Religion & HumanityGeneral meaning of life
24 Posts • 10682 Views Religion Forum |
but i do agree with ur ideas on love, but i think theyre is something greater than that, i think the purpose of life is polymorphus but is derived from a desire, the need of inner fufillment, often as... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views Religion Forum |
DANG!! My post was freakishly long!
DumbTeen--"I was going to agree with OkCityKid but I think you've got a very good argument there. Although we don't need to accept bizarre beliefs... |
SocietyI really Hate Microsoft: Wii
0 Posts • 505 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I know you said you're not a big Nintendo fan Decius but I grew up on an snes and classics like Zelda - A Link to the Past and super mario. I followed faithfully with them into Nintendo 64 and ev... |
SocietyEducation Part ll
8 Posts • 3284 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
more so...
testing is not a gauge for knowledge, it simply shows the memorization skills in kids.
there wont be these fields to study specificaly on like you claim, the only fields will be economics... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27185 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Btw, what I said in my previous post was strictly about special relativity (non-accelerating observer), not general relativity. They explain most of the basic features of relativity (except bending of... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12266 Views Religion Forum |
Islam says Allah is the only God.
Jews say their God is the only one.
Christians say God is the only God and Christ is His Son.
Who is right? All are in my opinion. The earliest religions where S... |
BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15219 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Human society is much more complex than a herd or a pack. A foal or a cub has only to learn how to forage or hunt and basic survival skills. A human has much more to learn. Humans are many times over... |
Physics & CosmologyReality in the melting pot
11 Posts • 10570 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The Multiverse theory for the universe describes the continuous formation of universes through the collapse of giant stars and the formation of black holes. With each of these black holes there is a n... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16243 Views Religion Forum |
im sorry if i hav incorrectly interpreted your post. i shall try not to do that with this one.
secondly, i hav no arguements with you as far as the evils that religions hav brought about. but, loo... |
Physics & CosmologyParadox?
18 Posts • 8854 Views Science & Technology Forum |
In fact, within the containers of gas, the molecular energy that is represented by should decrease to the point that a pressure differential could not exist?
Hmm . . let me see if I can do this star... |
Is this relative? HELP!
17 Posts • 7458 Views Philosophy Forum |
WWelll, ya ask so may be should seek the answer?
reference#1 the earth plane: action, you push against the earth. The reaction the earth's inertia resist this change, therefore you push away for... |
Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8930 Views Religion Forum |
Religion evolves much more solwly than religion, and as thus, the religious set of rules do not always apply in today's world.
Maybe you meant science.
I believe that science has not evolve... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17358 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You need to read up my friend :
"all goverments have there gd points and there bad points, communism: bad= takes away privatly owned bussnises good= abolishes alienation between social classes&q... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14837 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Firstly sweatshops is only one point, and it seems you both are defending them."
I cant speak for DT but I am defending reality and defending capitalism against the well intentioned soci... |
22 Posts • 11345 Views Philosophy Forum |
That is true. I think that maybe people just dont have all that many options. If you had the choice between a shirt made in china and an american made shirt for the same price and convenience I'm... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34201 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That is nowhere near the only question I've asked you, but I have no trouble believing its the only one that's permeated your myopic vision.
The meaning of democracy is not contingent upo... |
Physics & CosmologyIs the atom filled with matter?
26 Posts • 9091 Views Science & Technology Forum |
In my view, everything is waves. At the point that we envision as the Big Bang (though I have an alternate theory on what that means) all energies are expanding in what could be called "omnidirec... |
Ethics & MoralityMale Racism and its Parallels to Male Homosexuality
10 Posts • 3714 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm not completely finished with this thought so I thought I'd post it here and watch it be refined by "the proess"...
A guy that pays attention to other guys mostly...
One g... |
70 Posts • 22663 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i dont see how a lot of new mainstream punk bands can be considered punk at all--i mean, the guys wear chains and have spikey hair and stuff and use simple guitar riffs but i think the true definition... |
Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8909 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I can understand many things. And it depends, ultimately, upon th bias of the human in question.
Let me make things clear. There is all. And this is markedly different from every-thing. The spiritu... |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18684 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think its important to see that eventhough America portrays itself as the most democratic and free country in the world, this county cause 70% of the world pollution yet it only posseses around 5% o... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDoes perception match the true form?
11 Posts • 4067 Views Philosophy Forum |
I guess what I was saying is that what we get out of perceptions could be a little different to what you'd expect by looking at the anatomy of the brain. Just think how the brain actually controls the... |
Famous PhilosophersSocratic and Platonic philosophies
34 Posts • 10366 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, I'm really interested in Plato's Theory of the Forms. I could tell you alot about my thoughts on his theory, but that would take a long time. But I am writing this paper for a philosop... |
ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8508 Views Religion Forum |
I am sorry if i sound like a bible thumper
Are you? Why is that?
but what I said is true.
What you said was nothing, what you referred to was a passage from the Bible, which unless Go... |
O.k. who works at home?
5 Posts • 3008 Views Talk Talk |
By a backup connection I mean you most likely have a high speed connection involving a modem - now adsl or dsl services can have problems such as equipment failures fibre optic cuts etc... and through... |