Tagged > Long term memory |
I'm new here.
9 Posts • 3187 Views Talk Talk |
I hope that you mean that you just didn't know that I give good advise...ROFLMFAO
Don' t worry, I'll know as you can't keep secrets very long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! LM... |
Relationships & LoveNothing to Lose
9 Posts • 3481 Views Psychology Forum |
Like you say, you've got nothing to lose. Go in to full on attack mode in dealing with your life. I was in the same position not long ago, as are many twenty-somethings. |
The Great Toiletpaper Debate
4 Posts • 3067 Views Talk Talk |
I personally don't care as long as there is some left hanging so I'm not fumbling to find the end in the middle of the night.*roll* |
God in ReligionMe, myself and God
11 Posts • 3606 Views Religion Forum |
Nicely done! As for how long, all the questions & all the answers lay before us . . . the problem is in understanding how they fit together to make the neat little (package) summation? |
Innovative thoughts on CC
3 Posts • 2772 Views Philosophy Forum |
since i've been here (which hasn't been for a long time) i haven't come across any new philosophies. however, two of my favorites are existentialism and objectivism. i find them really... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
if it feels good do it is simply a lack of reasoning that permits every activity no matter how vile as long as it can be gotten away with. |
ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12646 Views Art Forum |
For awhile I was feeling like that everyday. And occasionally I'll feel like that now, and usually when I have spent a long period of time in my room doing whatever. |
War & TerrorismThe Iraq War
34 Posts • 11939 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Doubt there is much mystery, the US and UK governments aren't being overly shy about their internet censorship.
This shit has long since gotten out of hand. |
Human Nature & EmotionHappiness
58 Posts • 13921 Views Philosophy Forum |
eureka thats the best one yet..
it's like how can you appricate being happy when you are never down
(happiness is like a vaction from depression or a summer after a long cold winter) |
Ailments & Diseasewhere do lice come from?
2 Posts • 2855 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
One of life's great mysteries. :P
In truth, they come just like any other insect. They spread through animals, clothes, everything. and when they meet with an environment that they are suited... |
The Zero Conjecture
10 Posts • 4017 Views Philosophy Forum |
As far as the brain is concerned 'reality' exists internally in our own minds. Reality is a belief. Space, god, nothingness is a belief. the term "Zero" is only what the brain can... |
Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12932 Views Talk Talk |
Crime will always go down when you remove laws. But that doesn't make people behave any better.
No, people do behaive better when you take away laws, bewcsue the thrill of breaking the law is no... |
2 Posts • 27973 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Nine Eighteen in the evening
98 degrees outside my window.
I'm a thousand miles from where once was home
now a memory.
The house is quiet.
My two friends sleeping soundly
but I'm awa... |
2 Posts • 27973 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Nine Eighteen in the evening
98 degrees outside my window.
I'm a thousand miles from where once was home
now a memory.
The house is quiet.
My two friends sleeping soundly
but I'm awa... |
ChristianityPaul - The 13th apostle who never met Jesus Condemns Homosexuality
4 Posts • 3510 Views Religion Forum |
Paul was a Roman officer whose job it was to hunt down Christians and slay them or arrest and imprison them.
No Paul was a roman citizen of Jewish blood who especially asked the Jewish authorities... |
Time Travel
24 Posts • 8986 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, actually, a new theory called the 'super string' theory has been formulated, that the base of all matter are these two dimensional 'strings'. So it's not neccessary that... |
Blackspots and Self-Communication
1 Posts • 2349 Views Philosophy Forum |
This was something I tried. Please let me if it works for you...
The term 'exact middle' is used over 'middle' as precision appears to make a difference...
When focusing energy... |
September 11
16 Posts • 5852 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
We should certainly mourn for them too. Do we not mourn for all those that we ourselves lose? The American men and women who have been killed in the service of our country are no less human than we ou... |
Moving on
5 Posts • 3954 Views Talk Talk |
first of all it's never safe to start dating again because you'll probably get hurt again ..... and i wouldn't call it cheating as long as you don't feel guilty, so say if i... |
Time Gravity
8 Posts • 3110 Views Philosophy Forum |
E=mc^2 Einstein's famous equation which shows matter and energy are essentially different forms of the same thing. Einstein thought light could create gravity. That means gravity c... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24977 Views Religion Forum |
I'm getting tired of this now...
Oh, so you are finally catching up. This was annoying some time ago.
What I am committed to saying is that none of the concepts which are conventionally sub... |
ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18265 Views Religion Forum |
Again, the term catholic came after the divisions began, to give them distinctions...to the broken off churches.
Catholic means universal. It was not named, but given the definition.
Popes have exis... |
guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6036 Views Talk Talk |
It's quite simple rancid. I'm not scared. I just see no point in dating the way these youngins mean.
I have at least 5 women on my list of possibles. I treat each of them as a guy would h... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5471 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Chris, would you have willingly voted for Bush then? Do you consider him a good conservative? You refer to McCain as a Marxist.
Do you feel, though the country "survived" a social Clinton... |
The Carriers of Information…
3 Posts • 2336 Views Philosophy Forum |
An interesting post Black Gold.
Here are my thoughts on what you have said thus far.
I think you are mixing objective logic with a desire for a credo to make sense of your world. Before I go furth... |