Science vs ReligionReligion AND Science/ Relgion OR Science
6 Posts • 3358 Views Religion Forum |
"To insist that the world is meaningful at its deepest level only if it is animated by the self-same personal, indubitably HUMAN principles that govern our own personal lives seems to me to be am... |
God in Religionwhy is there no God
4 Posts • 2606 Views Religion Forum |
oh well let play devils advocate. Literally.
1 they believe science has explained away god. some 'expert' has said this and so they believe it. (surprising conclusion given the number of... |
How do we know?
60 Posts • 16510 Views Philosophy Forum |
hello again, i do believe in a god as i have said before. when you ask god for things like strength, and support do you actually think he is the one giving it to you. angel you said that studies show... |
Discussion Etiquette and General Forum Rules
14 Posts • 174631 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
Utter courtesy must be extended at all times (public and private) when interacting with Captain Cynic administrators. Whilst Captain Cynic is a free service for all of its users - the provision of tha... |
Relationships & LoveForgiveness
8 Posts • 3261 Views Psychology Forum |
Forgiveness and the ability to forgive is a blessing. It is a blessing in that it makes you feel better and yes also the people around you better and happier. HOWEVER!! It can be seen also as a curse.... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34715 Views Talk Talk |
In my opinion no, rap nor any other medium provokes violence, if the music tells people to go out and shoot people there is room for examination.
I tend to feel that passionate music or media can s... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51798 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok, lets look at this, how would you feel if a family member or spouse is or was the prostitute. Or your kid decided to become one. That's an emotional argument often made that makes more sense i... |
What is the nature of man?
40 Posts • 10746 Views Philosophy Forum |
What difference does it make? I personally have not travelled the world that doesn't mean that I think there is no where else but where I live. I have learned what I needed to about some other re... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160030 Views Talk Talk |
I'm in love with my personal massager;) |
4 Posts • 2527 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
My personal favorite song.
Ich Will |
Conditon of the average American
36 Posts • 9094 Views Philosophy Forum |
agreed without all the personal slander aye. |
48 Posts • 12651 Views Talk Talk |
Again, did you read what I quoted? I quoted my self, claiming to have lied to my daughter. Did I say I gave her a white lie? No, I believe my exact words were....BIG FAT LIE. ;)
There are different... |
99 Posts • 21718 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well don't forget to take credit for your own rather strong ability to take things out of context. Cturtle knows he can be hard to understand, so context issues are a given, Astarte mention she m... |
DrugsChew on this..
14 Posts • 4877 Views Psychology Forum |
its just that, something like that is very personal...do things like that happen to all serious stoners? |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46376 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
thank u ultima, i luv u
personal experience
now wot can u say 2 dat.
*roll* |
SocietyIs Misandry acceptable.
2 Posts • 2189 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What is your personal motive/interest behind asking this question? |
110 Posts • 24283 Views Religion Forum |
Religious: yes. Christian: no. To me religion is personal. |
Sexual PsychologyLoss of Virginity
33 Posts • 15329 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
THANK YOU!!! finally someone who can see things for what they are and not only their own personal views. |
Riddles & PuzzlesSolve Buriden's Ass
6 Posts • 3967 Views Philosophy Forum |
AgentChaos, The argument about freewill is an age old philosophical one. If there is freewill, then you cannot have prophesy, prediction, nor a deterministic universe. Therefore a most of the world... |
A Few More Concepts...
1 Posts • 1692 Views Talk Talk |
The Universe never started… The mind never stops…
The Universe must have always been here, and the mind is eternal in it's nature (through things like memory)… It could be said that... |
the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18457 Views Talk Talk |
This is the most contributing and my personal favorite thread on the whole forum! |
The Smashing Pumpkins
5 Posts • 2184 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Disarm (Personal Fav)
1979 (This should get an award for inventing the T.P. Cam) |
captain cynic
7 Posts • 3129 Views Talk Talk |
Well, personally, I wouldn't be as happy here if we weren't allowed to be human.
And I am quite fond of the notion that I can even relate to the head admin on such a personal and exposin... |
Ethics & MoralityWhat do you say?
4 Posts • 3050 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ethics of euthanasia? My personal opinion is that we should have the right to choose to die without suffering. |
Things That Bother Me
27 Posts • 7734 Views Talk Talk |
maybe im not seeing something, but that scenario appears to be impossible.
if you arent at your own personal best, you will end up doing more harm to others as well as yourself. |