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Tagged > Improving life
THREAD Betrayal
4 Posts • 3203 Views
Talk Talk
Evilia that happened to me too. It timed out on me. *dead* Anyway, I know how you feel. If it is on the internet, get used to it. I learned a very hard lesson to NOT trust others. Even those you t...
THREAD ChristianityMITHRA! (pt. 2)
31 Posts • 9033 Views
Religion Forum
alright, i wasnt too sure of what you said. back to what i was saying earlier: i really dont think you're gonna get an unbiased view of things as far as religion goes. anywhere. someone has a...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy are people so difficult
10 Posts • 3432 Views
Psychology Forum
True we are only human and very prone to destructive behavior and all that. But, I know someone will slam me for my opinion here , but here goes. We are difficult because of our life experiences or la...
THREAD Friends, or so you thought
8 Posts • 3632 Views
Talk Talk
One thing I have learned in life is that it is dangerous to trust- I am a terrible pessimist (the glass is less than half empty and evaporating quickly) I know anyone can go from someone sweet and lov...
THREAD Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39727 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Sometimes, I get the feeling that our lives are as repetitive as machines in an assembly line. We repeat things so often that in our sleep our minds can start regurgitating images and pictures and fac...
THREAD SpiritualityI need absolute Proof
26 Posts • 9810 Views
Religion Forum
im too tired to pray im lazy i rather watch tv than celebrate life im stuck in my ways ((he'll use the weak to overcome the strong)) look at your eyes theyre small in size but they see e...
THREAD Moving to Hong Kong for 3 years..
5 Posts • 2899 Views
Talk Talk
3 years does seem like a very very long time.... but its part of the contract.. and im not in the mood to break it. Plus, i feel like one of those extremists... if i do something i do it large. lik...
THREAD I'm CRAZY for him and said something dumb, please help!!
3 Posts • 1894 Views
Talk Talk
Oh honey, my advice is keep looking. A man working fast good with a baby somewhere? Not the best prospective catch no matter how gorgeous he may be. Think further into the future, about what you want....
THREAD War & TerrorismBeyond Stuxnet: massively complex Flame malware ups ante for cyberwar
0 Posts • 278 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Mostly people are volunteering these audio and video recordings on YouTube and disseminating private data on FaceBook. It's a waste of time and money to catch somebody secretly picking their n...
THREAD Colours of the RainBow
20 Posts • 7247 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Good to get an insider view of photography. I always wondered about those really amazing pictures you see, usually of nature, that seem to be more colorful and more alive than the actual world itself....
THREAD AstronomyMartian saltwater announcement
10 Posts • 5174 Views
Science & Technology Forum
That is a good point we know damned well the universe is huge and there is going to be life out there- if we ever find it is another question.... I think if they found a human skeliton or a wreaked s...
THREAD There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9068 Views
Philosophy Forum
that painted a pretty cool picture in my head. I visioned the rest of my life, from that moment on, as frame by frame pictures begining left ending right. My conscous mind holding the remote.
THREAD The Odyssy
3 Posts • 7485 Views
Talk Talk
anyone who experienced life as much as Odysseus did is a hero in my eyes. everyone makes mistakes, he was no different. i am not particularly fond of Odysseus, actually he was a bit of an asshole, but...
THREAD Aesthetics & BeautyBeauty
34 Posts • 17277 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, yeah I live in a city, but I don't percieve anything as 'ugly'. I mean, there are bound to be natural things like trees here and there, and even if it was all buildings etc, still...
THREAD Regrets
30 Posts • 10005 Views
Philosophy Forum
Regrets...Life, relationships, family, and friends. I think the most significant regret that I personally have is believing in people. Nothing or no one is ever what it/ they seem to be. I have learne...
THREAD Vipassana Meditation
1 Posts • 3179 Views
Talk Talk I want to share this link with you because it has changed my life. I've always felt that something was wrong in me. I've tried everything. But now, what was wrong has finally...
THREAD Society & SociologyUnderground Islamic cult charged with child abuse - Story - World - 3 News
2 Posts • 2610 Views
Psychology Forum
Ah... well... madmen are everywhere. However, when insanity meets religious extremism, you get stuff like this. I really do think that those who lived there, and more importantly, those who enforc...
THREAD Things That Bother Me
27 Posts • 7724 Views
Talk Talk
awakendwraith Through my life I have felt pretty much the same about girls. Expecially if I was attracted to them. But after time I have learned that all grils and boys are pretty much the same. An...
THREAD Society & SociologyGetting along with stupid/bullheaded people
0 Posts • 6389 Views
Psychology Forum
Decius: Bullheaded people who are unaware of themselves blunder through life. Without realizing it, they hurt themselves, their family and their friends. I know this because some of my family is like...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14378 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
90% of my year group do drugs and get pissed vertually every weekend (they are only 15) i have the same problem. I drink socialy not to get pissed and have only been drunk twise i dont smoke and i am...
THREAD Life & DeathThe reason of life.
30 Posts • 7318 Views
Philosophy Forum
My perception on the reason of life is GOD split herself into billions of souls to have a reflection of who he really is. We are all lights to each other and we reflect to one another love, anger, pai...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorWhat gives you comfort when alone
15 Posts • 7058 Views
Psychology Forum
Being alone... today I had a overwhelming sense of stress and despair all through my life. I got home from school and no one was home.. I layed on my couch and starred at the ceilling in a daze for a...
112 Posts • 27029 Views
Talk Talk
I had a Mountain Dew the other day..... Could not help but to think of Wyote's obsesion with the beverage in question. I to am still hooked on Pepsi- I had jumped ship for a while .... making a d...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36742 Views
Philosophy Forum
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man, but in the end the man who wins is the man who thinks he can." But when the man who thinks he can looks at me, his thinking...
THREAD Perceptions Change In Wanting Eyes
1 Posts • 2487 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
This is the life Deemed not worth living Lived by one Who thought it worthy and filling What perceived by one, Hopeless and futile Lived by another And died with a smile - Xaej
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