 Questions for Reasearch Essay, Athenee Luxembourg
1 Posts • 3585 Views
Talk Talk
I am a student at the English section, Athenee de Luxembourg. My mother is posting this for me, I am 16 years old. I am hoping you may decide or connect me to other South Africans willing to help me...
THREAD Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5996 Views
Philosophy Forum
Iron, the writing's bad my fault. Theres only so much reading and such one can do to help this. Communicating thoughts is one of my weak points (Again I am trying to improve this). Quote &q...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42428 Views
Religion Forum
"If u don't think God exist, then i got one thing to say to u: that's, u have to ask urself how u came to existance, how come u sleep and wake up the next morning, how do u breathe, loo...
9 Posts • 4153 Views
Philosophy Forum
TO: squarepants Ah, work mates, they do ask some thought provoking questions. It should be noted that 'Death' and 'Life' are an UNKNOWN. It's not possible to 'know' what this existence is (or...
THREAD SocietyAtlas Shrugged a Cynical Review
28 Posts • 9375 Views
Philosophy Forum
We need a Social Democracy, not a Democratic Socialism system, and not an ideological one a practical one, Step One Nationalize the Fed, its a bullshit system that has the government paying interest...
THREAD DepressionDepression
6 Posts • 3466 Views
Psychology Forum
When I get upset about something, no matter what it is, I get upset about everything. It's like every negative thought is a snowball rolling down a mountain. If I'm upset about losing a Star...
THREAD BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15224 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I think measuring an animals' sociability, I think, has little to do with /how/ it can socialize with other members of its species, because some may choose not to use those mediums. Humans are...
64 Posts • 19308 Views
Philosophy Forum
"This depends on how much credibility you attribute to it. What legitimacy I accredit it does not affect your beliefs." i credit it as symbolism- and the fact that it exists with no label...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62756 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
So no one here feels any information from this or any of the number of other private citizen investigations, films, lawsuits, and all of their questions and concerns don't merit some serious inve...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60674 Views
Philosophy Forum
TO: zakary6 Last Login: 10:50 am - April 6, 2005 DATE OF POST (Topic Thread): Why Do We Exist? 10:42 am - April 6, 2005 Well, after all these years zakary6, your topic thread 'Why Do We Exi...
THREAD Are all Philisophical minds elitists?
37 Posts • 9525 Views
Philosophy Forum
Am I an elitist? An intellectual is not synonymous with an elitist mentality. Intellectuals have an afinity for the "Facts" and the details because they know intellectual power is de...
THREAD EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12453 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
We need a Social Democracy, not a Democratic Socialism system, and not an ideological one a practical one, Step One Nationalize the Fed, its a bullshit system that has the government paying interest...
THREAD Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5996 Views
Philosophy Forum
The thing i fear is a world full of children who are taught things to early. How would you possibly know what is too early, I see a world where people try so hard to hide things from kids that the...
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