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Tagged > Mood sadness problems feelings restart
THREAD Life & Deathsubconscious soul
3 Posts • 5244 Views
Philosophy Forum
I was looking for a forum to share that same exact theory! Hadn't thought about connecting reincarnation to it though. I have some other aspects that I have used this theory to explain. With o...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67394 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I Remember... Inability To "Keep it all in mind" I find I speak less and less what I wish to, and more and more of what I hope to silence... I feel as though I deny nature In what...
THREAD SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33937 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The UN? We don't care about the UN, not sure if that is truely a bad thing, consitering it doesn't do much. The UN crafted in a very bad way. Our government is set up in such a way that our...
THREAD Keeping Up - My Cell to Your Cell
5 Posts • 2325 Views
Philosophy Forum
This is so true! Our cells are influenced by each other constantly, but of course let us not forget that every cell in its micro existence is also influenced by its macro existence (the environment)....
THREAD Art AppreciationSo called "art"
13 Posts • 6119 Views
Art Forum
I have been debating on how to reply to such a controversial topic. Last I checked, people around the world are dieing from starvation, unable to access fresh water, or food, communities that are pove...
16 Posts • 7259 Views
Philosophy Forum
The science you talk of here sems to be right. The question is, or if we like, the solution, still one of right or wrong. When faced with such problems, science, or the knowledge of how systems work,...
THREAD Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13686 Views
Philosophy Forum
I just call em black people and no one has complained, ofcourse, most of them are brown and not black - digging a little deeper, most black people are part white. If you know nigger is going to off...
THREAD BooksGood read
3 Posts • 3298 Views
Talk Talk
If your into psychology, this is an interesting book to read. "What Happend To Lani Garver" by Carol Plum-Ucci talks about mental health, finding oneself, accepting things as they are and no...
THREAD What is the nature of man?
40 Posts • 10744 Views
Philosophy Forum
"There i one major problem with that statement, as all religions say that their is no god but their own, so they cannot all have equal validity." Sorry for not being clear - what I mean i...
THREAD Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9329 Views
Religion Forum
That means Oblivion can't prove the "9 out of 10 rapists are religious" statement... What i said there was not fact. It was simply an educational guess. Hence the "I would be...
17 Posts • 7570 Views
Talk Talk
"It's faking something instinctually natural to humans, sensationalized to such a high degree that the instinct itself is over-written with false expectations based on false methods and prem...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40976 Views
Religion Forum
dumbteen, let me explain to u the difference between the Christian religion and the Christain faith. yes there is one. throughout history there have been those who have called themselves Christians, a...
23 Posts • 26624 Views
Philosophy Forum
Everything is towards self intrest. In the end we are oursleves and nothing else. Selfishness and selflessness are terms that define our actions, If we rationalize everything to be in our self intr...
THREAD LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29311 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It's been the definition for thousands of years. Why do left extremists feel the need to change it? Has it been that way for thousands of years because homosexuality was accepted or abhored, w...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40976 Views
Religion Forum
My beliefs are not based on assumptions, they're based on experience, just as yours are. You're hearing what you want to hear again. The "resonance" I have referred to is what make...
THREAD ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15288 Views
Religion Forum
Gay Bishops are just more corrupt gay ppl trying to spread the gayness..... Im so sick of all this blasephemy! *angry* READ THE BIBLE...stop taking it for a joke, EVERYTHING it says is and it is happe...
THREAD SpiritualityFaith: innate or not?
6 Posts • 6000 Views
Religion Forum
In theory it could have gone down that way. But it's not really a definitive answer. For one because one can easily theorize that the same intellect would prevent them from seeking an answer that...
THREAD GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14062 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
You are right - I agree. I posted a note on the because someone said, stop telling us about the problems without giving solutions, so I did. But I don't know if it would still work or no...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe world today.
15 Posts • 3499 Views
Psychology Forum
MugenNoKarayami I agree. While there are some good people in this world, they are few, most count themselves righteous by hurting others, this is very true and there are a FEW who will actually sacrif...
7 Posts • 3123 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Once again, Mutnuaq is clearly misrepresenting the other person's point of view. The above thread of mine is very clearly a strong denouncement of violence. The above thread discusses how repress...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious views: are they really a reason for argument?
5 Posts • 2697 Views
Religion Forum
Strange I woke woke with the deepest feelings of being lost . . . alone and without any means . . I have never felt such deep despair in my waking life I don't know that it was symbolic of anyt...
THREAD A Beautiful Mind
7 Posts • 4220 Views
Psychology Forum
coming from the other end of the spectrum, you may be tired of the way you are treated, but you should feel lucky that you are more approachable than most. i dont think your actual issue is specfic to...
THREAD Relationships & LoveKnowing/Understanding love
4 Posts • 2331 Views
Psychology Forum
I have been wondering why people (usually older) assert certain teens even my age or a little younger could not possibly know what love is towards another person (as in a boyfriend or girlfriend) T...
THREAD Relationships & LoveAdvice would be nice
19 Posts • 4862 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't want to put the blame all on him, because I have my problems too. I get very angry, very easy. But, thats only been recently, because all of this is happening. He may not agree with that,...
THREAD help me
19 Posts • 6196 Views
Talk Talk
From what I'm hearing, it's not that you want to be free from your religion but free from your doubts. So even if you "leave" your religion, you're not going to be satisfied,...
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