They say that these are not the best of times but they're the only times I've ever known - countalucard
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Tagged > Human skin color
THREAD Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14221 Views
Religion Forum
*clown* Of course, the bible is contradictory! It contrast between views of life & what is of value. It purpose is to teach moral (social) values & help to bring one closer to GOD. Yes, it is...
THREAD Life & DeathThe meaning of life
30 Posts • 8190 Views
Philosophy Forum
Earth is a small meaningless rock. On that rock you can find human beings. Our purpose? we have none. We are here because of the relationships to love have fun and enjoy this gift that we have been gi...
THREAD FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16529 Views
Science & Technology Forum
In the next thousand years I would not rule out that humans could become the first self-determinant evolving species ever known. A hybrid bio-electromechanical being. But, then, this would constitute...
THREAD Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27152 Views
Philosophy Forum
Even though being brash and brutally honest in the past has worked for you; doesn't mean that it's the correct behaviour towards another human being. Maybe you were raised to be explicitly h...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionEmotions
17 Posts • 6940 Views
Philosophy Forum
I agree. Depression, along with mayn other traits or emotions, are detrimental to a human beings' health and wellbeing. However, the emotions run through us at vaired times and there is nothing t...
THREAD Life & DeathMovies that best describe life/death??
22 Posts • 6819 Views
Philosophy Forum
Terminator (all three of them). Just proves that the human race is so bent on destruction that they will be the cause of the downfall of their own race. At least, thats how i feel. Oh, it also proves...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyBeing Lazy
8 Posts • 3830 Views
Psychology Forum
The human mind can make a Hell out of a Heaven and a Heaven out of Hell. (John Milton) Studying philosophy can do that.
THREAD Theory of the Man-Machine
12 Posts • 9439 Views
Philosophy Forum
my theory is that there are at least two "types" of existence: physical and abstract. our bodies, brains, cells, and everything around us that causes us to experience are physical--however,...
THREAD What value do you navigate by?
6 Posts • 2641 Views
Philosophy Forum
Beauty and morality are species of values. George Santayana says that 'all values must be ultimately intrinsic'. He adds that the good, i.e. that which is desired, is good because of its consequen...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 18874 Views
Philosophy Forum
Beauty is a human construct. It's also a social construct. You can not say that you are "beautiful" alone, but because you have been influenced to think that way or others tell that to...
THREAD Societya society at eachother's throats.
18 Posts • 6372 Views
Philosophy Forum
>"It's an impulsive response due to insecurity." -Due to insecurity as well as a subconcious paranoia that I believe we set within ourselves early on (lower level school). It is a...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
this is just going back and forth! Nobody ever agrees. Even us simple people have to get the last word in. I think just shutting up and getting along is the way to go. We are all human and were we liv...
THREAD ConsciousnessHow do the ideas of Universal Consciousness and synchronicity fit together?
5 Posts • 3670 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well that idea is an ethnocentrist view. Another term used is collective unconscious. Every human shares common traits, experiences and instincts, so there is a point of synchronized consciousness, or...
THREAD BiologyCloning
93 Posts • 25065 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Unfortunately, we cannot really know for certain, unless we actually clone entire human beings. We tend to be an empirical lot, and as a race need sometimes to 'stick our hands into the fire' when we...
THREAD What truths would a wise person pursue?
5 Posts • 2793 Views
Philosophy Forum
It appears to me that science has accumulated a great deal of knowledge regarding human nature that would be very useful for everyone to know. Unfortunately our schools and colleges are focused almost...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7142 Views
Religion Forum
Chris- I'd really love to believe what you just said. But, can you give me an example as to how that could hypothetically occur? And, even though it hasn't been scientifically proven, 2...
2 Posts • 3276 Views
Religion Forum
God in our Nobel book stated that He has “surely created man in the best stature” and then followed by “then we reduced him to the lowest of low”(95:4-5). Information may be ha...
THREAD Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10737 Views
Talk Talk
One thing Ive noticed about young people, particularly those going through their "rebellious" phase, is that they always give the finger or a gang sign when in photos. I remember when I w...
THREAD Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 15925 Views
Religion Forum
to say that everyone had religion, even the majority, untill recently is a bit pressumptuous. Where do you get your info? What are you saying the select few meant to tell the world did a good job o...
THREAD Relationships & Lovewould you?
4 Posts • 2161 Views
Psychology Forum
Yes. Hell, screw it. If I love them, I do. Real or not I still do. Even if their reciprocation is generated, the fact is I fell in love with the generation. I wouldn't care. Could you find a h...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8818 Views
Religion Forum
Religion has been around waaay before the Dark ages. However, yes, religion is an exellent way of providing moral justification (for just about anything from aggression, human sacrifice or benevolenc...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24183 Views
Philosophy Forum
To recognize all personified deities as being mere human constructs This is no different than the arguement for God. You want an answer that gives you control and so you chose to believe that there...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41211 Views
Religion Forum
Given the definition of evil being mental and physical anguish caused by natural or by human means, then if a house is flooded out in a rainstorm and a little girl drowns, then how is that evil caused...
THREAD BiologyMeditation altars brain structure
18 Posts • 6895 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Meditation is an individual practice that is being practiced by more and more individuals every year. If not a human evolution, certainly an environmenal one. At least, meditation practiced by larger...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33316 Views
Religion Forum
Time can also be told by day/night, and the sun. And time is absolute, as I mentioned before. I don't understand the lines dots thing. And unnatural is not natural of course, just like inhuman an...
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