Anime game
0 Posts • 28772 Views Jokes & Games |
dress up games:
rainbo wsrgood
o ther:
naruhaseyes(lets you be naru clone...and a HUGE stat boost)
P.S.if you put in "theincreadibleyou" code first(be... |
Emotions & FeelingsI Hate Cheating
12 Posts • 7239 Views Psychology Forum |
i know exactly what you're talking about. i had a friend in high school whose hands are huge, and he got laid all the time. But eventually the whole thing bored him, and what really mattered was... |
uplifting adventures
10 Posts • 5125 Views Talk Talk |
I know this may be touchy to some, but I have been wondering...
have you ever experimented with hallucinogenic drugs- and experienced something uplifting that seemed to of changed your way of life?... |
83 Posts • 20543 Views Philosophy Forum |
this is pretty much where the argument in evolution comes to a halt. one side can refuse to believe due to lack of physical evidence and then other can choose to believe due to observations that have... |
LawDigressing to older methods of punishment
0 Posts • 2081 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
How do you know it's "not do-able in the foreseeable future"? Have we ever tried?
It's all about potency... the more potent we make care, peace, respect and understanding throug... |
Nature & GeographyAre natural disasters more frequently nowadays?
28 Posts • 13688 Views Science & Technology Forum |
It would be a natural disaster. To be more specific it would be a biological disaster. Right now in human beings, the bird flu virus(h5n1) kills 55 percent of the people it infects. That makes it the... |
Gender PsychologyThe difference between men and women.
5 Posts • 3772 Views Psychology Forum |
Allimar, Im afraid thats a dum opinion. The actaull brain size actually has nothing to do with inteligence. If you post proof i will believe you but im pretty sure i know otherwise else i would not ha... |
Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18725 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"Furthermore, even if global warming were to occur it would benefit most nations."
Ecological instability can only f*** us up. I don't care if its too Cold up here in Britain (where I... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotion and Philosophy
4 Posts • 3214 Views Philosophy Forum |
Its not just emotion, its the potential for actual trauma as well. Psychological etc.
Perspective is a huge area of disconnect in terms of subjective arguments. There are things that if you just e... |
Tell me somthing good that happen to you recently.
21 Posts • 6332 Views Talk Talk |
I'm so glad to be hearing about other people who love fall as much as I do. It used to be my favorite season, but it's just not he same anymore. I grew up in Quebec where the colours of the... |
GovernmentMilitarization of Space
2 Posts • 2169 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hmm . . . Star War agenda was set into motion long ago & has been active but it generally is draped with 'scientitic studies', which is why the space administration has such a huge expen... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't think that matters, they can't cast votes because they aren't in their precinct!
This is all rigged.
This election is just a huge ass sideshow,
you think you have power but... |
Child & Family PsychologyMusical Reminders
0 Posts • 3062 Views Psychology Forum |
The song -Uptown Girl- remindes me of when I was about 6 and would go to my grandparent and dance around there house. They had a huge older type of sterio.
Another one is Playin with the Queen of H... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11363 Views Talk Talk |
the impression that i get from Fin is.. that he thinks he is smarter than he really is. he dreams huge but acts on nothing, he has tons of friends but they do him no good in achieving his dreams, they... |
StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8622 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I think of you whenever I feel human. I lost you the minute I was born. Theres a home for you in my head and you light a candle every time I go to bed. The surreal is real it's only something that wil... |
8 Posts • 4374 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i was told by my teacher that this peice is crap, due to the fact i did not entirly use the laws of a sonnet.
a dream is but a dream
formulating in the crevices of my rampant mind
life is but a t... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59357 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok now im allowed to be an ass. Why do you keep refrencing our national tradgedy as supposed proff that homosexuality is wrong. If I didnt know better id say you were a clone of president Bush since y... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23025 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sure, but my world is my own...I know nothing of anyone else's perception of the world...and if what I percieve in a tree is different than your perception, then our trees are different...that... |
And The Story Goes On......
56 Posts • 12016 Views Talk Talk |
Hurling Fred far into the air he landed on a hay stack with a big *omoph*
"Oh Fred are you ok?" Dora murmured.
"Yeah Ill be right, just need to catch my breath."
As Fred got up... |
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Cheezy Version
3 Posts • 8181 Views Jokes & Games |
This is a wack up version of Castlevania: SotN (Short for symphony of the night)
You know the introduction? WHere it shows a map, then water, then the castle? That's the same introduction as S... |
What makes you Happy?
13 Posts • 3021 Views Talk Talk |
I consider myself a philosopher of sorts and a scientist.
I always have so many questions. The questions plauge me untill I find the answer. It was once tourture, Dealing with these HUGE questions.... |
New Country
3 Posts • 3421 Views Talk Talk |
A friend and I are thinking about making an island. I read an artical in a time magazine a few years ago about a man who build an island/raft out of soda bottles and lived on it while it floated aroun... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40738 Views Psychology Forum |
Alright, first off, yes Jesus did not go around saying, "Smite all who disagree with my teachings." The whole fighting part of the Crusades was completely seperated from the Christian theolo... |
War & TerrorismLegitimacy of Iraq War: US dollar verus the Euro
0 Posts • 3701 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
so are you saying that only a small dent would be made... when weighed out with the majority of factors concerning macroeconomics.
what about that huge national debt... all that jazz they keep thro... |
HomosexualityAm I weird?
7 Posts • 4198 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I have a huge question. I have always been the type to be alone not have any friends. I find it very pleasing. Then, came high school I kept staring at this kid. Thinking wow Irish I was like him. We... |