God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57888 Views Religion Forum |
U can never figure out why good and evil are here, they just are.
It is a waste of time to even try to figure out why God created them because God is not to be questioned. Everything God wanted us... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21775 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm not saying *administering* land.
I am saying the Israelis are evicting/killing Palestinians so that they can colonize with Jews who have NO INTENTION OF LEAVING.
This is called THEFT, i... |
Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6753 Views Talk Talk |
well this little 15 year old girl killed another girl couple weeks ago and so far this year there has been about 3/4 suicides and the latest one she was 13 years old...so where are the parents to thes... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64040 Views Religion Forum |
Adam Seth God,
WOW!! I'm almost speechless. Let me just say that if you spun this tale based on Genesis as you've alluded, you've gotten off on the wrong track.
Quote: "a wo... |
4 Posts • 3727 Views Religion Forum |
A small response for a huge matter: I notice the homeless population in the DC area where I live and it is a problem. However, the Church is not directly responsible for the problem. Ultimately, Churc... |
BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10579 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I lost my post goddamnit. Ok I wanted to know what people see GMed foods as evil. There are a few ecological dangers, but those for the most part are either negligible or not so different then the cha... |
ElectionsWhat's going to happan next
12 Posts • 3761 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Makes you wonder did he help make 9/11 happen just so he can TRY to justify his wars on terror with the secret agenda of getting resourses and spreading our "democracy" to other nations.I te... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21556 Views Religion Forum |
Good pont, iSought. Teens generally don't believe that they need God in their lives now. Why? Has life become so comfortable that they don't need to turn to a higher power for help?
Pers... |
1 Posts • 2364 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Things have been getting real heavy these days
The media the system
the people chasing pay
Somebody's got a rifle he won't turn the other cheek
Now its his turn
Things have been getti... |
15 Posts • 5606 Views Science & Technology Forum |
quote = "it is next to impossible to turn matter into energy", im very sorry (im not being critical) but isnt that what happens in a nuclear explosion? Please explain? The atom is split and... |
ChristianityCatholic Churches feel grim
18 Posts • 6625 Views Religion Forum |
The reason a lot of Catholic churches are grim is because Catholicism revolves around suffering and poverty. Catholicism is a serious religion and never takes itself joyfully, and, when you look back... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29318 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Because it would have a huge IMPACT on the way society viewed homosexuality!
Schizophreni a was discovered to be caused by a gene mutation, now both society and science see it a lot differently than... |
Why do boys fall in love with girls ?
15 Posts • 68184 Views Talk Talk |
are boys capable of falling in love? heh' love often is blinded by lots of things. that is a huge question though. why do boys fall in love with girls? the answer ( if one ) will differ from guy... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
"would enjoy an antisemitic skit making fun of dying Jewish children during WWII if by some miracle or talent a writer and troupe could manage to make it funny. The premise doesn't seem to h... |
Gender PsychologyWhat kind of guys do chicks like?
55 Posts • 22925 Views Psychology Forum |
well first of all, you can never be something your not. but lets face it, those who are not as gifted in the looks department must more than make up for it. and im really not trying to sounds snooty o... |
Aesthetics & BeautyBeauty
34 Posts • 17284 Views Philosophy Forum |
Nature is the biggest one for me, and social events where everyone is laughing, in a way that is obvious and inclusive, genuinely friendly.
I love nature walks, trees, animals, and creeks or rivers... |
41 Posts • 32750 Views Talk Talk |
football(soccer) is huge over here. and rugby is defginitely more comparable to american football.
but like i said previously, north america does not play any of the popula world sports, eg rugby,... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49752 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I sat on the dock yesterday
as golden sunlight swept the mirrored water around me
to a glow unparralleled by any I've seen.
My eyes swallowed everything
greedily absorbing everything, everyt... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58959 Views Religion Forum |
---------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------
The Catholic Church attached itself to Chrisitanity when it was founded in roughly 300-325AD.
--------------... |
The Ski Date
32 Posts • 12148 Views Jokes & Games |
3 Men In Heaven
It was getting a little crowded in heaven, so God decided to change the admittance policy. The new law was that, in order to get into heaven, you had to have a real bummer of a day... |
uc berkeley
8 Posts • 2625 Views Talk Talk |
well folks i was granted admittance into UC berkeley... with my genetic major. its a huge step in my intellecutal career and personal growth. I just came back from a trip there and found the atmospher... |
About You / IntroductionsJust Joining!
25 Posts • 7073 Views Talk Talk |
well, I knew you was waiting for me!! I have not been on the computer for a while, been REALLY busy.... single momhood is not easy!! BUT, since I was one of the SPECIAL ones to get your email Patrish,... |
Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10681 Views Religion Forum |
WOAH unless i didnt see the other threads.. can i please be offered an explanation to why my HUGE post was deleted? i tought angel of death might have been intrested in the other side as well.. can i... |
Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10681 Views Religion Forum |
WOAH unless i didnt see the other threads.. can i please be offered an explanation to why my HUGE post was deleted? i tought angel of death might have been intrested in the other side as well.. can i... |
PoetryTwo Second Rate First Attempts
1 Posts • 2197 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
'All is misery! All is relative!'
'Yes; but your misery is only relative!'
'But even this relativity is relative!'
'Relative to the absolute.'
When the sky, singed with red, kisses the labou... |