Human Nature & EmotionEmotional Intelligence
23 Posts • 6706 Views Philosophy Forum |
ok sure, I can admit that I'm wrong. But I don't think I consider myself a philosopher. "Philosopher" is a box. Why would you put yourself in a box? Along with "stupid",... |
Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26733 Views Religion Forum |
My ass do my professors even present the most widely-accepted "conceptions."
And you know this how? Have you done personal studies on religion or asked those who practice religion? |
Society & SociologyDeath Penalty?
16 Posts • 7901 Views Psychology Forum |
not everyone may want to change, but no one has the ability to foresee whether a person will want to or not. and even if they do change or have remorse for what they did, even if it was something terr... |
Emotions & FeelingsScared of death
6 Posts • 3042 Views Psychology Forum |
It upsets me in the manner of no longer living with my wife and just plain living. I think I am at the absolute happiest I have ever been in my personal life and I am so afraid of it ending.
Over t... |
I need help
1 Posts • 1905 Views Talk Talk |
yeah i know this is a personal blog site but i need help with microsoft exchange 2003
we are having problems send emails over dif exchange serves
but intrasite emails are working(mailboxes on the sa... |
Science vs ReligionThe "What if I'm Right?" Argument
0 Posts • 1274 Views Religion Forum |
Talk to me in 20yrs about how the world works and how judgemental people are..When you talk about wanting to belong to community if mean church, they seem to alwys downing others...family rituals ? ou... |
Kallenites, x-liberals, and Neocons, oh my!
19 Posts • 7263 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If that story is true and you are who you say you are, then I apologize.
As a matter of personal integerty, I generally don't lie.
I don't like being lied to or decieved by others so I d... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16826 Views Religion Forum |
ive grown up in a christian home. but i was taught more philosophies than anything else. my parents are methodists, most of my extended family is protestant.
i know there is something after death.... |
Reality & MetaphysicsHandbook For A New Paradigm
17 Posts • 16741 Views Philosophy Forum |
'There is a personal decision that must be reached by each individual that chooses to become involved in this project. It must be understood that once the commitment is made, it will change their pers... |
GovernmentKatrina and Bush
0 Posts • 3964 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I just recently joined Veterans For Peace - Never heard of them until Cindy Sheehan.
But they're working with Michael Moore on Hurricane relief and doing a heck of a job.
Here'e an art... |
Traped In Civilisation
13 Posts • 3661 Views Philosophy Forum |
i never said that anyone would want to follow in it, if i actually wanted to do that. When i say that i would want to leave and i hate everything that society has then of course that means away from h... |
Law & GovernmentCan law and justice be maintained without religion
21 Posts • 7941 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can it? What do you think?
In my personal opinion I believe humans are to full of themselves and to arragont to live in a world without something they can put their absolute faith into... But possi... |
ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5582 Views Religion Forum |
I would believe and pray to Jesus if he provided me even just personal proof.
Did Jesus, when you prayed to him, provide you with undeniable or near undeniable proof (if only to yourself) that he e... |
Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8543 Views Psychology Forum |
We can either be on the defense or not, and it truly is a personal preference
I disagree. I mean, if by personality, you mean an insecure person who is afraid of everything emotional, than yes, per... |
Human Nature & EmotionOptimism VS happiness
13 Posts • 14187 Views Philosophy Forum |
Optimism is, in my view, pretty much synonymous with "hope" -- the optimist is hopeful that the future will be either better or at least no worse than the present. Hope is a fundamental comp... |
GovernmentEnd Welfare for the Rich!
4 Posts • 2604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
LoL racist? In what way?
All I said was that their own people are killing themselves 1000/1 compared to drones.
Also you are acting like a child. I've said NOTHING racist.
If you think c... |
God in ReligionGod's Behavior
32 Posts • 8701 Views Religion Forum |
personal truth
Indeed yes. There is no absolute universal truth. |
Relationships & LoveSome of the women I've loved...
0 Posts • 1895 Views Psychology Forum |
It could be all so simple..But you'd rather make it hard.
Loving you is like a battle, and we both end up with scars.
Tell me, who I have to be..
To gain some reciprocity.
See, no one lov... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25221 Views Talk Talk |
i hope you get as much of a kick out of that game as i have. i find the anal probe to be especially funny, and some of the weapon upgrades are awesome... not funny, but awesome.
summitsolo - the PS... |
What is the nature of man?
40 Posts • 10748 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that human nature is divided into three equal parts: good, neutral, and evil and that is what we're born into. The neutral part is where environment and personal choices comes into play.... |
Life & DeathYour outlook on life
9 Posts • 11231 Views Philosophy Forum |
recently I have had a personal revolation, i have found having a positive outlook makes positive things happen, its a miracle but it works. Once i lessnd the depression things have been better, sure t... |
Religion & HumanityHow come the transition for polytheism to monotheism?
16 Posts • 10125 Views Religion Forum |
DazedNconfused. I think that when LittleJohn and I spoke of primitive man, we are not thinking the Aztecs. I was thinking more like 20,000 or 30,000 years earlier. Bare foot hunter. The Aztecs were a... |
Why try to understand what we can't change?
18 Posts • 5565 Views Talk Talk |
We question because we are curious. We are highly sophisticated organsisms. The "great mysteries" become topics of personal research. With an open mind, answers (or reasons) can be obtained... |
GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24618 Views Philosophy Forum |
im kinda an agnostic atheist, we could all in some kind of "matrix" or artificially created world in which case there is a god or gods controlling it, but a more likely case for god would be... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Every now and again I like to come in and reintroduce myself so here goes.
I've been coming to UG for just over a year now. I have recently become an admin for General Discussion and Joke, Lin... |