6 Posts • 3604 Views Talk Talk |
around here a lot of people do it
but since i live in an appartment building, we just have one big ass dumpster for everything
i think it's wrong but i don't think the landlord or the te... |
Useless me
7 Posts • 3269 Views Talk Talk |
weird, how people let their jobs and school ruin their fun
i try not to do that - i'll go out any day of the week, of course it's nicer when you get to sleep the day after, but that would... |
BooksThis Book Will Change Your Life
62 Posts • 17247 Views Talk Talk |
yup i definetly did something today before breakfast ! like got my lazy ass up, drove to work and served coffee to quite a few people |
SocietyWhat one quality would make the world better?
51 Posts • 21157 Views Philosophy Forum |
The only quality people need is a pure heart.
The evil in our hearts is the reason this world is so messed up. |
16 Posts • 4988 Views Talk Talk |
THis is the same way I feel really, i would have to agree with all the above posters. Some people though that you may want to be friends with are not ver respectibe, im going through the same thing yo... |
Gameshow fast can u type a-z game
62 Posts • 226230 Views Jokes & Games |
I wont repeat myself....all people here with common sense and a mind would know its a lie so....whatever u say doesnt make a difference...
and thats that =) |
ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15991 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Watching the debate *dead*
Lead the world to . . . dominating; war or peace?
Where are they leading the people? |
adjusting from high school to college
10 Posts • 2176 Views Talk Talk |
shit.. I even see poor behavior in the workplace.. doesn't stop at college either.
people...lol...yeah hhhh it's sad. |
Weird ThingsHistorical curiosities
33 Posts • 14188 Views Talk Talk |
This is a space to share the useless but weird or interesting facts that you know and many people don't. |
At what age would you like to die?
35 Posts • 8901 Views Philosophy Forum |
oh course this world sux, if your weak, your kill yourself, most people go on, no matter how shitty place is, how bout make it better? |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
if thats what is in your heart than yes. you evil bastard. me on the other hand feal bad when crimes are commited against innocent people. |
hi my names chopped liver
17 Posts • 5436 Views Talk Talk |
Yeah true enough except of course nobody is above Jacker:D At first in reading this I was like i don't think like that...and then of course under further examination I do. But, I think the majori... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45442 Views Psychology Forum |
exactly, he did ask for a phone number before buying drinks, thus giving away his intentions beforehand.
still, nobody should expect something in return. but most people do. |
62 Posts • 22010 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No. I'm not following anyone, I just belive liberating those people was the right thing to do.
Other than that, I agree with you, we need to worry about our own country a little more, that was... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
i would accept it, society might not, and i wouldnt dare be so arrogent to deem something veiwd by all people a certain title. |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160073 Views Talk Talk |
I am apparently very bad with first impressions and it takes people a while to warm up to me. Many of my very close friends have told me that I come off as cold when they first met me. |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
What of your reply? I was asking a question to the guy who believed that right is popular opinion.
Besides by your definition slavery is right too because the people doing it thought it was. |
Relationships & LoveLove
7 Posts • 2836 Views Psychology Forum |
it may sound bad but sometimes the only way people learn is by making mistakes. I would still advise keeping clear and finding someone more your own age. |
What does buying the stairway to heaven mean?
11 Posts • 46939 Views Talk Talk |
I always wondered about this. Perhaps you smart people could enlighten me. You know that led zepplin song.. |
The Murder of James Byrd Jr
1 Posts • 1661 Views Talk Talk |
i am doing a project for school and i was just wondering what other people thought about this subject. |
HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16759 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Is it not an action, of where two people take the ultimate commitment to each other, to show how much they love on another.
Gay or straight marriges...
same principle |
Society & Sociologycool people VS nerds
24 Posts • 10078 Views Psychology Forum |
Personally i dun really care what people think of me, i just follow Pride and Honor :-)
lol, sum funny stuff said on this thread =D |
Human Nature & EmotionHappiness
58 Posts • 13921 Views Philosophy Forum |
yes! i know wandering..
that boggels my mind that they are so smart but have even worse problems...
like stupid people are happy??????? |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77274 Views Psychology Forum |
He lives in Los Angeles and has nothing better to do than harass people online. You'll notice that he is hiding now rather than confront me. What a coward! |
Rehab & AddictionNeed to help friend with downward spiral
7 Posts • 3992 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
He is not addicted to meth, but I know people who have gotten into some big trouble with that stuff. This guy is just seriously testing his limits, and he is scaring his family. |