Gender PsychologyDo Women Ever Propose?
2 Posts • 6348 Views Psychology Forum |
It happens just not very often. They want to be equal to men(hence the 19th amendment) but then they can't do basic shit and propose to the man no matter how much they love them(supposedly). I th... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34654 Views Psychology Forum |
'devils of love' 'slutty' - to me it just sounds like you don't look closely enough at women. The left side, the feminine side, the half of spirituality and society, existence... |
4 Posts • 2875 Views Philosophy Forum |
For times and half a times i've been looking for the existence of a mind of complete wisdom....time and time again i've imputed and been rejected by even my blood relatives....but as yet i... |
Habits & BehaviorAnimal Magnetism…
2 Posts • 1854 Views Psychology Forum |
What is it that attracts us to things?
This is my take: It is youself that is identifying with an NB aspect of yourself on some level or another. I am not referring to earlier memories as such, alt... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31946 Views Psychology Forum |
:D I'm just writing this to remind myself to get back to the original topic before the administrators get mad.*lol*
The topic... right, dream guy or girl. Well, one thing I would love to see... |
33 Posts • 9721 Views Philosophy Forum |
What about the positive aspects of 'deserving'? If you work hard, do you not deserve those material things you have acquired? If you work at a relationship, do you not deserve the love of a family mem... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30321 Views Religion Forum |
Uh, change is the only constant in life buddy. That's how God apparently wanted it, confusing and simplistic.
You see, I fairly well agree with your conceptualization of God, I cannot do more... |
guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6032 Views Talk Talk |
rancid, so you're saying it's better to date someone who is impatient, and after a quick fix, rather than waiting to find that ONE person who deserves you?
Tell me, how many people do you... |
Lost love
9 Posts • 4641 Views Talk Talk |
Yeah, also, when they leave, they're most likely not coming back. Don't beat yourself up about loosing your significant other since to them, you are not significant. Also, if they come back... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40981 Views Religion Forum |
i'm agnostic, i dont disbelieve theres a possibility of there being a god. In other words, im really not sure. I'm religionless, but always have an open mind to hearing new opinions and beli... |
Pictures of Our Pets
14 Posts • 5417 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Oh my cats!!!!
I love when people pull these threads up because I can add to them.
This is my baby. If I could date a cat, he'd be the one I'd date.
He gets VIP treatment because... |
Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10423 Views Philosophy Forum |
everyone has flaws. when you are in love, a persons flaws are not flaws at all. if one of those flaws happens to involve them using you in some way, you will not see it as a flaw. |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59342 Views Philosophy Forum |
do you mean your learning who i am? anyway i wont be like you i'll answer a qeustion or 2. because it makes me think "what if that was someone i loved? what if that was me? if that can happe... |
Personal Thoughts
22 Posts • 7300 Views Talk Talk |
I don't really think that age should me that much of a difference, love knows no boundaries and all that crap ya know. But, I do find it sad when I see Junior/Senior guys going out with Freshmen... |
Relationships & LoveSome of the women I've loved...
0 Posts • 1895 Views Psychology Forum |
It could be all so simple..But you'd rather make it hard.
Loving you is like a battle, and we both end up with scars.
Tell me, who I have to be..
To gain some reciprocity.
See, no one lov... |
Why has my life turned out this way?
10 Posts • 4311 Views Talk Talk |
Poor me ahh poor me look at me give me some love help me look what life has given me. Look at me im creative I come up with beautiful poems to make more of an impact. This is what your poem sounds lik... |
Warm Fuzzy Things...
15 Posts • 4980 Views Talk Talk |
Being able to talk to people about random issues...
Sitting out on my Balcony, just watching life go by...
The beautiful smell of a woman as she walks by...
Hugs, most definetly...I love hugs..... |
Human Nature & EmotionLove
41 Posts • 25154 Views Philosophy Forum |
analitical- yeah that sounds like real good advice.
it is kinda inexplainable. the only to know what it is, is to feel it. but how do you know your actually feeling love? o well. it feels good. yeah.... |
30 Posts • 10006 Views Philosophy Forum |
*originaly posted by Decius*
I don't think I have even one regret in regards to my own life. If I regretted anything, I wouldn't love who I am today, because everything I have experienced... |
Rehab & AddictionDrug Use, yay nay wrong or okay?
19 Posts • 6402 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
i've done a whole hell of a lot of drugs.......i had a lot of good times,bad times and in between times.....i became addicted to heroin and thats where the fun stopped.....
i think that exparame... |
124 Posts • 33705 Views Talk Talk |
I wish I wasn't allerigic to animals because then I'd have a dog. My friend's kid just died tonight, it was sad, I was sad for her. My friend's aunt died last week, I feel sad for... |
God in Religiongods name
46 Posts • 12629 Views Religion Forum |
:( why is it that religions all believe in god , mostly all religions believe in one god, and they all say he is the creator , giver of life, love,peace , and keeper of heaven, and then we turn around... |
12 Posts • 3795 Views Talk Talk |
he doens't no i feel like this, i try to hide it from him, ocz i dont wanna push him away he'll blame himself and then says your better off without him
You must communicate, you first sa... |
Artworkyour own artwork, drawn, graphic, painted,sculptur
103 Posts • 29487 Views Art Forum |
thank you chiron ^___^ Wolverine is by far my favorite fictional character. Making him look all beastly and savage makes me smile. I love when I put immense detail and definition to my artwork.
I t... |
The Illusionist
2 Posts • 2144 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Edward Norton made this film great. His quiet and mysterious persona was highly alluring throughout the entire movie. The love story was a litte weak and overdone, but the twists and turns kept me int... |