Life & DeathLife on other planets?Yes ot No
9 Posts • 3191 Views Philosophy Forum |
I just want to see some opinions on this subject or some evidence on why or why not. My personal opinion is Yes there is,the universe is like never-ending right... so what makes us think our one small... |
StoriesA Short Story By Awakendwraith
12 Posts • 4491 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
u must form your own vision about the most fundamental things in life...religion,death,personal relationships...and ur vision must be solid.this (does not mean that it must not change but it can impro... |
ElectionsWelcome to the Future
0 Posts • 325 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Propaganda? How about expressing personal opinion and preference?
Do you have an issue with the information or Ron Paul. Do you have a political dissagreement? Were you even interested in some form... |
Dragon Ball Z music videos
10 Posts • 2632 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A couple of my personal favs... and might I redirect you back to this thread: http://captaincynic.com/thread /62410/anime-music-videos.htm
1. DMX - Party Up
2. Mortal Kombat Theme |
SpiritualityWhat happens after we die?
35 Posts • 10989 Views Religion Forum |
the differences in attractions, like teen said, is dependant on tons of variables (infinite most likely), from form to function, to what you are used to what makes you feel good, to your personal opin... |
16 Posts • 18749 Views Talk Talk |
you should maybe wait a bit longer till you really know as i got mine when i was real younge and i kinda regret it its a tazmanian devil its cute but now im older i wish it was more mature and cool.Iv... |
GovernmentPro Communism in America
14 Posts • 18446 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Communism to me is essentially leaders leading a people but pretending not to be. Capitalism is the same but the leaders don't pretend. And on that basis, there is more truth in capitalism. Its j... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThinking It Through
9 Posts • 2947 Views Philosophy Forum |
No, not inspired by Matrix or Matrix thread...
It also wasn't really a God post either...
It was more, the idea that something is better when it is more personal. Also, that something is done... |
Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24192 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yup i agree the Matrix Trilogy really got me thinking along those lines, even although i had been having similar thoughts before,the Matrix just clarified it.
Also the Terminator Films. The conclusi... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60674 Views Philosophy Forum |
I only know someone needs me. For love, for fun, for help, for support, for understanding. We are meant for each other. I am forbidden to give up.
As to "beauty, order, knowledge, intelligence,... |
1st Birthday
7 Posts • 4205 Views Talk Talk |
Cowgirl, I posted the new bundles of joy in another thread, but I can't remember where.
I unfortunately will not post pictures of him for certain personal reasons, but he is a cutie and looks... |
What do you think?
1 Posts • 2737 Views Jokes & Games |
Do you have something to say about the state of American society? We'd love to hear your opinion on current political issues! Go to (http://www-personal.umich.edu /~rachanne/survey.htm) to complete a f... |
18 Posts • 5726 Views Talk Talk |
Chiron, I understand your concern about attracting negativity toward myself but I have never been one to put up with anyone's crap, even when I was little heh. I thrive on human interaction thoug... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51799 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
And who has the right to tell people not to do something that not only doesn't hurt them, so therefore is not a threat, but is actually something that concenting ADULTS want to do.
What crite... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39739 Views Science & Technology Forum |
i didn't say it improves with age, i said grown up don't really get them as much, or atleast they don't get the most common kind of deja vu, deja vu vecu, as much as teenagers do.
and... |
ElectionsWhat's going to happan next
12 Posts • 3761 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Picked up this from suspect bin so it is a little old news & may have been stated else where: The Pentagon announced just this summer it has been collecting and using data-including such sensitive... |
If someone can help
2 Posts • 1753 Views Philosophy Forum |
You should find somebody that you can have direct physical contact with to teach you. After all, the basic principles of zen Buddhism are centralized around physical experiences. I'm not ordained... |
Child & Family PsychologyWhy won't they listen?
7 Posts • 3611 Views Psychology Forum |
ahhhh oops I forgot to add in that 2 and 5 applied to myself ^__^;; I was kinda speaking from personal experience
but yess, my last year in high school I saw an amazinggg rise in class clowns and t... |
Emotions & FeelingsAn Emotion Theory
8 Posts • 22042 Views Psychology Forum |
JHuber, did you create those definitions and that diagram yourself or is there another source?
Whether you created it or not, what is your personal stance towards this theory? Do you subscribe to... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22665 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The only thing Kerry did wrong was to become a Democrat. If he had been Republican, you'de all be calling him a hero.
If is a shame that we are unable to judge facts for facts without personal... |
GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12282 Views Philosophy Forum |
Both god and individual
You have a personal prospective. What you are perceiving is god including yourself.
The only logical first question would be "why?"
And without an answer st... |
Atheism & AgnosticismScared to be atheist
22 Posts • 6313 Views Religion Forum |
Only if you hide that fact. To be hypocritical you'd have to be dishonest or duplicitous regarding your personal values and the way they mismatch your actions and life style.
Still it's w... |
Personal satisfaction
4 Posts • 2632 Views Philosophy Forum |
What or when would you look at yourself in the mirror and be satisfied with yourself?
I believe we are successful when you can look at your situation and standing and say, 'I'm content.'
What a... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views Philosophy Forum |
Even without money, you can posess many material goods and personal qualities that others will be envious of. Without money may help the problems, but it won't stop them!
The theory is fantast... |
Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59355 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok. First of all for people who are inherently unpleased with the answer that Life is an end unto itself need Truth. Not relative or personal truth but a more prevalant and universal Truth. This must... |