Tagged > On the genealogy of morals |
Society & SociologySony has been corupted.
10 Posts • 3237 Views Psychology Forum |
Jack the Crackpot aside, a bible based game is a great idea. there have been several over the years, mostly PC. maybe you dont personally believe in the bible, in which case the game would obviously n... |
Gender PsychologyGirls Suck
16 Posts • 34883 Views Psychology Forum |
Hey, its not just a girl thing. And that post sounded really dirty at first, but alas I am a guy.
Anyway, do you think guys trust eachother?
That's just it, we are so confused and scared o... |
What is the nature of man?
40 Posts • 10744 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe that all religions have equal validity. There i one major problem with that statement, as all religions say that their is no god but their own, so they cannot all have equal validity.
Tho... |
51 Posts • 20004 Views Philosophy Forum |
there are not much people in this world who are honest. most of the people acting fake in diffrent situations.and the reason that people being fake is eitherl for self-interest or probably for survivn... |
Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12103 Views Religion Forum |
conversion is not selfish, but holding your own beliefs, even atheism is not selfish. but belief that you are right and the other person is wrong is. no atheist, follows a system of rules that they cr... |
Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views Psychology Forum |
That's funny....lol. Everybody has a different view of what is sexy, so don't say Slutty is not sexy because you could be right to yourself, but wrong to millions of others.
Next, have yo... |
Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views Psychology Forum |
Would you say Britney Spears is sexy? How about Aquilera? A lot of people DO, otherwise they wouldn't be popular.
So, if you consider them sexy, why is it? Is it their personalities? Their va... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40575 Views Religion Forum |
Some people uphold life in general as beautiful.
They would never intentionally take a life.
To them killing is wrong and arrogant.
Some view life as pain and suffering and wish nothing more but... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40738 Views Psychology Forum |
It may not stop, however there could definately be a decrese in the amount of it. Also, we aren't talking about a complete absence of religion here. It was suggested that religion be decentralize... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43978 Views Religion Forum |
"America does not obey the scriptures. "
The declaration and constitution are not anti-biblical.
"I don't see anyone stoning children for cursing their parents, or anyone bur... |
Emotions & FeelingsThe goodness in humans
0 Posts • 2168 Views Psychology Forum |
Being the type of person I am it made me feel really good to read this thread. I like it when I hear of other people who enjoy doing things for others and who feel good when they does these things. I... |
110 Posts • 24275 Views Religion Forum |
Read the Bible find evidence that proves that it is missing text or contains an error which compromises the story line and then tell me that I am wrong.
A cohesive story line does not validate a st... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50281 Views Religion Forum |
• adjective 1 concerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour and the goodness or badness of human character. 2 conforming to accepted standards of behaviour. 3 psychological ra... |
Undeniable Logic
10 Posts • 4120 Views Philosophy Forum |
Jacker Jones
Yes I agree. However it is possible that some alien :) has given us all false information. Sort of like a Matrix thing. What you speak of, is called universality. Most agree on what we... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotion and Philosophy
4 Posts • 3214 Views Philosophy Forum |
When discussing morals issues such abortion or same sex marriage, can emotional arguments be used? Often people, especially those who are religious, fall back on emotional arguments that are contingen... |
Religion & HumanityReligious Interview
24 Posts • 6634 Views Religion Forum |
If asked I would tell him I used to be Christian. Most of my life up to this point I have been surrounded with Christianity. All I ever knew was Christianity. I was always told Islam and Buddhism and... |
ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12473 Views Religion Forum |
My reply to your ommission of guilt or morals is the same...
You can believe this or not...up to you.
But only you shall know in the end or end times how God will over power the wicked. If your... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67562 Views Philosophy Forum |
ide rather live with money than have more laws projected upon me. using the government as a tool to achieve this no-money society would only further the value of money itself. As usual, laws would hav... |
What is the nature of man?
40 Posts • 10744 Views Philosophy Forum |
"From a religious point of view, good and evil are based on God's values and not ours."
Different religions have very different values. Many if not all of these religions claim that... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I hereby state that I am ignoring all previous posts on this topic in order to answer the original question"
I think everyone believes in free speech, unfortunately, this is only as long... |
ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13716 Views Religion Forum |
hah, yeah =)
i luv to hear differant opinions of religion
There are ups and downs to many
Religion may bring hope, values, and even morals into lives
But it may bring apon arguement, fights, wars,... |
GovernmentLeftwing Fascism...
28 Posts • 7158 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Is slavery concentual, it is trying to be passed as such with shit wages but is not, so hardly."
You wrote: forcing taboos or relgious based morals on people is wrong. By ending slavery... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51788 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Didn't read all of this but
#1. Government can't make money off of it...this is the same reason marijuana and alchohol such as moonshine (if you know what that is) is illegal. Alchohol ha... |
Atheism & AgnosticismO no, Atheism
17 Posts • 7146 Views Religion Forum |
I don't understand why some religious people feel that unless you believe in Jesus, or some specific God you cannot have a sense of morals. The kid with the hat, I doubt he would have killed if h... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15655 Views Philosophy Forum |
What are morals? They are what your parents have taught you to be true. Such as not killing or not stealing. What do not do these because we were taught that they were bad. So then ask "Why"... |