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Tagged > Human skin color
THREAD SocietyYour Veiw on Society
6 Posts • 3358 Views
Philosophy Forum
I hate and love society. I understand how it is create and how it is almost necessary. We strive towards a goal (as foolish as that goal may be) to distract ourself and give ourself purpose. We can&...
THREAD Chaos theory
70 Posts • 16757 Views
Philosophy Forum
(I'm hoping some of you can grasp this concept; especially anyone who may be an ontological anarchist) Imagine a world where the flap of a butterfly's wings on one side of the world sets...
THREAD what if..
12 Posts • 4000 Views
Philosophy Forum
Conway, I think your reference to Kant's work in relation to the question of infinite reality is quite astute. His ideas about causality being a hardwired paradigm of human perception totally turned t...
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 28810 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Cturtle was referring to Capitalism not democracy. If you carefully read over your post you will realize that you're mixing the two." Goddamnit I havent. We forced CAPITALISM, a react...
THREAD Society & Sociologypeople bonding by discriminating..
2 Posts • 3043 Views
Psychology Forum
I guess its normal, as im human i probably do it to.. but its fucking annoying when others do it towards you.. when your by yourself and theres a pack they feeel so safe to be cocky casue they kno...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15005 Views
Religion Forum
Brother, I would love to discuss this with you. Do you subscribe to, and understand the concept of probability and deduction? Decius, as I would love to discuss it with you. You have a beautiful m...
THREAD Aesthetics & BeautyPhilosophy Playing Cards Design: Looking for Feedback
1 Posts • 2811 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hello, everyone! I am new to the forums here, so I will start with a brief introduction. My name is Martin Pulido, and I am philosophy graduate who also happens to love card games (as well as board ga...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWorship 101?
5 Posts • 2894 Views
Religion Forum
I've always detested the word worship. Because no god I'd ever even respect would be so vain and shallow. So I found it very interesting when a semi famous researcher in england expressed...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsThoughts by an Angel of Fire
5 Posts • 2439 Views
Psychology Forum
Devil of Desire ----- written Nov. 9, 2009 We layed there on my floor, each on our backs, forming a sort of human "t". On the bottom was I, I like a pillow; her head resting on my chest...
THREAD ChristianityDoctrine of non-intervention
4 Posts • 2954 Views
Religion Forum
I can only partly agree. I do believe that by turning the other cheek, everyone could relieve the world around them from revenge. And if our justice system were to take the same belief, we would escap...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWe as the experiment of aliens
11 Posts • 9016 Views
Religion Forum
let's just see, 3000 years ago there was almost no religion involving just one god. take the Egyptians for one moment here, they worshiped not one but many gods, which they do not tribute one spe...
64 Posts • 18990 Views
Philosophy Forum
"i can only say, to have pure faith alone and to undoubtedly prove your love for God(assuming he exists)-You must have the highest form of faith...which is that with no physical evidence."...
124 Posts • 33123 Views
Talk Talk
It has yet to cease to amaze me just how ridiculously incapable of normal human cohabitation some people my age can be. I am steps short of counting the days until the end of this year of university s...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19208 Views
Religion Forum
Okcitykid: 'intelligent design' is not a theory its a postulate. What right does it have to be taught in biology classes? its not scientific, its theology. The pseudo-code algorithm for how...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 121870 Views
Religion Forum
If you have a million monkeys and a million typewriters, you will eventually get Shakespeare. Darwinian Evolution shows how this process occurs in nature, to eventually get complex organisms like us....
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 54423 Views
Philosophy Forum
PLEASE TELL ME IF THESE IDEAS ARE HORRIBLY FLAWED!!!! I write this solely as I am a far more eloquent and understandable writer than my brother, however the majority of these ideas are from him. I...
THREAD a question
21 Posts • 6806 Views
Philosophy Forum
Wisdom consists of making the best use of available knowledge. Wisdom is intangible collected through experience. Wisdom is the knowledge of causes: why things are the way they are. A wise person has...
THREAD Falsification or comparison, which is more suitable?
1 Posts • 2094 Views
Philosophy Forum
Falsification or comparison, which is more suitable? Karl Popper's theory of criticism is that a theory can be falsified if it does not conform to the facts. I argue that this mode of criticism is...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityMale Racism and its Parallels to Male Homosexuality
10 Posts • 3645 Views
Philosophy Forum
racĀ·ism/ˈrā ˌsizəm/ Nou n: The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as infe...
THREAD HistoryAncient Astronaut Theory
0 Posts • 1898 Views
Science & Technology Forum
it's sad sad sad rather be related to monkeys uncles rather fuck a turd huh? rather be an aliens chosen slave than the decendents of a once great civilization oh no.... not that...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20046 Views
Religion Forum
One cannot ascertain whether it is Jesus or Hitler that we may be destroying.... Except in the case of cloned embryo.... C L O N E S One could make an argument that a Hitler Clone is a genius...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 41682 Views
Religion Forum
Two, if God is love, then what is hate, sadness, ect.? Three, if God is the only spirit representing something, then he is also evil and and hates, ect. We have a univerese, God is vast like the...
THREAD GovernmentPolitics and Ethics
1 Posts • 1983 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The only thing better than provoking a debate is ending a debate. I fear the latter honour will prove beyond me. But few issues are more important than the one I intend to tackle here. A good index of...
THREAD HomosexualityHomosexuality as a comedy theme.
12 Posts • 3778 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
from the age of: "I can't even remember that far back" I was given one of the first lessons in life... poop is bad ya' know, don't touch your diaper... hands off......
THREAD Famous PsychologistsFreudian psychology... Ha!
9 Posts • 3622 Views
Psychology Forum
Of all the ways I thought to answer this I am down to simply voicing a small part of my opinion. I don't want to go off subject. Freud like every psychoanalyst who tried to document the human...
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