Emotions & FeelingsGUILT - is it a correct emotion?
9 Posts • 4984 Views Psychology Forum |
I mean if you never feel guilt your probably a sociopath. Would it be good to be a sociopath? It would probably be pretty empty to not feel remorse or to have no morals
Or, if... |
Society & SociologyThe Use of Insult
0 Posts • 915 Views Psychology Forum |
it is just a exercise, and not a reflection of reality or my thoughts and feelings towards him.
I felt overwhelmed with guilt and I just had to stop the exercise because I could not cope with it.... |
The OJ Simpson Case
47 Posts • 31336 Views Talk Talk |
Rocky Bateman and I, at the Time (Mid-November1993) were in the Passenger section of "THE LIMO," and Rocky told me that He had Overheard Nicole Simpson and some of Her gir... |
In response to abortion thread
4 Posts • 2330 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
No I wouldn't!
I am certainly not the sort of person that says it is wrong in all circumstances. A very young girl who is raped should have an abortion. If they are raped and have gone to the... |
Human Nature & EmotionOptimism VS happiness
13 Posts • 14187 Views Philosophy Forum |
first, the difference between an optimist, a dreamer and an ambitious person is very unclear to me...they are all mingeled up so if anyone can make a distinction i'll be grateful.
here by &quo... |
57 Posts • 10422 Views Talk Talk |
I'm sorry Chiron. I agree that culture has a massive effect on our perception of beauty, even more to in small cultures such as tribes where people may make radical alterations to their anatomy t... |
Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10993 Views Talk Talk |
One thing Ive noticed about young people, particularly those going through their "rebellious" phase, is that they always give the finger or a gang sign when in photos.
I remember when I w... |
42 Posts • 10551 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
each of us are pivitol in the lives of others around us
when we sneeze it changes someone
changing is our way
always changing
when we dont change is when we die
and people are starting to become... |
GovernmentJesus for President?
45 Posts • 9634 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The cold war is nothing more than undeclared war for domination of the world & it's justifications were built on fear that raged in the mind of the people after industrialized nations staged... |
Religion & HumanityReligious Wars
6 Posts • 2741 Views Religion Forum |
They say that when pondering on religions people can come to many conclusions... there are some that conclude that it is the truth.. and they really believe it to be so... so they act upon it with sin... |
Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21567 Views Religion Forum |
no necescarlly budisim doesn't belive in a god and it is one of the top five religons in the world, they belive in enlightenment. also some people could descrpe atisem as a religon but that doesn... |
Mental IllnessSelf-Medicated?
11 Posts • 3448 Views Psychology Forum |
Do you think this can work?
Yes, but in some cases genetic disposition can make it extremely tough for someone to over come said thoughts. One should also consider that sometimes thoughts can build... |
ElectionsObama is not fit!
20 Posts • 6472 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
President-elect Obama will be my President. He earned it in a hard fought "democratic" battle. There was no violence, just people voting. I approve of my new president, and by the way, I pra... |
Any /.er's out there??
2 Posts • 3195 Views Jokes & Games |
I was just wondering if there r any slashdot people that come here, or if i am the only one....which would be really weird...
In case u were wondering, slashdot is a big site with computer, science... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22667 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Do nothing and be drafted or volunteer and possibly get a better deal. If you could get into the guard, most likely you would not go to nam. Everybody knew that. I think five different people to... |
Emotions & Feelingswhat are you afraid of
50 Posts • 13526 Views Psychology Forum |
I share alot of those fears, though fear of small places was not mentioned. I also fear letting down my family by not being able to take care fo them. Most if not all of my fears stem from the fear of... |
ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5950 Views Religion Forum |
That's not to say you wont know who you are anymore, you will simply be completely different from what you are right now.
would we be conscious of the change, or will it be played off as amn... |
Ignorance: acceptable?
17 Posts • 5656 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is a lot of information and opions out there and sometimes there is too much to learn about another religion especially Islam unless you want to read the Koran in its arabic. The best thing to d... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
true that, many books cover the topic of bush and his plans before 9/11. most generals, advisors,and people in power i our government actually created a document and sent it to Clinton during his year... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55476 Views Philosophy Forum |
but if science can't prove its theory, then it is just another religion in the sense that people believe it without backing. maybe we do share common characteristics with monkeys, but don't... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
It's all vague metaphor (conveniently so) so that people like you can create your own reality through it. Yes & it can be very miss leading as incorrect conceptions exist within the fabric of... |
Freaks Speak up--LOL
15 Posts • 3833 Views Talk Talk |
i've had sex at parks, graveyards, wal mart, a laundry mat, in every room of a house, in my boyfriends back yard, cars, on a roof.....lots of places, but i dont consider ant of it that wild....so... |
Aesthetics & BeautyBeauty
34 Posts • 17290 Views Philosophy Forum |
For me I've lived in both, currently in a growing industrial city (kinda dirty and run-down), but I also see beauty in the ability and creations of man. Cities can be awe inspiring, people in mas... |
War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6703 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
K, its not bullying. I don't think the Iraqis wanted to keep Saddam.
And democracy is just that, we can let the Iraqis choose what they want.
Bush did fuck up though, he lied to the US people... |
Science vs ReligionLife after death experiences?!!
22 Posts • 10378 Views Religion Forum |
you never told me about those ...
that's crazy
but people on serious drugs have that kind of experiences too, so maybe it's just something that happens to your brain before you die, and... |