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Habits & Behaviorbottled up
11 Posts • 3261 Views Psychology Forum |
If you bottled everything up you would not have made the post that you did. Have you ever heard of imaginary obligation?
Imaginary obligation is when you mimic the herd because they all pretty muc... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42139 Views Religion Forum |
Rage - the only part I can understand that you're talking about is that you shouldn't feel guilty. No - you shouldn't feel guility. As far as the rest of your post and the links. All I... |
Funny TidbitsChuck Norris!
4 Posts • 3348 Views Jokes & Games |
Hey guys, this is my first post.
Chuck Norris drove to Hawaii. Yeah, drove.
The main causes of death in the US are: 1) Heart disease, 2) Chuck Norris, 3) Cancer. |
15 Posts • 4665 Views Talk Talk |
Its funny, if you read just the last line of Aura's post:
And I don't even have a penis!
and then read the next one down (dumbteen):
My mom complains about that all the time!
He he... |
computer-illiterate parents
5 Posts • 4386 Views Talk Talk |
it's a quiet evening at the rollergirl household... lovebirds are tweeting contentedly after a bath under the kitchen sink faucet. kazaa calmly performs illegal activities while unsuspecting poli... |
Playstation 3 VS Wii
0 Posts • 1085 Views Talk Talk |
sorry i couldn't post this yesterday
Chris D, i couldn't agree with you more. took the words right out of my mouth
Whats some of you favorite games Decius?
Super smash bro's wa... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23025 Views Philosophy Forum |
"although I can't prevent myself from doing wrong"
I think there was more to the context of my point in my post and it was based off of a perception of sin as held by religious indiv... |
Wearing your seatbelt
32 Posts • 12381 Views Talk Talk |
Sure thing...
I'm gonna post a few on http://pubestic.cezary.com and add more as I pick them out from my collection. Fasten your seatbelts !! (teehee) |
Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16352 Views Religion Forum |
Whoa, ease up on the caps Post. Jesus said "Judge not, lest ye be judged." This infers that I will not be judged if I do not judge others. Otherwise, His statement is nonsensical. |
South Park - Scientology Episode
6 Posts • 4962 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
There will be a re-airing of another (newer) episode tonight of South Park which makes fun of scientology on a little bit more subtle level. The character Chef is killed off and turned into a Darth Va... |
the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18445 Views Talk Talk |
I take advice from closeminded people
I admire arrogant people
I like it when people misinterpret you
I appreciate the thoughts of feebleminded people
I love when people require self-glori... |
your animals
28 Posts • 9203 Views Talk Talk |
Ya the Bearded Dragon is pretty cool looking. I googled it up this am so I would know what is bout to be in my house this next weekend! Wish I could post a pic here for you Aura so that you don't... |
Random QuestionsKarma
39 Posts • 9049 Views Talk Talk |
by the way i think you should have a close look at chrisD's post.
dictionary definitions are helpfull but perhaps you should look into picking up some literature on the subject. you can find vi... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Oh man, I missed that one - I made a post on my blog about
White House Cherry Picked CIA Data to justify war says Ex-CIA
Abramoff claims meetings with Bush
White House knew about levees earl... |
I Need Advice Badly
2 Posts • 3014 Views Talk Talk |
There are a few things happening in my life that I am unsure what to do about.
I met a girl that I have fallen in love with on the internet. Neither of my parents understand this and won't let... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20624 Views Psychology Forum |
how then can the mother continue in her role with full love and self confidence once she witnesses unfaithfulness?
This is one of lifes cruel realities. But it is not always like this. Faithfulnes... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24426 Views Religion Forum |
Ethereal: how many times do you need to read before you understand this discussion. You still haven't yet credibly and comprehensively reasoned my questions. Your reply is rather off topic. Read... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58959 Views Religion Forum |
The Catholic Church attached itself to Chrisitanity when it was founded in roughly 300-325AD.
Your post is too long, I looked it over - but I wonder how you know that? Did you live through the dark... |
I would like your input!!
15 Posts • 4247 Views Talk Talk |
dresses are mostly white and ivory b/c it's a tradition ...... i guess people used to think that those are the " pure " colors and the bride has to be all clean and pure and innocent ..... |
Favorite Sites
38 Posts • 40177 Views Talk Talk |
http://www.nbc.com/The_Tonight _Show_with_Jay_Leno/headlines/
ht tp://www.jamrid.com/ (It's where I get my entire reggae collection)
and of course, http://www.captainc... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12720 Views Religion Forum |
I would actually make an intelligent post, but you are too stupid, fanatical and ignorant (500k conversions, my ass). Therefore I will just mock you and pray you and your children will be purged from... |
GovernmentGovernment Child Sex Trade
25 Posts • 10429 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
To the best of my knowledge, the only writen accounts we have of Druidic traditions, were made years after the Druids were largley wiped out. Those writting are in manuscripts made by Xian Monks, so t... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16244 Views Religion Forum |
You don't need people involved to be blindly led, though thats how it tends to start, you just have to blindly believe in something, and that too is just as comforting.
otherwise I'm not... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167883 Views Psychology Forum |
Thanks for the hate dude. Not desperate, just loving. Maybe you will see that in these days to come.
And I do not deny that I have been an ass, in any way. If you would like to talk about it, pick yo... |
Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7977 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is an African tribe that says feelings change and we should not base our decisions on our feelings. But mostly, I am thinking of ancient Roman's focus on duty to family and country that we... |