Habits & BehaviorThe Acceptance of Bullshit
0 Posts • 4671 Views Psychology Forum |
i do see this as being a cyclical thing for me in the future (altho im trying to deny it) right now i could care less what people think of me, but this in turn causes me to feel out of sync with the r... |
Human Nature & EmotionExploiting emotional voids.
5 Posts • 6627 Views Philosophy Forum |
first of all, i fully agree with what you are saying here. i have made attempts at getting at this with people but have failed to put it in the the correct wording in the past.
i started this threa... |
LawDigressing to older methods of punishment
0 Posts • 2081 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A society based on fear? I think there's enough of that already.
Here's what I think and many of you are probably going to think it's 'romantic' but hey I'm an idealis... |
Society & SociologyCompaint Department
15 Posts • 5678 Views Psychology Forum |
I can relate to your story Shade, as a young teen I have encountered this too.
I usually go with my mom to the store and so on to just get out of the house and to lend a hand, and sometimes she tel... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views Philosophy Forum |
I saw this program on TV last night that made me think about this post.
They talked about nurses (and teachers,etc) not getting paid the money they deserve for the difficult job they do. Things like... |
what should i do???
7 Posts • 3257 Views Talk Talk |
first of all, stop listening to what other people are telling you about these guys. if someone tells you that they think a guy is using you or something, ask the guy TO HIS FACE if he is using you. he... |
why continue?
63 Posts • 20693 Views Philosophy Forum |
And let me add one more thought.
If you read a previous post, you will notice that "Sticker" has discovered a clear conscience by idolizing an idealistic figure and following in his path... |
There is No God and You Know It
17 Posts • 5932 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Even though im taking your side Summit, though your lack of evidence at this point will fail to persuade many people. Unless that other item that for some reason is not opening on this computer has yo... |
ElectionsFit For Presidency
12 Posts • 3296 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Great question, probably no good answers.
I'm left feeling that anyone trained in or planning on continuing current political status quo should never be allowed in any public office.
Becaus... |
the Holocaust of north and south america.
7 Posts • 2981 Views Talk Talk |
forgive me for the confusion i caused with my reference to the reasoning for voluntary segregation. I will clarify my point and maby you could comment on it
I think that the voluntary segregation... |
GovernmentThis Is The Reality
30 Posts • 7211 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No let me give you an example of an opinion:
"America is responsible for killing more people than any other country."
Not only is that an opinion but it is about the dumbest and most... |
ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3232 Views Religion Forum |
Well, I certainly don't take your questions as 'holier-than-thou', and do know you're just curious. I hope you didn't see any my questions as anything else other than curiosit... |
ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8512 Views Religion Forum |
I don't believe in Saten - I once believed that we were Saten who have been angles cast down, but this puts it in a new light.
I do believe in evil, I don't know what it is - but what mak... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42015 Views Religion Forum |
"Nothing bad has ever came from God"
Another person giving man power over God, and again letting God off the hook for tragedy, suffering, and indeed Evil, the Devil etc. etc.
If God is... |
The Human Condition and Thermodynamics
3 Posts • 9823 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think the length of time it will take (if it happens) will depend a lot on just getting the ideas out there. Most people find them very confronting and tend to ignore them. I would love to hear from... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
true like the car accident story, police interveived 100 witnesses. 60 said car 1. was in the wron 40 said car 2. was in the wrong. 20 said the car was red, 35 said the car was yellow, 5 said it was b... |
8 Posts • 3200 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everyone has obligations that must be fulfilled, but it doesn't mean that it should consume every thought of the day. We shouldn't be worrying about the past, which is a major problem to ove... |
Relationships & LoveWhat is Love?
9 Posts • 8667 Views Psychology Forum |
Love is something that should be a spiritual connection, but we ordinary people make a mess out of it because we let social media and movies confuse our understanding of it. So we end up making many d... |
Gender PsychologyWomen Hate Me
16 Posts • 21906 Views Psychology Forum |
Trying to figure out women. It's actually impossible. No like seriously it is. They make no sense because what they say is different then how they feel and there is no way to determine how someon... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25222 Views Talk Talk |
recently started playing a brilliant game. freelancer. its got qutie a good story, but it comes into its own online, it just rules. u explore an entire universe, fighting and trading, you cna work tog... |
RelationshipsPysical Attraction
20 Posts • 10018 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
The other day, I asked her who she was voting for, Bush or Kerry? Her response "Oh, I don't really like boxing, but I hear the Mexicans' usually are good fighters."
*eek* Oh my God!... |
12 Posts • 4471 Views Philosophy Forum |
a problem i see is people trying to lead selfless lives, but like most psychologists or philosophers claim is that this cant be done because at our core is self preservation, wenever we do something n... |
Society & Sociologydeterioration of identity in society
12 Posts • 2652 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm sorry it doesn't roll off my back so easily. A lot of people seem to think they know what i'm feeling or talking about, and tell me to buck up and get over it. Well it doesn't... |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19203 Views Philosophy Forum |
yes I can go along with it, heyjme. I think the statement is being made about individual's dress code: (especially older people) tend to 'dress for their comfort' or to try ' fit i... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23909 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Okay, One thing I've noticed alot is the word "Freedom" being thrown around. First off We don't know what Freedom is, Because we have had it for so long yet we still complain about... |