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Tagged > Insane people
THREAD The Amazingly Long Yet Not So Hilarious Thread
147 Posts • 32382 Views
Jokes & Games
Iggy and Harry argued with that talking potato for 2 hours about blowing loads all over people and conviced the potatoe.....
THREAD For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11708 Views
Psychology Forum
as much as i hate people, i could never kill anyone unless it was an accident. and if that ever happens ill probably be miserable the rest of my life. oh yea, and i dont whore myself for money. so...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167921 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't think I'd want to kill her myself, but I have thought about someone else doing it. Honestly though, it'd be easier if she didn't exist at all. A vacation wouldn't do,...
THREAD Life & DeathBeing succesful.......
26 Posts • 13959 Views
Philosophy Forum
A simple suggestion for everyone, Since it's impossible to know who's replying to what, it would be better to address tthe messages to the people you are responding to. Kindly, Stil...
THREAD Happy Newbie!
12 Posts • 3006 Views
Talk Talk
the admin crush thing depends on ur gender, and theirs. or at least, it could present a problem for some people. i woudl say im new too, but i spose ive bin here longer than i think i have.
THREAD ChristianityEnd of Christianity?
4 Posts • 2629 Views
Religion Forum
Wow, that's pretty interesting there. Heh, knowing people and how stuborn they can be some would still believe the christian ways even in somehow jesus was proven as butist (sorry for the misspe...
THREAD GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30276 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I am an idealist socialist, however, as long as there are people in the world who do not share in Marxist beliefs, there can never be an ideal government, in my opinion. ;)
THREAD About You / IntroductionsHello again
8 Posts • 5218 Views
Talk Talk
I'm pretty new so just seen this, the microwave vid was very moving :) I think the best way to move forward is to put yourself out there, talk to people, make friends, it helps us to not be so i...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views
Psychology Forum
not all sacrafices were used as an apesment to the gods back then. some where just offerings to natrue and the like to provide the people with food or other things not forgivness.
THREAD BooksA book like no other
10 Posts • 3545 Views
Talk Talk
Why is it that you think it's ban-worthy? Is it that you think it explains the dynamics of evil so well and so realistically that it will bring awareness or even awaken this side in the people wh...
THREAD GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14684 Views
Philosophy Forum
no-one ever knows anyone the same as someone as someone else knows them. you will always look at someone differently to everyone else. god is just the ultimate friend, but the same still applies, no t...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42016 Views
Religion Forum
This thread grew so fast. People just need to face the fact man is not responsible for all the evil in the world. Take a deep breath.
THREAD Who should be our leaders?
8 Posts • 3387 Views
Talk Talk
Our leader shouldn't be someone from a specific job. Our leaders should be from all places, and should always be people that are really ready to lead. Someone that is willing to sacrafic it all f...
THREAD Backing into a parking spot
5 Posts • 10912 Views
Talk Talk
Every day I see people trying to manuver their vehicles and every day it blows my mind how they have no fucking idea how to. How did they ever pass their drivres test in the first place.
THREAD The Simile Game
64 Posts • 20669 Views
Jokes & Games
a mesquito bit is some what like a spider bite. they both can be mistaken for a pimple. no matter how embarrasing it may be alot of people have done that. including jack22
THREAD DreamsDreams
37 Posts • 11785 Views
Psychology Forum
pretty much :p yeah only i hate falling asleep with a lot of people around me - don't wanna wake up with a bunch of shit piled up on me
THREAD ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15990 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Speaking of slackers, kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. After all where were we, the people? Sitting in front of the boop tube!
THREAD ChristianityTwo more Popes shall reign and the End is come
33 Posts • 14295 Views
Religion Forum
fair point but isnt the end of the world supposed to happen after christ has come for the second time so if he has been again why are we still here and why is there no record of these people disaper...
THREAD For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11708 Views
Psychology Forum
How can you just easily kill someone for money? Do you not have a conscience at all? Do you have no heart or respect for life at the least? I'm so sick of people thinking they have the right to p...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsWhats your name?
73 Posts • 18850 Views
Talk Talk
hah thats tragic! i actually dont mind when people comment about my name, its just that they think they are the FIRST person to come up with it... and that part gets annoying.... since its like the mi...
THREAD Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9976 Views
Psychology Forum
intresting, well every night when i sleep, i astral ascend to this one frequency over and over, and i meet the wierdest.. people ... things... sprits
THREAD Birth of a new engine
12 Posts • 8736 Views
Talk Talk
You know it actually sucks that these people would spend sooo much time and money into something like this and you know that the world will not accept it and will not be widely used. No matter how...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsI don't understand, at least look
6 Posts • 2724 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't understand what the problem is. You should always be yourself. If someone doesn't like you or does not know how to take you then fuck em! Simple as that. Surround yourself with peopl...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFemale Superiority?
7 Posts • 3734 Views
Psychology Forum
I know what you mean zyphon. People become obsessed with god and religion. I believe there is a higher power, a god all spiritual energy. Making an obsession with god can be dangerous.
THREAD ConspiracyConspiracy Confessions
29 Posts • 11232 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
8 minutes of a very small collection of quotes from people in the know. http://www.unlearning.org/ library/conspire.wmv
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