I don't buy everything I read/I haven't even read everything I've bought. - ExplodingGopher
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Tagged > How do people say fit
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ok, here's a economics lesson that, if true, may be one of the most important things you need to know. These are things you can look into, find out if these people are lying or telling the tru...
THREAD Ask the question, know the answer
16 Posts • 5242 Views
Philosophy Forum
Some people just want to be reassured that what they believe is correct. Humans fear that their beliefs are false.
THREAD ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13461 Views
Religion Forum
I think i'm in <i>her</i>'s state of mind when it comes to religion. lol I believe some things, I study people and whatever else I can, and I live.
THREAD Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 14938 Views
Psychology Forum
I have to agree with the arrogance bit. Also the Know it alls, hypocrites, judgemental people, Narcissists!
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 26818 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
homosexuality is great for us all. we dont need more people in the world. its natures way of saying we are too crowded lol.
THREAD Word GamesA fun game to play
584 Posts • 101581 Views
Jokes & Games
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Correc ts other people about their spelling mistakes, but does not care much for his own. Also enjoys making an ass out of himself.
THREAD About You / IntroductionsThis site is great
9 Posts • 4093 Views
Talk Talk
because a lot of people simply state their opinion and don't acknowledge or allow themselves to take on board others opinions!
THREAD is this considered philosophy/izing?
13 Posts • 3731 Views
Philosophy Forum
That's because objects and such are useful tools in helping people derive and understand philosophy.
30 Posts • 8206 Views
Philosophy Forum
ok wiley i was just trying to make it fun but you people really believe in eternal suffering, so i'm sorry for the stupid questions
THREAD About You / IntroductionsJust Lurking
1 Posts • 2920 Views
Talk Talk
For a minute... New to this place and scanning around to see what's up! Good Morning People!:)
THREAD 3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9838 Views
Philosophy Forum
And if you want to refer to societal structure there are another three types of people...High, Middle, Low....
51 Posts • 72338 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
what the hell is wrong with you people? is this what you waste your time doing? you guys really need to get a life.
THREAD War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6583 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'd say you're most definitely a despot once you've gone longer then your mandate and have stripped your people of some fundamental freedoms.
THREAD Un-caring me.
11 Posts • 3418 Views
Philosophy Forum
Try helping those around you (neighbors, family friends etc.) Then you won't feel like you can't do anything for people who are in need because we've got problems here too.
THREAD What Bad Trait Do you most condemn
15 Posts • 3349 Views
Talk Talk
People who think they know eveything, and when you ask for help they look down on u....[bastards think their so smart....*sits in corner and calms down*] :D
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13596 Views
Talk Talk
Im sure there are ways to feed people without slaughtering countless innocent animals.
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41213 Views
Religion Forum
People committed more sins and caused all of the evil of the world..although with some help from The Devil
THREAD About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 157028 Views
Talk Talk
I'm brutally honest with people, when they just want me to tell them what they want to hear...(I get a kick out of their reaction, it's priceless!)
THREAD Life....
5 Posts • 3595 Views
Talk Talk
I have debates with people, read books, surf and try not to fail my next test.
THREAD Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34524 Views
Talk Talk
Not all people who listen to rap music become gangsters but, I'm sure some do. Obviously not correct to assume either end of the spectrum.
THREAD Things you hate.
11 Posts • 2587 Views
Talk Talk
I hate people who use the word nigga and think its ok because they aren't saying nigger. *dead*
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13596 Views
Talk Talk
how would you define a meaningless life? is something's meaningfulness determined by its usefulness to people?
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67111 Views
Philosophy Forum
I prefer the idea of chaos...so i say no. Why deprogress mankind because some people are upset that they don't have as much as others.
THREAD Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12696 Views
Talk Talk
Exactally right Cync-Al, and as much as some people might not like to hear it, we could learn a thing or two from France.
THREAD Age relevency on CC
23 Posts • 7087 Views
Philosophy Forum
cos loads of people on here are cynical, and i suppose captain cynic just has a ring to it.
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