Tagged > Negative conditioning |
Society & SociologyLife and Decisions
9 Posts • 3118 Views Psychology Forum |
It is a delusion to blame others for our own situation. We are dependent on caregivers to a certain point... some longer or shorter than others. But there almost always comes a point (certainly for ev... |
Poetrymy poem
12 Posts • 4715 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
There's a difference between 'a little negative feedback' and telling someone that his first poem is crap. I think if I hadn't received good feedback on my first poem or two, I mig... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Morals
8 Posts • 3266 Views Religion Forum |
How do you equate morals and morality with the fact that you have to be a Christian and there has to be a God???
I think every single society that has ever existed and ever will exist will argue wi... |
Emotions & FeelingsSimple Human Emotions
4 Posts • 2769 Views Psychology Forum |
So i was watching a discovery channel special on sex and it said that people like people who are fit because that shows that they are fertile so that got me thinking, if attraction is simply a functio... |
Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23581 Views Philosophy Forum |
worl peace wouldnt be peacful cause too much of anything isnt good.. it would lead to bordom.. unless there was a way that it didnt but that is not how things work in this world.. you NEED "bad&q... |
why continue?
63 Posts • 20689 Views Philosophy Forum |
Her, you asked what a purposeful life is. There are many answers I could give you. I think the vast majority of people born waste their time given to them. And I disdain them for that.
But who is t... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12239 Views Psychology Forum |
Why shouldn't you hate someone who wont let you heal?
I'm going to pre-empt this question from you, because I honestly think this is what you're going to go back to asking me.
My... |
6 Posts • 2758 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"As for negative stereotypes, the Jews have been known to create their own. Everything from their materialistic money mongering to their history of being forcefully removed from so many countries... |
why continue?
63 Posts • 20689 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've pondered that question and come up with a theory.
This may seem negative to some but it does make
a rather sordid kind of argument for life on earth.
I think we are all here as some sort... |
Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 17010 Views Science & Technology Forum |
atomic structure
Internal structure of an =>atom,
1) the nucleus: The core of the atom is the nucleus, a dense body only one ten-thousandth the diameter of the atom itself. The simplest nucl... |
I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8237 Views Talk Talk |
It sounds to me like you're defining your own self worth and capabilties by how other people see you and how much attention you gain from them, thus the negative perception you have of... |
Society & SociologyThe Use of Insult
0 Posts • 915 Views Psychology Forum |
The problem with name calling though is that it is inherently dishonest.
Saying "fuck" to express frustration is not dishonest because it is the manifestation of emotion.
However cal... |
110 Posts • 24283 Views Religion Forum |
i understand the concept of having a 'guilty mentality'. but it isnt ( obviously ) a constant feeling. how do you escape feeling like a sinner? i try totally eliminating any sort of sin in m... |
18 Posts • 5725 Views Talk Talk |
Wyote, I wasn't implying you were in any way negative, or even a push over. But its just that Ive noticed over and over (both in myself and in the younger members of my family) that whenever I fe... |
SocietyThe Source of Idiocy of the Average American
0 Posts • 414 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
lol and yeah decius it scares the hell out of me that all these people literally vote on our elected leaders based on an American Idol Standard of voting where popularity and sell-ability reign suprem... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views Philosophy Forum |
Maybe I'm completely unrealistic, or just being too negative; but it just seems so many things are going in downard trends. I hear about people getting reemed in so many different ways, often peo... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46376 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
On the day of reckoning - it wont be my opinion that will judge others -- But -- the fact that I tried to love others that were diferent others that werent perfect, others will flaws [just ike you and... |
6 Posts • 2758 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In a recent publication of U.S. News and World Report, David Gergen wrote an editorial titled "An Unfair Attack". In the article he issues a rebuttal to an article written by John Mearsheime... |
Life & DeathLife, what is it?
11 Posts • 3805 Views Philosophy Forum |
Regarding the possibility of life without death, it is said that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only transferred. So what we may percieve as death could be just a change in form. Given... |
Does time really heal?
21 Posts • 8051 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe time exists because distance exists. If you think about it, really niether of them do. They are used more so in comparison to scales. Big or little. Its the difference between one piece of m... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhat are you? Seriously.
6 Posts • 2918 Views Philosophy Forum |
Stocks are unfair not because the people playing don't know but because the people on the outside who refuse to be the thief must deal with the consequences of the stock investors actions.
Tak... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13766 Views Religion Forum |
Sounds like the regurgitation well said from a pasture, however...
Religion requires people to be ignorant and faithful to an imaginary being. If you think I'm Joking, look at history. Back in the da... |
13 Posts • 7112 Views Philosophy Forum |
weltanschauung> 'the desire to have no desire is a desire in itself' you are absolutely right. Though is a 'goal' the same as 'desire'?
epicrus> your attitude m... |
99 Posts • 21718 Views Philosophy Forum |
word sleep wri... i was just going to post something like that..
its not stealing if the guy never notived it, just like the tree doesnt make a sound if no ones there to hear it... if the guy sees... |
DrugsBad Trip: The Worst Experience of my Life
0 Posts • 4337 Views Psychology Forum |
I had a similar experience 15 years ago when I did mushrooms for the first, and last time.
I went into it thinking it was going t be mild, but different, like weed was. Your description of experien... |