Existence does not exist - Bram Van Santvoort (Oblivionbram)
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Tagged > Improving life
THREAD Drugson drinking
8 Posts • 3223 Views
Psychology Forum
so many people i know.. mainly people ages 21-25 drink alot.. maybe 2-4 times a week. they go to parties and say theyre just having a good time and living it up. but im just wondering why people at th...
THREAD Do chicks like guys with huge muscles?
41 Posts • 37916 Views
Talk Talk
Well i respect jims admiration and respect for body building. I started training when i was around 15 years old, and yes it is true that body building requires alot of self-involvement. But u get so m...
THREAD Humankinds place
7 Posts • 2348 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think purpose is how you look at it. Many people get a cat in their house for the purpose of catching mice. But to a cat, the purpose of catching a mouse is for fun. We as humans are in a unique pos...
THREAD SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13188 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It seems to me that this thread is going in circles and we just won't see eye to eye. What makes me sadder than anything is that I recognize the mindset. Instead of punishing bad behavior and rew...
THREAD Life & Deathpreventing death
9 Posts • 3045 Views
Philosophy Forum
In a sense, we are getting better and better at preventing death. 45 use to be considered very very old. Our lifespan is continually increasing with rapid growth in technology. It is theorized that ev...
THREAD God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14674 Views
Religion Forum
things could have happened anyway whatsoever and we would say "wow isnt life so amazing nd complex" we just get customed and get attached to things.. first of all "complex" is only...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21535 Views
Religion Forum
ahoy all firstly, religion is a mans (most) vision and guide through life so he may better himself, most religions are very similar in mst cases except for the finer detail on their chosen god itse...
THREAD The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11353 Views
Talk Talk
the impression that i get from attolia is an innocent one. she is a good girl. she never gets in trouble and she loves her daddy. she smoked weed one time at a party that a guy invited her to. he was...
THREAD Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35936 Views
Psychology Forum
(I didn't read thru all the posts so I don't know if this was said already) Not all terrorists are muslim. I remember 9/11 and they read this note that said those who sacrifice themsel...
THREAD Physics & Cosmologycould CERN really end all life as we know it?
4 Posts • 3135 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I read this article awhile back. What does CERN mean for the future of the universe? The European Organization for Nuclear Research, also known as CERN, is the world's largest particle phys...
THREAD ConsciousnessDifferents Forms of Consciousness
5 Posts • 3091 Views
Philosophy Forum
I saw this post and it stuck out to me. This is my understanding as I have learned it. A letter for HOPE (Helping other peoples experience) In the past year, I have undertook various journeys;...
THREAD Movie Trailers & ClipsRandom Video Thread
147 Posts • 25699 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
If we can't laugh about life, then pass me the razor blades. When you tell us you are being sarcastic we can understand what you're on about, just the problem that everyone comes across i...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42241 Views
Philosophy Forum
Your thoughts that we're saying "I don't care" is an assumption, and an incorrect one at that. I, for one, do care – a lot. "Pretending we're not hurt", another...
THREAD ChristianityAdam...?
43 Posts • 11227 Views
Religion Forum
Yes the NT states that Joseph & Mary went into the east which many think that Jesus may have had access to eastern teachings. The OT starts with description of creation on our world, but I have h...
THREAD Paranormal & PseudoscienceTelepathy - Schizophrenia - God, mystery of my life
4 Posts • 3022 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Why I exist but I am not explored and documented. Many people know about my telepathy, many people are receiving voices and consume medicine. This is stupid!!! For the same reason it is supp...
THREAD More to the world than we can see
21 Posts • 5653 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well since you put it that way with that weak pathetic apology. Here's your evidence. War veterans, Alhimers victims, post tramatic victims, and so on. The brain is stuck in an incognitive loop t...
THREAD LawJulian Assange granted asylum by Ecuador
0 Posts • 414 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
That's a gimmick to fool people. Julian Assange is a false flag works for the US intelligence. They create the case of Wikileaks at the purpose to justify the censorship on Internet. In the n...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
The Enemy------People who devote there time to building weapons of mass destruction. People who kill for the fun of it. If someone calls the usa a name, there not gonna go to war but, kill a bunch of...
THREAD Acronym
2 Posts • 3781 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Acronym: Is love a curse that engulfs the soul? Leaving one empty, worse then death itself. Order dissipates, your being uncontrolled, Violently rocking your soul from its shelf. Even life its...
THREAD Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24182 Views
Philosophy Forum
Okay guys, so here's my theory on life's design. I believe that the human as an individual does not control his fate, but that humanity as a whole controls an individual's fate. Say yo...
THREAD Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13305 Views
Philosophy Forum
This is 2003, we humans have allegedly advanced so much. We have allegedly come to know how ridiculous past societal views were. The issue of being female has been a fact used to define ways of life/b...
THREAD Society & SociologyLabeling
17 Posts • 6914 Views
Psychology Forum
hmm.....lables....i have been labled all my life...the witch,the freak,the goth girl,the wierd chick,the druggie,slutty,agressive,bitch ,bisexual,white,smart,opiniona ted, sarcastic,friendly,cold....and...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30311 Views
Religion Forum
Rejoice as we simultaneously slaughter innocents elsewhere, yay for balance. Its funny sort of, I hear so much in life that people need to take responsibility for their actions, but God gets a free...
THREAD Kids complete women
12 Posts • 2796 Views
Talk Talk
i think procreating is a big thing for either a man or a woman and is a big part in most people lives. It is generally considered unusual for any woman to choose not to have children at all if she is...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13260 Views
Religion Forum
From what ive heard in this section many people have agreed that in the same way animals kill one another to survive, so must we, many cultures offer sacrifices of animals to God (or their Gods) but t...
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