ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views Religion Forum |
Q: Why do you believe that Christianity is the right religion?
HeHe |
God in ReligionGod, Heaven, and Good People
7 Posts • 3151 Views Religion Forum |
thats a very good point, why does god give us the view of heaven? i think it is probably, because we can see everything tha may tempt us from being good, knowing about heaven would be to even things o... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views Religion Forum |
I have been reading this thread for over two days and perhaps I'm already too late to join in.
In our discussion , we should remember to understand that we do not want to VALIDATE any religio... |
GovernmentSecular Gov't Opinions
18 Posts • 7962 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"The Constitution clearly states that Church and State should be seperate."
It says absolutely no such thing. It says the government is not allowed to establish an official federal religi... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views Religion Forum |
"one of the concerns I have seen with Christianity in whole, is their apparent refusal to accept any other religion,"
Why should they accept any other religion? Why should Muslims or Wicc... |
GovernmentFive Reality Checks For Democrats
12 Posts • 4529 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wonderful post Leftwood.
Women are not ovaries with feet.
This quote screams 'oxymoron'. To complain about how pathetic the Democrats are reacting and then make a statement like that... |
Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7259 Views Religion Forum |
If religions seek God, and the truth is God, then, to me, the process of knowing God is through understanding.'
Both religion and science aim to gather more understanding. Whilst religion is m... |
Religion & HumanityReligion fear tactics
30 Posts • 7308 Views Religion Forum |
well if i had cancer. and didnt know, i would fear someone telling me. it would scare me. but it was necessary. and ultimately helped me.
Your analogy does not fit.
It assumes that religions kno... |
Gender PsychologyBuff Man = Man - Not so buff man = Not a man at all
0 Posts • 9747 Views Psychology Forum |
I think it's largely bullshit isn't it?
It's just societal. We both know that society's view is completely insane.
I know some disgusting human beings who are well respected... |
81 Posts • 21652 Views Religion Forum |
The copy I had before had an explination in it but this one doesn't. I'll have to research that. But, from what I can remember, it is a book given to the prophet by the angel gabrial about 6... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15260 Views Religion Forum |
To start I would say that you are asking an invalid question. There is no root to disbelief. Disbelief is merely the absence of belief and belief must be learned from observation. Observations such as... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40980 Views Religion Forum |
firstly I know about the new and old testaments and the many people I just didn't say that cause that was a funny in my head that I let out.
But still I do mean very specifically as to whether... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17204 Views Religion Forum |
Religion, I'd like a believer to define.
As the creator being, GOD created this world (existence) His Truth is eternal. Man the limited being in time & space is temperol as is his understand... |
ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21061 Views Religion Forum |
The problem with science lies in its tendency to be its own religion many people believe in science to solve their problems and they worship technology.
Science is not a religion, it is a philosophy... |
Does Race Exist?
7 Posts • 3954 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have been drifting from one forum to the next seeking an answer to an obvious question, 'does race exist'. Surprisingly I meet staunch opposition from some 'people' somewhat insa... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21977 Views Religion Forum |
Quantom zero effect disproves everything we know about physics. We can't explain black holes or how a sun flare 100 miles away from the sun burns over 1000% hotter than the surface of the sun, we... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40566 Views Religion Forum |
An Atheist has no means of support from a hypothetical 'God'. They generally believe that God is merely a human constructed thought.
I openly admit that I imagine God - and should I pray... |
Religion & HumanityIn Rememberance of Innocent Suffering
5 Posts • 2849 Views Religion Forum |
Perhaps, to put it in terms of your religion, Free Will.
Some human beings will always seek power over their fellow humans. A natural emotion I guess, some will transfer their need for control to p... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36232 Views Religion Forum |
Are you insane? They taught us to make guns, cars, bombs, the lightbulb, toothpaste, antibiotics on and on. Look at the post in the science section, how many of these show evidence that the author has... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46357 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Intolerance is a personal failure to accept reality
Intolerance is a failure of intelligence
Intolerance is an error of judgment about Ultimate Truth
Intolerance is a... |
IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 15995 Views Religion Forum |
Yes, religion has a social role but ultimately its between you and God. |
Life & DeathMy Theory on Life
8 Posts • 3641 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm interested, what is God to you? And aside from that, do you come from a family that prescribes to a certain religion? |
110 Posts • 24269 Views Religion Forum |
Religious: yes. Christian: no. To me religion is personal. |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24275 Views Religion Forum |
Nobody who does not practice another religon cannot truly know the other religion, and if you do not truly know it you cannot truly respect it. |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301042 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
All this talk of religion on this forum has really got me thinking..... |