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Homosexuality as a comedy theme.

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 35yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that her is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Homosexuality as a comedy theme.
Will and grace.
Little Britian.
The jerry Springer show.
The Graham Norton Show,

Homosexuality is used as a common comedy theme in recent entertainment.

Do you agree? If not, let us know why.

and if you do:
Has it been offensive to you, and if it has why, also if it hasnt, why has it not?

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"I have nothing to be proud of today but hopefully tomorrow I will."
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nyrlathotep is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Homosexuality as a comedy theme is kindof a double edge sword for both people who are ok with and people who are not ok with homosexuality. All shows that you mention seem to mainly show stereo types of what the media feels a Homosexual is. A perfect example would be the character jack from will and grace. Jack could be described as Limp wristed, whiny, effeminate and self centered wich is one of the archytypes used in the stereotyping of Gay men. Some homo sexuals may find this offencive while some opponents of homo sexuality might find him tragicly hilarious. Its also important to remember that all things are subject to laughter. Take a look at comics and cartoons depicting some of the world wars. I have even seen a movie that depicted the holocaust as a comedy. In the times of the black plague artists seemed to love pointing out the irony of death often showing death as a bit of commedian, some time showing him as a jester. I cant explain to you why we laugh at the things we do because every subject seems to have been made fun of by artists and people. Homo sexuality seems to be becomming more accepted in the world than it ever has. The province I hail from has legalised Gay marriage around 5 years ago so it is natural to expect that the media was going to try to cash in on a untapped demograph.

Homo sexuality has been a source of humor in the western world for ages and probably has been for quite along time through out the world.

Take the movie Idaho for instance there that was said by a jester in that movie it goes like this,

"I heard that there were knights comming to the village so went to hide my wife in the closet. then when she heard that they were saxons she hid me in the closet"

Im sure you see that he is suggesting in a humorous manner that the saxons were sodomisers.

I for one am not Offended by homo sexuality in the media as long as they are not shown having sex on day time telivision on the kids station for my daughter to see. I would say the same about a man and a woman shown having sex in the same circumstances. As far as I can see Homo sexuality in and of itself does not do any one any harm as long as it is between 2 or more or even one consensual adults.

Furthermore If I am offended by something on t.v. which is rare i can get up and turn the chanel or throw my tv through my window. so any thing that happens on tv I can avoid as easily as pushing a button.
I am sorry for such a lengthy post. my posts have been limmited so I only have 1 more post available for a reply.
what are your views on this subject?

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"i have nothing original to say."
[  Edited by nyrlathotep at   ]
 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
from the age of:
"I can't even remember that far back"

I was given one of the first lessons in life... poop is bad

ya' know, don't touch your diaper... hands off...

"it's dirty"
is ringing in my artificially imagined childs ear and memory...

for a Human Male! to make a 180 degree turn, and instead decide to completely indulge themselves,

as if swimming and frolicing and even gorging themselves on that same poop...

Well, that is funny


Every thought / behaviour / and every scenario leading up to the "plunge" in the poop-pool and leading out of the plunge..

that's funny too...

over sensitivity to their own ironic existence... well that's funny too... hilarious actually... ha'

If I and others like me have to go around since 1555 when the pirate Sir John Hawkins brought the first like us to the shores of america

with an overall grain of salt / with which to take all the "humor" hurled our direction...

the kalaidascope of adherents to the homosexual bent of male gays should just take THAT as a lesson...

yeah, just wait like 453 years and elect a homo president...

Wait a sec... they've already had a homosexual male president, head of CIA, FBI leaders of the corporate world...

a lot more progress... comparitively speaking

that's funny too

to me anyways...

Guess what... most things are IRONY... the foundation of humor... as always, rooted in the truth -

sensitivity didn't help except to highlight the details of life that are selfishly important to these homosexul males...

Women are different... they're reasoning is different and deeper and more complex than any males...

Also - it doesn't involve the complete emersion in SHIT...

that's funny too...

I'm more sensitive for any plight of a woman..

Men who are "gay" - well I think they have no excuse for their antisocial behavior... it is, of course, "against socialization" in general to delve head, hand and any other member of the body into a pool of SHIT...

that's funny to me...

Do I like people pointing out the definciencies of Jamaican-Jews...

it's uncomfortable, and I'd rather criticize my own people in private...

then again, who properly sees themselves, even in a mirror? Perhaps it's a natural social thing -

A way to communicate an uncomfortable observation - humor

funny is as funny does - if it's hateful or abusive - regardless of my personal opinion

It's not funny...

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nyrlathotep is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
im sorry could you repeat what you just said in a more sensible manner?
the most i got out of your whole reply was that you believe that male homosexuality is anti social and that some how homosexuality among women is ok while male homo sexuality is not. am i correct? if so i will continue

now you should understand that open homosexuality did exist in previous cultures even in greece wich is said to be our founding culture. open homosexuality had some benificial qualitys for the culture and military of greece. so i think it is unrealistic to state that homo sexuality by itself is anti social. it is more safe to say that the intolerence to homosexuality is more anti social.

as for ff being more acceptible then mm............. please explain how i can deffinitly understand that the two are different. and as a guy i can certainly say that I like lesbians more than gay men but this has to be due to my own prefference. beyond that i cant see why one would be worse than the other.

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"i have nothing original to say."
 30yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that forgottentruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
well to start with im still kinda new to this so if i do something wrong or something im sorry

well in my opinion (and this is my opinion alone) i believe its not very nice... its like making fun of the fat kid or... being racist to the black person i personally dont think its right but this is my own opinion. just because a person likes their own sex doesnt mean it should be laughed at.

I know plenty of gay people and they're just like anyone else just not sexualy but it doesnt affect anything realy.

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"All we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allan Poe"
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nyrlathotep is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i feel were your coming from but i think that it is ok to laugh at any one because laughter in itself is harmless and in fact a good thing. I dont think that homo sexuals should be discriminated against but their stereo type deserves to be laughed at as much as the next stereo type. As homosexuality becomes less of an issue it will not be quite as funny. Thus comedys centering on homo sexuality will likely be common place and their novelty will rank up there with Full House.

so in conclusion
laughing at a person is ok
lynching a person is not

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"i have nothing original to say."
 31yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that PIGGZY is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
my mum chews the rug aint it gr8

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"i am a coconut short of a banana tree"
 31yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that PIGGZY is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

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"i am a coconut short of a banana tree"
 29yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that TheHollowMen275 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Personally I am bi-sexual, and jokes about sexuality dont really affect me, my favourite comedian is Frankie Boyle, a man who is famous for insensitive jokes, as long as the comedy is so obvious that it is satirical i dont mind, if it is merely a crude mock of gay people, thats when i start to get a bit pissed. Howvever, the real thing that offends me about Will and Grace, Little Britain etc is that they are shit.

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"All the world's a stage. And all the men and women are merely players."
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Where do straight people who consentingly engage in anal and gay people who do not like anal sex fall into your theory?

It sounds to me like your beef is more with anal sex than any relation to heterosexual or homosexual relationships.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 32yrs • F •
FartherAway is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Ross you naughty boy, I would never want to do anything with your mum In fact, I wanna take you to a gay bar
And don't you mean munches not chews?

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"not what it seems, not what you think, I must be dreaming"
 31yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that PIGGZY is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
u know u want it aless, my mums hairy sweaty arms round your perfectly curved body

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"i am a coconut short of a banana tree"
Homosexuality as a comedy theme.
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