Governmentdo you think the United Nations should....
17 Posts • 6968 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
we need to in the future finish the jobs we start
what job?!
War can't solve the problem. The war on terrorism appears to simply be the last desperate act of a west that has become so apa... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13268 Views Religion Forum |
The only proof of the nonexistence of God is personal opinion. I may not believe that 1 + 1 = 2 but that doesn't change it's truth, just as not believing in God doesn't change the fact... |
GovernmentWhat has the US become?
47 Posts • 15229 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm a born American. Call me an unpatriotic bastard, but I don't know how I feel about that anymore. I'm just a 13-year-old, so if you don't wanna listen to a stupid kid, stop read... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44068 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, thank you Ekimup, but being 14 isn't necessarily a good thing in the sense that as soon as a publishing company hears that you're fourteen years old they cease to reply to your letters... |
17 Posts • 7577 Views Talk Talk |
Why would you dislike yourself if you expressed your sexual nature even nude and with a partner?
I think we are taught that sex is wrong at a very early age and it seemed to carry on from generatio... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77274 Views Psychology Forum |
My theory is, stupid people have stupid kids, and their stupid kids have stupid kids...and so the population is littered with these dense idiots.
So much for evolution, eh? *lol*
Regrettably, I... |
SocietyAmerica, Americans and Patriotism
0 Posts • 3112 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Nearly 5 percent of the earth's inhabitants live in the United States. Historically, this nation has attracted vast numbers of immigrants from around the globe.
~~~~If America is so bad why do all th... |
EconomyEducate Yourself About Money
34 Posts • 10009 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yah I understand at a basic level what is being done with the central banking system. This is not the first time I was exposed to this. The point we differ on, I think, is that you're for some ki... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
rabble rabble rabble i wonder how messed up if gore would of won he might of put iraq and afganistan in a lockbox and be very disappointed in them and say you are on my badlist. Who actually believes... |
War & TerrorismSupport The Troops - Impeach The President, and Su
1 Posts • 2729 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Support The Troops - Impeach The President, and Support Cindy Sheehan
I have a bumper sticker on my car that reads, "Support The Troops, Impeach Bush." A week ago, people would have laugh... |
Proof? What is proof?
3 Posts • 2451 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think proof can be a pretty relative thing. Take the scientific view of evolution versus religious creation theories. Both sides are pretty convincing to true believers of each camp. And proof in th... |
4 Posts • 2998 Views Philosophy Forum |
okay so i was just thinking about something i wrote and i had a new idea, something that almost contradicts what i may have said about free will or maybe im just looking at it from another angle ....... |
ChristianityXX XY XYZ?
7 Posts • 3734 Views Religion Forum |
As a Christian believer let me try to address this.
I think it should be apparent, from the verse you have quoted about human beings being created in God's image "male and female" t... |
RelationshipsSex, rate it! Do you fake it?
4 Posts • 3059 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
hmm. not many people just come out and ask stuff like this on this site. yeah they'll talk about kids or dating problems but nothing more, usually.
i bet 2 days before anyone replies to this.... |
We all talk about a better way
13 Posts • 3044 Views Talk Talk |
i am very good at reading people. the ebst i know. so if i care about what they think of me and i can sense im 'pushing' to far, i mite step back, but probably not. |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107412 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
So you think people would be perfectly willing to give up major profits? The legalization of pot would pot dealers out of business do you expect them to be happy about this? |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24736 Views Religion Forum |
Could never understand why people think Revelations is some sort of prophesy, and not the contemporary commentary on the fall of the Roman Empire that it is. |
Society & SociologyAttorneys
6 Posts • 3663 Views Psychology Forum |
To bad the Justice system seems to be more about who can hire the best lawyer than seeking the truth and producing a just recompense.
A pet peeve for many of the people! |
US is #1: In Imprisonment
11 Posts • 3895 Views Talk Talk |
yeah... I saw an article about this yesterday. One in 138 people are in the can at the moment. I wonder how many US citizens have been in jail at least once in their life.
A scary thought... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160077 Views Talk Talk |
I think this happens to many people but anyway, I hate to step on the lines in the floor, specially the ones of the sidewalk, I think that's the main reason why I don't walk more :p |
I don't like fundamentalists!
6 Posts • 3142 Views Talk Talk |
I thought Fundamentalists were a group of religious people, also called born again's.
Saddam is a freak of nature. |
2 Posts • 1939 Views Talk Talk |
no you by yourself are not cursed with bad luck. we all are.
people who do try to be nice and help others are most often blamed to be weak. those that are caring tend to be seen as timid and insecu... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think freedom of speach is fine, everyone is going to get in there piece. Some of it is alot of BS because some people dont know when to just shut up but, everyone is entitled.*eek* shocking |
Brokeback to the Future
0 Posts • 2156 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
LOL you gotta love the spoofs people put together on old movies, I saw a similar one involving Alien Vs. Predaotor. (Which was a little awkward...) |
What is Love
25 Posts • 7365 Views Talk Talk |
Yes it seems to differentiate the difference between love and infatuation. People have trouble distinguishing the two apart. Which often after the incident is over makes someone appear foolish. |