ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24275 Views Religion Forum |
The bible was created by man and should therefore not be accepted as anything but a fairy tale.
The Bible was written by man but created by God. Ever here of someone dictating a work of writing? T... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
"As always DT, you do nothing more than attempt to contradict others' statements without providing any counter-proposals yourself."
Excuse me? I have proposed that the army not politic... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15502 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Theory your a prole of a perverted sort your like the anti prole but so much so that you sort of are a prole, I believe that you trying to retract your incitement of genocide was more like tryng to sa... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132003 Views Philosophy Forum |
i agree too. we shouldn;t give up on what we can do in time's of crises. cause in these times we become intinctual...we can move walls. haven't u noticed that when u r in a threathened state... |
Sociological Conundrum
0 Posts • 1956 Views Philosophy Forum |
Wow, firstly, I'd thanks the powers that be for the fact that I've been designing post apocalyptic technologies since I was in high school.
Secondly, I'd thank the powers again that... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24722 Views Religion Forum |
Again you are unclear about your own intentions...
but that only helps your position of no position at all... which is where you get your mystery... and how you attempt to spread your misery...... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Ideals
21 Posts • 7459 Views Religion Forum |
Yes I do, and of course I did.
The intrinsic unifying cause of what Atheism once was sort of put forth in the opening post for this thread. From my seat it seems that Atheism has produced it's o... |
World of Warcraft or Known as WOW !
18 Posts • 10606 Views Jokes & Games |
After jumping from Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, Runescape, Eve Online I will have to say WoW has something others don't. Charm.
All over the place in wow there are social references from Lost to Sw... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainThe Train of Thought…
8 Posts • 3308 Views Psychology Forum |
To start with , I don't know an awful lot about the subject, I just had a basic idea to share…
I can only apologise if the thinking behind the concept is erroneous…
Neurotransmitters... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19101 Views Religion Forum |
whales have a much more advanced system of communications, and their ability to navigate is exceptional. Elephants have a photographic memory. We are not the most intelegent, strongest, or most feared... |
War & TerrorismPlease Watch This
12 Posts • 3543 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Speaking of the current events mentioned, minus the obvious of world war and the not so obvious covert ops and again the money, but covering some of the power issue...
Yes this means definitively t... |
Ethics & MoralityAnti-morality: a new, justifiable theory to live b
15 Posts • 6011 Views Philosophy Forum |
Question... i don't think it's related to left's previous post. all the same it might be.
on the anti-morality paper... concerning belief in a set of morals, concerning one's o... |
Random QuestionsInteresting Things
3 Posts • 2782 Views Talk Talk |
Post here if you find something interesting, be it a website or a particular article, and think it's worth sharing.
For instance, I found this website quite a while ago.
www.wefeelfine.or... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views Religion Forum |
This thread is about believing in god, but for any debate a definition of god must be made or else what are you claiming belief in exactly? Hence terms like infinity etc.
Religion as a crutch is pe... |
51 Posts • 20000 Views Philosophy Forum |
I once read that the human soul is composed of thousands of little "I"s that churn about and battle to be at the forefront of one's psuedo-consciousness. Some of these "I"s ha... |
AstronomyExcerp: History of Astronomy
3 Posts • 3102 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Each period in history sees the sky in a different way. The way a civilization perceives the sky is related to its travel capabilities. As man's knowledge of geography has increased, so has his u... |
62 Posts • 21999 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dugbug - I've nothing to add to what you said! :)
"Bush made the right choice, and for the right reasons."
Bush said the USA went in there for SECURITY, because biological, chemical... |
War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18055 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Do you know who uttered the words in my Quote? If you do then you get a cookie.
General George S. Patton, now where's my cookie!?
Apparently my reply fell through so I'll try again.... |
Secret Beyond Matter
5 Posts • 4393 Views Philosophy Forum |
there are three prevailing classes in the United States and beyond as well -
Intellectuals - who created the
Business Class - who created the Military Class to protect them both...
then of c... |
22 Posts • 11344 Views Philosophy Forum |
honestly i got most of my sources from the american history class i took in high school, my teacher was a rather large JFK fanatic she loved the guy, so naturally id hear all about his famous quotes,... |
Emotions & FeelingsFear IS the problem
10 Posts • 3785 Views Psychology Forum |
In terms of basic survival for humans and other mammals, probably other animals too, fear is definitely an important motivating force. Pleasure is also important, though. There might be other motivati... |
GovernmentDid Bush policies help your State?
4 Posts • 2901 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Does Presidential policies impact a state's ability to create jobs? In a Federalist system the States are subservient to the Central (Federal) authority, including policies the Federal level imposes.... |
Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18435 Views Philosophy Forum |
the concious system is never completely in sync with one another. It is shared and common amongst all, thus making it seem universal, but it is never identical, because there is perceptual difference&... |
Atheism & AgnosticismIs a forum for non-deists, atheists and agnostics necessary for equal consideration?
15 Posts • 4429 Views Religion Forum |
The pursuit of truth is the pursuit of truth...
"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives."
- Albert Einstein... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19624 Views Religion Forum |
A person would be blind to think that all people are inherently good.
Ah, and an all seeing genius would considers them to be inherently evil, is that right?
Ever notice that it's much eas... |