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Tagged > Insane people
THREAD adjusting from high school to college
10 Posts • 2174 Views
Talk Talk
Why bother with people like that? But, he does have a point about the assignments. If you are late handing in an assignment you should get zero because in the real business world a late report is usel...
THREAD GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5461 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Yet irrelevant enough for you to ignore and have a chat of the aftermath. Far more productive I'm sure. What do you care if Obama is elected, do you just prefer your corruption with a no...
32 Posts • 12002 Views
Philosophy Forum
When I looked at studies of human evolution, I noticed something kind of interesting. The term economy is used for issues of food production (earlier it was hunting and gathering, later it was animal...
THREAD Sociological Conundrum
0 Posts • 1956 Views
Philosophy Forum
ok then, this is what i would do. Basic Concept: Use my little ammunation to make more ammunation. Elaborated: Begin building basic mechanical machines that help gardening, mining, and all of th...
THREAD Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13790 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yeah, we definitely confuse ourselves. At least I do. I question something, then I question my question, then I question my second question, and it goes on. The cycle of thougt. I like that phrase....
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62683 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm curious as to whether anyone here thinks our government, or powerful factions within it, are capable of doing any wrong what so ever? I'm curious as to whom you trust and why? Because...
THREAD Why has my life turned out this way?
10 Posts • 4309 Views
Talk Talk
The problem with your posts aren't your spectating perspectives, that was obvious, your problem comes in thinking you have the slightest idea of what you are talking about in claiming what he or...
THREAD BiologyCloning
93 Posts • 25410 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Why is it that when everybody begins to develop some fabrications of intelligence they suddenly deny their God? Now, I don't know how many people believed in God to begin with but I would assume...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43936 Views
Religion Forum
"In an atheist state, there is suppression of religion and atheism is explicitly taught. In a secular state, the government does exactly what it should, it doesn't MEDDLE in people's re...
THREAD Society & Sociologythe world is falling to pieces
2 Posts • 2689 Views
Psychology Forum
Why is it that the world is falling to pieces around us what with war the credit crunch murders of young people and every other little screw up and the most horrirfic things is that people will see it...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
In reality there can be no anti-Bush thread and pro-Bush thread, only a Bush thread and a thread for idiots. I feel guilty belittling a mental midget. Cutting Bush down to size should be easy, i...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityGood vs. Evil
14 Posts • 5994 Views
Philosophy Forum
Lefty's right. You can say a lot of stuff about how you'd react, and then when it happens, you pulling the trigger on someone like that right in their face and watching them get blown away...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29232 Views
Religion Forum
I had a discussion about religion with someone a long time ago, and he said something regarding different religions that stuck with me (at the time I was expressing my frustration about the exclusivit...
THREAD Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34706 Views
Talk Talk
Does rap violence incite violence amongst young people? Rap music definitely has an influence on people. People I've known and grownup with have changed after listening to rap music. It's all for i...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainWeird things you do when you stay up too late
11 Posts • 7715 Views
Psychology Forum
I get what your saying. After a certain time of night there is a change of some sort. My theory is that it has something to do with the fact that the majority of people, for miles around, are asleep a...
THREAD SocietyWe, consumers
8 Posts • 3327 Views
Philosophy Forum
In my opinion, whatever choice there is for a society to exist without some form of consumerism, it would indeed be an unrealistic change to expect people to make. The only other alternative that I ca...
THREAD All Things Hockey
39 Posts • 10084 Views
Talk Talk
Exactly. I also would like to see some of the weaker teams start to get some equality in the league. It isn't that much fun when you get the same people in the playoffs. I think it would add m...
8 Posts • 2301 Views
Talk Talk
Everyone feels lost at some point. I think there are different degrees of lost though. I think for most people, they are happy little drones, who are born, live and die without even realizing it. And...
THREAD God in ReligionGod, Heaven, and Good People
7 Posts • 3151 Views
Religion Forum
Hmm. These are good points; I'll have to think about this. But I have another question, too. Cynic-Al mentioned good Athiests who give their lives to helping others without the motivation of an a...
THREAD Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 8044 Views
Religion Forum
True good deeds are given with no strings attached. I agree with you as well jacker. There is so much more meaning behind doing good deeds when they are done of someone's own desire to simp...
48 Posts • 12628 Views
Talk Talk
This is all about lies, and lies are involved in everything, so anything goes as far as topics as long as lying is the theme. I wanted to ask society in general, and espescially religious society a...
THREAD Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23561 Views
Philosophy Forum
Are you saying that because this hypothetical future president is black or coloured or technicolour polka dotted that there would be more chance of a racially motivated civil war? If its just a disagr...
THREAD GovernmentBush Presidency a Budding Criminal Dictatorship?
25 Posts • 7068 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Congress gives Bush the right to torture and detain people forever (Torture Bill Gives Bush Retroactive War Crimes Immunity) House approves warrantless wiretap law This is disgusting people. We...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51754 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This is inevitable and legalizing prostitution means people will have to resort to breaking other laws. If consensual sex is fine then why not try something more controversial and move onto non-consen...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7768 Views
Religion Forum
I am agnostic People capable of being honest with themselves tend to be. I just don't know where people get off claiming, not just to know things they can't, but that what other'...
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