Tagged > Long term memory |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42163 Views Religion Forum |
Well, just as long as HE isn't telling you to go out destroying or in some manner causing the future destructive use of force? |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
YES, it can be a struggle when you question yourself. Doesnt last long and the outcome is great!!! You just have to be willing to try, be open and listen |
Warm Fuzzy Things...
15 Posts • 4983 Views Talk Talk |
definetly hugs
knowing that you helped someone
long conversations/arguments
inv eting something and seeing that it's useful |
The Amazingly Long Yet Not So Hilarious Thread
147 Posts • 32382 Views Jokes & Games |
GRANT YOU ONE WISH. So Iggy thought long and hard. After a few seconds he stepped up and wished for ... |
EconomyPeak Oil - Are we heading for a oil shortage
11 Posts • 3972 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Oil will just keep getting more and more expensive. What none of the politicians realise is that we're using up the oil faster than it's being made, and as long as we continue what we'r... |
Random QuestionsMyspace or Facebook?
16 Posts • 6289 Views Talk Talk |
I just got Facebook two days ago.... and I found it to be a lot easier, since MySpace took a long time to sign in for me. |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42278 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yes. And you chose who your parents and siblings were going to be and maybe even your name.
I knew both my children long before either of them were conceived.
Maybe I'm crackpot, maybe not.... |
Whats Crackin..
3 Posts • 2523 Views Talk Talk |
Havent been here in a long time. Not very many familiar names anymore. |
Random QuestionsTop 5 Artists
45 Posts • 10019 Views Talk Talk |
Whenever I see threads that have been done......a long time ago... I try to find them and post them.
Kinda like re-living the past. LOL |
Habits & BehaviorWhat Star Are YOU?
42 Posts • 17225 Views Psychology Forum |
My mates a Scorpio and hes a sex freak too. He cant have one girlfriend for long and he sees different girls all the time! |
Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17079 Views Philosophy Forum |
older things. when original thought was possible. its really hard now, becuase people have been around so long |
Gender Psychologywhy are men treated so badly
23 Posts • 13927 Views Psychology Forum |
The above statement is symptomatic of a pitiful brainwashed human void. Hitler took advantage of people such as Patrish in 1930's Germany. Propagandistic persuasion based upon lies and fantasy an... |
Emergency advice on relationship
7 Posts • 3374 Views Talk Talk |
If he brings it up in conversation, take a deep breath and let it flow. If he brings home devices, enjoy.
If he doesn nothing, get him pair of handcuffs and some silk scarves.
My wife bought me some... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30367 Views Religion Forum |
Hey that's fine and dandy, and it seems you will have the same answer for every question, which doesn't get you anywhere but selfishly content, but that point is never more true than when we... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33468 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Jacker, your assumption that "they" aren't getting anything out of the information or the further stripping, a poingiant term here, of our liberties is entirely dependent upon who "... |
some theories I have stuck in my head
10 Posts • 3013 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think your theories show good insight, however I do have some comments, I hope they will be useful...
Part One (1) I think you're right about things having contrast, but not that all contrast is of... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49768 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Speed Speed running this race
shoes on the pavement suicide pace
People yelling orders demands
why do I have but two hands
to fufill these desire as fast as I need
all I need is speed speed speed... |
why continue?
63 Posts • 20693 Views Philosophy Forum |
To my mind, the very fact we even need to ask the question; why continue, in the first place, is reason enough why we exist and go on about our mundane little lives.
Essentially, ignorance is bliss a... |
So you think you know everything!
5 Posts • 2531 Views Talk Talk |
"Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right. (Bet you tried this out mentally, didn'... |
The dilemma of Choice
9 Posts • 3004 Views Philosophy Forum |
The idea I stated is innate in all creatures, if we ever stop to question why do creatures have this self preservation thing?
We have it because existence sorts itself in degrees of relative persis... |
GovernmentMorgan Reynolds interviewed by Alex Jones about 9/11 and Bush
2 Posts • 2201 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A Chief Economist who resigned from Bush administration.
http://vide o.google.com/videoplay?docid=- 3667288936784661648&q=morg an+reynolds
Can't seem to find imbed code so here's a li... |
Original thought.
17 Posts • 8068 Views Philosophy Forum |
How does the perceived, perveive?
There is a group of 100 cave men in a tribe. 10 of these men know the secret of the wheel. But it is not until all 100 of them know the secret and apply in there e... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
further, men have figured that they can get away with lack of control in this area and it HAS been sanctioned even by most women today - so why not have yr cake and eat it too ?
i believe that in... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57916 Views Religion Forum |
imaginery as in "not real" but believed - it could be, I believe that. But the imaginery would have to work with something physical in order for there to be a reaction.
The great Kahunas... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17260 Views Religion Forum |
Also to ChrisD: Just because a person opts to use their intuition, it does not mean they have not thought critically first. Intuition is the ability to draw upon information within the sub-conscious.... |