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South African Survey 10 Questions for Reasearch Essay, Athenee Luxembourg |
I am a student at the English section, Athenee de Luxembourg. My mother is posting this for me, I am 16 years old. I am hoping you may decide or connect me to other South Africans willing to help me by taking a survey of South Africa feeling of changes over the years. I am working on a research question for an essay, and would like to "interview" by having you complete a 10 question survey. Anonymously and easily online, just your thoughts and opinions. The research question is: How does our beliefs, knowledge and race change our notion of justice? or rephrased, To what extent does our beliefs about justice change in relation to what we believe to be true. Would it be different for increased knowledge or race? I am happy to forward you the questions by email if you prefer. If you could just answer the questions, typing your answer/reply underneath, preferably in bold or color or font, that is all you need to do. This is anonymous only, and not meant to incite any form of race issues or ideas. It is just for research for my essay requirements, I will use the statistics from the collation of the answers and will perhaps quote or paraphrase if necessary for my essay content. It is only meant to gather info as to the PERCEIVED personal opinions under differing circumstances, ie. to note if the opinions have been changed since Apartheid and government regime differences. The research question asks if increased knowledge, in this case hindsight relating to the South African struggles of Apartheid, changed the persons feelings about what justice is. Further, would justice be perceived differently from a racial perspective. Otherwise is right always right, is wrong always wrong. The research question is: How does our beliefs, knowledge and race change our notion of justice? or rephrased, To what extent does our beliefs about justice change in relation to what we believe to be true. Would it be different for increased knowledge or race? THERE ARE NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS, and this help will increase my knowledge about South African history and enable me to complete my essay with real examples. 1. Define justice from your point of view. (Include a mention as to if you are a White South African or Black South African) 2. Why would a black/white south African agree or disagree with you? 3. Does the cultural heritage aspect matter? (For example what you are taught, you believe until you have further knowledge?) 4. Would you agree that a person is influenced by their perceptions of truth, regardless of the reality? 5. Have you ever changed your opinion of Justice based on increased knowledge of a situation. Give an example. 6. Do you feel the Truth and Reconciliation Commitee (TRC) as helped Africa heal as it was designed to do? 7. Were you shocked at some outcomes of the TRC? What is your thoughts on Amnesty and would you say it is justice? Do you think race would make a difference in public opinion as to the justness of the outcomes. 8. Do you think there is still injustice in Africa? Comment specifically on the white farmers being displaced under the new regime. 9. How is justice (or injustice) different since the newly elected ANC leadership who took over power in 1994? 10. Please comment on the history/fairness of what happened to Nelson Mandela. 11. Final thoughts or comparisons, ideas, etc ? Difference of opinion etc etc. Thank you so much for your time. It is greatly appreciated.