Once you and your dentist decide to go ahead with dental implant or dental crown the next question is the material to use. One can choose from metal to procelain to the recent reinforced resin. Even filling material has been seasoned with such tooth matching change.
All these new engineered material are preferred for the life like appearance they hold. This cosmetic concept was conceptualized in dental work through
Cosmetic dentistry. Dentist came to realize and sort after methods to make dental finish appearance friendly.
For this
Cosmetic dentistry has employed the following techniques, namely
Dental bonding- It is utilized to rectify the cosmetic defects found on the surface of a tooth, to replace tooth structure that has chipped away or broken, or to repair damage caused by tooth decay. In extensive bonding the entire front side of a tooth can be resurfaced so as to improve its cosmetic appearance.
Enamel shaping – This method is behind the life-like look to facial surface of tooth and this is done by contouring the natural teeth.
Procelain Verneers – It is the new material here to substitute metal etc. It is composed of a thin shell of porcelain that is bonded onto the front side of a tooth. Shells of porcelain are translucent, thin laminates and so they better the natural appearance of natural teeth shape wise, space wise and colour wise.
All Porcelain Crowns – Like porcelain verneers they too are chiefly employed for cosmetic reasons. But are done only as an add up benefit to treatment for health reasons. Because they are encased only after trimming away significant tooth structure
There are many more cosmetic techniques and more material to come to nurture your oral cosmetic concern.