If I ever acquire wisdom i suppose i shall be wise enough to know what to do with it. - Laurence Darrell
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Tagged > Molyneux problem
THREAD Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views
Philosophy Forum
I do believe in free speech, but then again, along with free speech comes the respect of others. For example, if i was completely against religion, i'd still respect those that worship a god or s...
124 Posts • 32815 Views
Talk Talk
The problem with you Americans is you have to be different to the rest of the world. Even with the way you measure the temperature. :P ;) Just out of interest, here is a converter of what things a...
14 Posts • 3756 Views
Talk Talk
Thanks for the responses. :) Cynic-Al: I enjoy computers, and spend a lot of time on them. So I guess I lied when I said I didn't want anything, because I do want to do something involving com...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8138 Views
Psychology Forum
I agree with what you are saying here. Maybe I haven't been clear about that but what you have said makes allot of sense and I can now see what you were trying to say from the start. I have a...
THREAD Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16515 Views
Philosophy Forum
rschulz, how does final cause get wrapped in the interpretation of a "cause." In most cases, I would think that it is just the efficient cause that always gets construed as being "the c...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 23587 Views
Religion Forum
This is the fundamental flaw of giving man the power to choose what is right and wrong. Ok I didn't say that the way I meant it. What I was trying to say is that if man chooses individually w...
THREAD Free Will
33 Posts • 9234 Views
Philosophy Forum
lol. Then then lawyers would make less money....It would also mean it wouldn;t just be them who knew how to bend the rules. . .Good idea! :P I like the idea of a booklet for foreigners; they would...
THREAD China's Serious Environment Problem
3 Posts • 5185 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
China's Serious Pollution Problem Are you going to China? Then I will tell you pollution in China is very serious. The Chinese and government official's environmental protection consci...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainMind Clear, Attention and Continuance Exercise…
1 Posts • 2341 Views
Psychology Forum
There is a technique I came up with, which is really an adaptation of other techniques I have been shown in the past, or just learnt naturally… The first technique is that of clearing the min...
THREAD ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 23490 Views
Religion Forum
the reason i beileve in christianity is not only because the bible says so but im a penecostal and we believe that speaking in other tounges is proof that god exist. How many people that claim to...
THREAD Biotechnology Activists: ias in activism and forum
15 Posts • 5073 Views
Science & Technology Forum
"Then science said 'oh we can make organic products from inorganic sources (chemical manufacture) which are the same as organically produced!' So the FAD die out." Its not a fad...
THREAD GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12301 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"I will agree that Clinton is a black mark for the Democrats, Bush Jr isn't exactly a saint." Wow our first agreement. Would you also agree that the way the whole democrat party supp...
THREAD LawKerry strikes again.
7 Posts • 3450 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm not posting this as a knock on Kerry (there are plenty of other issues to do that with...lol). I'm posting it as a perfect example of just how complicated and stupid most of our gun laws...
THREAD Relationships & LoveTrust overshaddowed my lies and money - or lack thereof
2 Posts • 2127 Views
Psychology Forum
I am sitting in quite a predicament and need some advice. Its pretty intricate but i will try and simplify it as best I can. 8 months ago I met my fiance\' - it was the first time i dated some o...
THREAD BiologyIs Floride used to CONTROL
8 Posts • 2856 Views
Science & Technology Forum
There are areas of the country that have naturally occuring fluoride levels in the water. The high levels of fluoride caused "mottled" enamel...a tooth condition that involves misshapen &a...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33063 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Hmmm let's see first off he was on a watch list, his own father contacted the CIA and said watch out for him I think he is planning something really stupid and he still boarded the plane. He...
THREAD The Zero Conjecture
10 Posts • 3914 Views
Philosophy Forum
Human beings are drawn to simplicity. We have an intuition that no matter how intractable a problem may seem it must ultimately be reducible. And as to confirm our hunch the path of enquiry has led us...
THREAD Your Opinions Please
10 Posts • 3524 Views
Talk Talk
Seven years older...Hmmmm...That makes him 24...You know, not more than three years ago I was dating much younger than I (and I'm talking as young as 18, and not really by choice) and discovered...
THREAD SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 32995 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"This is about the increasingly narrow range of views you must hold in order to be accepted as being in the "main stream". Let's see, what does it take in order for a candidate, de...
THREAD RelationshipsWhen will the pain of heartache go away?
17 Posts • 26456 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Actually I do find simplicity to be happiness and complexity not so much happy. I do deal with reality when I have to . Also who are you to say or know what realities I have braved . If I prefer fanta...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24376 Views
Religion Forum
It was unfortunate of me to say categorically that God doesn't exist. For assuredly, the absolute possibility of God cannot be denied. But then, neither can the possibility of unicorns or fairies...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8353 Views
Psychology Forum
CodeWarrior- The inside joke is not the insecurity, it is the thing that exploits the insecureity. The insecureity is the fear that you are fearing... I'm not wording this right, but maybe that...
THREAD ChristianityBible creation
3 Posts • 3112 Views
Religion Forum
If, when we are born, into the world, we are just like an open book with blank pages ready to be filled then we have to consider what is our nature at this point. Now n it is based upon a) Our...
THREAD Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 44812 Views
Psychology Forum
Oh my dear lord! This is the problem with society as a whole nowadays. First off, there are times that I will buy a guy a drink. Does that mean I'm expecting his number or expecting to get in his...
THREAD SocietyThe Threat of Religious Extremism
4 Posts • 2587 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I have some choice words for those fixated with "Islamo-Fascism" and "Muslim-Extremists". All the calls to wake up to the this sudden overwhelming threat of muslim only extremi...
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