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Tagged > How do people say fit
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39595 Views
Philosophy Forum
I enjoyed both replies to my posting and as it was my first and the age I am. I was quite impressed with the answers. However I don't totally believe we are alone and that providing you lead a go...
THREAD Vegetarianism
30 Posts • 9558 Views
Talk Talk
I am not a vegetarian, partly because I believe that all creatures on this earth have a purpose in life, and some animals purpose is to provide food for other animals, otherwise the circle of life wou...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73048 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
what countries is it legal for a grown man to have sex with a 12 or 14 year old girl???? The Netherlands for one. dont see how two people who love eachother can be wrong,as long as they are co...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28610 Views
Philosophy Forum
That is poor logic. If one million people die in order that you may have a cheeseburger then you could call that a good thing. Because if you did not know any of the dead but still got your cheeseburg...
THREAD Gender PsychologyHIghly dissatsified with sexual stimulus
0 Posts • 3263 Views
Psychology Forum
Is it possible that we're dissatisfied because our perceptions of sexuality and beauty are too narrow? This is unlikely, because if our perceptions were so narrow we would not be aware of any...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122928 Views
Religion Forum
I believe in God because he is the creator of all. People say that we have to have evidence that he exists, but wouldnt we need accurate evidence to believe that it was a big bang? I believe in God be...
THREAD Commonsense Australian Politics
15 Posts • 3111 Views
Talk Talk
Yes Ironwood; but you may be forgetting the opposite; The Islamic extremists also don't want to hear the West's view No, its about having the right to hear, and say. Not about whether you...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionWhat is Love?
11 Posts • 7163 Views
Philosophy Forum
So many people out there say they are in love, but I don't think it is true. You can say you are in love, but love is more than a word. Love is the respect that is shared and the bond that is created....
THREAD PerceptionInsecurity
15 Posts • 4697 Views
Psychology Forum
Well,definitley the nude thing, haha. I don't think anyone could ever convince me that that would be a good idea. Taking Chained's lead and putting up a picture of myself as my avatar, i...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionMeaning of Life: Love?
11 Posts • 3839 Views
Philosophy Forum
Maybe the true horror to this, is that there is no meaning to life/love but that we ascribe. The main problem is that we convince ourselves we already have an inkling of what love is, enough to th...
THREAD SocietyWill the Downfall of Society Save Us?
2 Posts • 2650 Views
Philosophy Forum
Where you can everything you need without ever leaving the house, from work to food and other household products, internet banking and the ever expanding service industry... If an end comes to all th...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122928 Views
Religion Forum
Just because I believe that quote is merely an opinion built to attack people with faith, I will make this quote to mock Nietzche. This is not directed at anyone else. Faithlessness (or doubt of th...
THREAD War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89128 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
First post, so I best say Hello. Hello. WW3 hasn't really started, but it will undoubtadly involve America in my opinion. I have an itching suspicion it will involve Korea. Not ve...
THREAD ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6577 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
People throw this numer 30 around like its a magic number, cos it IS a big number. But only England, Australia and Poland count for anything. All the others have less then 100 troops on the ground....
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
A government's purpose is far too general, it used to be for the greater good of the people, but its twisted to personal purposes. Bush goes after Saddam, Cheney gets Haliburton some work, it...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15112 Views
Psychology Forum
Haha, totally agree jacker, all of our experiences whether good or bad, are what makes life interesting. We certainly shouldn't expect anything to be easy, or turn a blind eye, when it comes to d...
THREAD DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141014 Views
Psychology Forum
I feel the same, and the thing is most of the time, I am happy being alone. But people around me expect me to want to be with others and interact all the time... I also find myself without many ambiti...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Worry About God?
12 Posts • 5707 Views
Religion Forum
That would be because religious extremists, christian included, attempt to force through law their chosen beliefs upon others often infringing on the rights of individuals. It would also be an iss...
THREAD AstronomySun Pictures
3 Posts • 5918 Views
Science & Technology Forum
When I look at pictures of the sun, it's not a casual experience. I surmise that it must innately be that way for all humans, but people just don't talk about it, or don't allow themsel...
THREAD Aesthetics & BeautyAesthetics
1 Posts • 2544 Views
Philosophy Forum
I don't know about other people, but I'm a person who is very much emotionally influenced by the aesthetic appearance of their surroundings. For instance, travelling from the countryside to...
THREAD Do you ever get tired of being the nice guy?
15 Posts • 5566 Views
Talk Talk
And what exactly is the “Nice Guy”? It has always sounded like an insult to me. Has anyone ever felt the mental whipping at the ever stinging compliment? “You're a really nice...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrunken
27 Posts • 10371 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Our current values support alcohol and drunkenness. One example is the fact that college drinking is a part of the college experience. My brother moved to Germany and there everybody drinks. You...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAtheists Intimidating
38 Posts • 10677 Views
Religion Forum
religous theists.. scare and lower non believers self esteem In terms of numbers then probably more so than atheists because it seems theists are more common. However each group does its own condes...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7256 Views
Religion Forum
hmmm, that's an interesting thought heyjme. I wonder how religion would have evolved without religious texts. When you put it like that it seems as though these religious texts are binding chains...
THREAD GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14671 Views
Philosophy Forum
Some gods may be socially constructed but there is a God who lived, lives and will continue living. The God of the Jews is the same God of Christians; the difference between Christians and Jews is tha...
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