Earth is crammed with heave, And every common bush afire with God; And only he who sees takes off his shoes. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Tagged > Improving life
THREAD Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14986 Views
Psychology Forum
Lol..Fashion how absurd it is. However, and this is a real tip, if you wish to get somehwere in life, sometimes its necessary to give sway to trends because people are so shallow they will negate to o...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91126 Views
Philosophy Forum
Time travel in this dimension isn't possible, due to the fact E=mc2, our mass is not fast enough to travel faster then the speed of light. But say when we die their is then a wormhole, its not in...
THREAD ChristianityHoly Trinity
15 Posts • 3692 Views
Religion Forum
John 1 1 1 2 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 3 All things came to be through him, and without him nothin...
THREAD Society & Sociologyvoyeurism
25 Posts • 8034 Views
Psychology Forum
Likewise the response to Katrina THE RESPONSE, or the media's response, minus the real or not response of Heraldo in referrence to those TRAPPED in the Super Dome, "let them go!"......
THREAD your purpose
48 Posts • 13711 Views
Philosophy Forum
my biggest ambition and purpose i suppose is to make a mark on the world to be remembered i suppose that this is the ambition of a lonly person but i would like to effect the way people think and to h...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14378 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
I can't say from experience or in too technical of terms, but what I have heard was far too interesting to forget, I'm not sure what you have heard but, the interesting stuff comes in the fo...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19549 Views
Religion Forum
It is said that for 1 human enzyme to form by chance is a number with 40000 zeros. Funnily enough the number of atoms in the known universe is a number with 80 zeros. It is a mathematical improbabilit...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15257 Views
Religion Forum
"In my life experience, I have learnt that the latter is a much greater, much more appreciated, and much more holy gift to give another individual - the gift of respect." This is why we a...
THREAD Christianitywe're nothing special
9 Posts • 3351 Views
Religion Forum
I'm starting to think after a little bit of reasoning that if we were banished from the Garden of Eden. Wouldn't you think he would have started on bigger and better 'projects' tha...
THREAD Life & DeathDid Einstein unknowingly prove life beyond death?!?! This is a theory of everything
25 Posts • 63814 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ignatius - the body isn't designed to be immortal, So the energy stored within it, which allows the body to grow and interact with other bodies throughout nature, can only stay within that body f...
THREAD Cosmetic concept
1 Posts • 1945 Views
Talk Talk
Once you and your dentist decide to go ahead with dental implant or dental crown the next question is the material to use. One can choose from metal to procelain to the recent reinforced resin. Even f...
THREAD high school help
2 Posts • 3736 Views
Talk Talk
ok, maybe this advice forum is just for people who get divorced and cheated on and stuff, but i'm only 13 so this isnt going to be about my light speed, exciting, soap opera style love life. i...
THREAD Gender PsychologyGUYS: what do you look for in a girl?
12 Posts • 93898 Views
Psychology Forum
For me I feel it is important to find a girl who is level headed able to deal with life in general. I need someone who is openminded and tolerant (as many of you may know by now I am a weird person wi...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionWhat is Love?
11 Posts • 7163 Views
Philosophy Forum
Love is always something you know... Usually, you don't think you're in love, you know you are... But that relies on your definition of love! I guess for me, something I love, is someth...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82886 Views
Psychology Forum
I recenctly spoke to a woman who I have never met in person, only met her through a cyber social network. During our lengthy phone conversation, she disclosed an experience she had that basically stee...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Behavior
32 Posts • 8696 Views
Religion Forum
Are you saying that your misinformed view of God makes finding knowledge difficult? No, that was not what I meant. I simply stated I believe in an open mind, and in addition, that those things...
THREAD What do I do...?
15 Posts • 3850 Views
Talk Talk
Yea, I got all my stuff back from her yesterday. Gave all hers back too. So I guess this is really it. Im going to miss her, even though she put me through hell. I still lover her, and I dont know why...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Power of Illusion
0 Posts • 824 Views
Psychology Forum
I appreciate the fact that you created this thread Decius. In addition, I wouldn't necessarily consider the God in us being an illusion(even though you didn't say that), but then again, it s...
THREAD DrugsThe timeless infatuation with drugs
4 Posts • 3837 Views
Psychology Forum
make it sure that you don't start on hard drugs. I too used do weed, pot hash etc every now and them, now I ve quit, you learn more from life withought drugs. If you don't want to quit right...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhere you live
31 Posts • 7747 Views
Psychology Forum
Yeah I'm like the same for why i've moved alot. Though i've lived in Florida most my life there's a lot of moving. I'm honestly about to move in about a month. This will b...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
This is off topic I know but....... what the I know a nurse that works in a hospital in Toronto. She was working at the time of the 9/11 attacks on western society. She had stated that th...
THREAD BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12149 Views
Talk Talk
The sad thing about life is that really all people who find their niche or get good jobs all originally had either money or a connection. You need someone on the inside to help open that first door...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy do women lie?
15 Posts • 9708 Views
Psychology Forum
Its a mechanism of defense in order to not hurt others. Well actually to not hurt ourselfs. It's not just women guys do it too. People tell themselves they lie to protect the people around them w...
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20620 Views
Psychology Forum
his fantasy flashes are involuntary. he takes no action to realise those fantasies. yet, involunatry as they may be, they exist. i have never been witness to any behavior on his part that implies purs...
THREAD Sexual PsychologyLoss of Virginity
33 Posts • 15319 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
im in a religion that when sex is talked about, its "shhh-dont-talk-about-it& quot;, which sucks, because sexual conversations are quite interesting and comfortable when ofcourse you are with peop...
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