Tagged > Negative conditioning |
Weird ThingsThree weird things you're grateful for.
33 Posts • 10512 Views Talk Talk |
1. That I have a scab on my finger. This means my immune system works.
2. That my mother yells at me when I sleep late. This means she cares for my well-being.
3. That my fingers feel cold. That... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29319 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
All American men and women have this right - no one is being discriminated against unless they violate the conditions of the law.
The reason we have these legal conditions is because society has cer... |
Colours of the RainBow
20 Posts • 7254 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
These are some old photos that i had taken. I had gone to a local store that was doing a promo featuring Miss America who would preside over a "Future Miss America" Pageant. I choose to shoo... |
Relationships & LoveIs there solace in being alone?
8 Posts • 3358 Views Psychology Forum |
I can relate to this since I was in a five year relationship (but its a little little more complicated than that.) and when it ended I too found myself very alone and lost. Since the events are recent... |
12 Posts • 3796 Views Talk Talk |
he doens't no i feel like this, i try to hide it from him, ocz i dont wanna push him away he'll blame himself and then says your better off without him
You must communicate, you first sa... |
Emotions & FeelingsExpressing And Experiencing Spirituality
7 Posts • 3784 Views Psychology Forum |
Look into the law of attraction and power of intention.
You have powers beyond your wildest dreams.
There is a spirit world that you can interact with and do already every time you dream or see... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160023 Views Talk Talk |
i read...a lot
i love cartoons from the 80's
i've overcome a drug addiction
sometimes i look at my boyfriend and think he's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen
my d... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9976 Views Religion Forum |
Ah, yes I see the Bible as a fairly accurate account. If for no other reason than the OT contains both the positive & negative acts in reguard to Jewish Traditions.
As it is highly symbolic, it... |
I had an Idea about everything, I think.
16 Posts • 6580 Views Philosophy Forum |
nice FMPML 976.. i was thinking how everything balances out automaticly,.. and your mentioning of some non human examples supports it... you can call it "will" if you want or something happe... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27263 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
because it is not healthy.
What is unhealthy about it, how does it affect physiological health negatively, emotional? How?
What is unhealty is to such a view for no good reason. Why do YOU fe... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20630 Views Psychology Forum |
my dear "texts on a screen"
it is good to put my thots thru this fire of discussion. all my analysis i do on my own, but when u 'texts-on-a-screen' argue it out, it builds my co... |
Emotions & FeelingsWhat's worth getting angry over?
14 Posts • 7472 Views Psychology Forum |
Whats worth getting angry over?.......Someone hurting my family or someone i care deeply for and carelessness for others people lives. If someone were to say something personally insulting to me i don... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20502 Views Psychology Forum |
Man is a product of his environment . Therefore I believe it is unfortunate if man turns out evil. I see myself as a channel of energies, and if I can take the negative and through me create a positiv... |
OJ Simpson
11 Posts • 5291 Views Talk Talk |
i really want to believe that he is not guilty, id like to think that the system isnt that corrupt. but whenever i think about it, it occurs to me that when most peoples wives/husbands are murdered, t... |
Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7983 Views Philosophy Forum |
The words "missed out" convey a sense of regret for things like opportunities lost. They are not words one would or should use if they did not feel regretful about not having been able to do... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11226 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I know when I use the loaded term belief in this context I'm really looking for a proper term.
Whatever best describes knowledge that you can do something. Whereas the opposite is doubting and... |
DepressionI can't stand being around people anymore!
7 Posts • 29832 Views Psychology Forum |
It sounds as if you are questioning your direction. That happens. It can be good if you are open to the answers you find. But, it could also lead to depression -- not so good.
Some people are more... |
Are kids different because of digital media?
9 Posts • 2770 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Short answer is yes they have changed.
There are good an bad things that have come from digital media.
I wish the internet was around when I was growing up, as I think I would have gotten allot... |
The Chronicles of Riddick
9 Posts • 5070 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I just saw this movie tonight, and enjoyed it greatly. I was expecting just another basic sci-fi action film, but my friends sort of pressured me into seeing it.
I just loved it. I was never bored,... |
Life & DeathYour outlook on life
9 Posts • 11231 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think I live by looking on the brighter side of things, but perhaps you could say that in the very general sense of life, we all have pretty much the same experience whether we have a positive or ne... |
Society & SociologyHumility in Youth
0 Posts • 1300 Views Psychology Forum |
Parents have gone soft. In the old days if a child cursed at school he or she would get whipped on the arm. Now that's considered abuse and personally I think it's phychological effects of o... |
Law & GovernmentShould violent criminals be castrated?
18 Posts • 9921 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think this is common enough confusion.
No one every stopped to consider THE reason for prisons, and everyone seems to have a different idea of why they exist.
1) Reform and Correction.
2) Deterre... |
Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13690 Views Philosophy Forum |
How can you criticize someone for being racist at everyone (including themselves)?
How can you not?
Not all stereotypes are true. Are 900 milliom Muslims terrorist (in the strictly defined way by... |
47 Posts • 14930 Views Philosophy Forum |
> Man has free will
> Life is a series of choices
> Most choices result in some negative outcomes
> Man must follow choices through
> Humans are greedy and manipulative
> Some t... |
Human Nature & EmotionThe greatest emotion of all
37 Posts • 9675 Views Philosophy Forum |
"why must we balance, why not take something as raw as emotion at face value."
Certain emotions may not be balanced yet I think that most emotions can be connected with an opposing emotio... |