Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5941 Views Religion Forum |
Hey ChrisD... you responded in such an enlightend way that I had to retort... not "tit-for-tat" and a response still the same...
There has to be made room in any philosophy, (public or pr... |
War & TerrorismA Cry For Help From A Distraught Parent
5 Posts • 3099 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Written to Veterans for Peace
I was thrilled yesterday to wake to an email from Micah. The last correspondence I had from him was the email on Dec. 26. Then 2 guys in his battalion were killed an... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57629 Views Religion Forum |
"SCRIPTURE IS GOD-BREATHED" That is a new term I have not heard. Is this a term you made up or is it in one of the newer translations.
My anger was towards someone else who failed to read... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57629 Views Religion Forum |
Hi! Still waiting for my avatar, lol!
There are many things to comment to here, but I can only summarize to maybe explain the majority.
The idea of man being asexual is certainly a stretch. Th... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51521 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have posted this on another thread but I feel it may fit in better here. I have also expanded on this concept.
Below are a few ideas I have on life, infinite life and the Universe and beyond.... |
1 Posts • 3350 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is brought to you from the Mennonights - the true Christians, who are not afraid of peace.
with the help of
CPT net
3 June 2005
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24866 Views Religion Forum |
This is just my simple opinion on this subject, though I am not as educated as many. Many people believe in god or gods and many believe in coincidence. However both ideas rely on the theory that it i... |
Generation Gaps - Believer / Non-believer?
12 Posts • 2970 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well Mystical Lass - (Sorceress)
As you know not much takes place in a vacumme...
If not, nothing does..
Here's an example of how the government benefits from a negative - (which we sh... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41774 Views Religion Forum |
If romans were worried about christ and christianity then they wouldn't be too fond of Jews either, they are both based off of the laws of abraham and moses. *confused* Rome society (like the USA... |
ConspiracyDid the government create AIDS?
26 Posts • 32126 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.propagandamatrix.co m/multimedia/aids_manmade.html
The Depopulation programme and
the man made origins of the AIDS virus
http://www.boydgraves.c om/
"The 1971 flowchart makes i... |
Genius - How would you know?
13 Posts • 3384 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thank you Ironwood and KG-nonvirgin for engaging in a debate... I truly believe differences are the building blocks of peace, understanding ect. Differences often identify areas where dialogue needs t... |
7 Posts • 3099 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
For a Workers Government!
By Wolf Larsen
The Occupy Wall Street movement has brought a great deal of attention to the fact that a privileged elite is making a class war against the American majority... |
IslamBaghdad Burning
1 Posts • 3139 Views Religion Forum |
http://riverbendblog.blogspot. com/
I remember visiting the mosque several years ago- before the war. We visited Samarra to have a look at the famous 'Malwiya' tower and someone suggested we also vis... |
ChristianityWhat is faith: Why Christianity?
23 Posts • 7960 Views Religion Forum |
From what i know, and i dont pretend to be an expert, most religions preach peace. If this is so then why have so many people died because of their faith.
Because humans are stupid, ignorant, judge... |
Intelligence, Memory & Brainintelligence flaw - Chomsky
5 Posts • 3149 Views Psychology Forum |
To heed your warning of avoiding isms and what not, could you specify what you see as traits of these isms and what you feel are sound arguments against the government and which are not?
Traits of... |
ChristianityVoices in my head
9 Posts • 3955 Views Religion Forum |
Let me say this at this time, you are wise beyond your years.
Quote: "I'll start from the end. I think information is all helpful if it is provided in a truthful manner. That means I have... |
FuturologyNature of Technology?
3 Posts • 3565 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hello everyone, I'm obviously new to the forums here but I'm looking for some ideas/advice. Hopefully some of you can provide me with some insight. Philosophy of Technology: It's Nature... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107302 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Why is alcohol legal, why is marijuana not?
I offhand want to say that in my entire life I have been pretty frequently exsposed to some form of drug or another, and in the cases of marijuana and al... |
Finding Out What I Believe
5 Posts • 2512 Views Philosophy Forum |
This being my first thread, please excuse it if I've placed it in the wrong forums section. I've been lurking around Captain Cynic for a while, and decided I'd come spend a few sleeples... |
How did they accomplish the rarest of military feats?
6 Posts • 3413 Views Philosophy Forum |
How did they accomplish the rarest of military feats?
The people, who made up Israel and considered for centuries to be non fighters, were surrounded on three sides and facing a far superior enemy... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Training Through Singing
1 Posts • 2454 Views Psychology Forum |
I take a breath and pull the air in 'til there's nothing left
I'm feeling green like teenage lovers between the sheets
Ba ba ba ba ...
Knuckles clenched to white as the landing gear r... |
Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23488 Views Philosophy Forum |
"What i reckon is, war is a necessary part of any modern 'civilization'. This is because, with the massive increase in productivity, luxury commodities and leisure time, the human race... |
Basic Friend, What are the Fundamental Trusts?
2 Posts • 2914 Views Philosophy Forum |
What does a friend expect of himself? And you? Between two people, expressed and implied 'contracts' structure cooperative, supportive relationships where goods, services and intangibles, ( like emoti... |
If Santa answered his letters...
1 Posts • 2253 Views Jokes & Games |
Dear Santa,
I wud like a kool toy space ranjur for Xmas. Iv ben good boy all yeer.
Dear Billy,
Nice spelling. You're on your way to being a career lawncare specialist. How... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Unpopular Bush (Bush 2)
Even before Iraq war, the world viewed him a villain already. It was from report of his own State department.
Quote,"Many see Bush as villain, US embassies report... |