A friend is a person who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you forget the words. - sweetpea3295
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Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist
THREAD Gender PsychologyGirls Suck
16 Posts • 34884 Views
Psychology Forum
That statement is very ignorant being it is a general statement. don't you hate when you are stereotyped for being in a group? The brain puts things into groups, it is natural to do this, but g...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionMedication for depression?
25 Posts • 13224 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
well what do drugs really do ? they make you happy and stupid but they don't solve your problems, and if you're so out of your mind that you're depressed over absolutely nothing, then y...
THREAD Top 10 People you wouldn't mind seeing dead
0 Posts • 3832 Views
Talk Talk
1. George Bush 2. Cheny 3. the rest of the Bush Party 4. Bill Gates. 5. My parents (at times) 6. Dictators 7. Dells CEO 8. The creators of stupid shows 9. The author of the bible 10. Me from...
THREAD GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8573 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
i hate to say i told you so! ChrisD. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!! so your star is gone man!!!!!!
THREAD Undeniable Logic
10 Posts • 4120 Views
Philosophy Forum
lol this may be stupid, but when i read undeniable logic this came to mind.... if Money is Power and God is Power, therefore God is money... lol sorry.
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyFamily
3 Posts • 2829 Views
Psychology Forum
My family is a fucked up shattered mess. The "split" was and is as big a chasm as the Grand Canyon - and we're neighbors. It seems like I'm the only one who cares at all and is tak...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64057 Views
Religion Forum
Adaptive traits only suggest all life evolved from a single cell if it is your desire to assume so. manbible, your arguement destroys your own desired assumption. Those who claim that snakes are...
THREAD so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views
Talk Talk
I suppose there is some truth to the statement that a girl who is more of a tomboy does tend to have a more athletic physique, my gf for example has more solidly built legs than most of the other girl...
THREAD Official Top 10 Movies
0 Posts • 4897 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
1. A Walk to Remember ( it ALWAYS makes me cry) 2. The Butterfly Effect ( I didnt expect that much out Ashton) 3. The Forgotten 4. 13 going on 30 5. Ladder 49 6. The Nagotiator 7. 10 Things I H...
THREAD Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23789 Views
Philosophy Forum
why are ppl so afraid to die i mean its probably the most natural thing of life...as soon as ur born u start to die...now granted i would greatly hate it if my kids dropped dead but for ppl that have...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73107 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
That's what I was trying to express when the thread was started, and guide people away from the hate and anger that is automatic, concerning this topic. The media is largely to blame for creating...
THREAD SpiritualityRight or Wrong - Good or Bad - Righteous or Evil
8 Posts • 3644 Views
Religion Forum
What is it all about. Did we really do something wrong or did we really do something right or did we just imagine it. We think we know the differance, most of us agree. But then most of thought sla...
THREAD Perfect Mate
17 Posts • 9140 Views
Talk Talk
My perfect mate IS my wife. She is beautiful, smart, sexy, and I can talk to her about absolutely anything. She is my best friend. I cannot live without her, and CAN live with her. We have so many s...
THREAD JokesMen vs. Women
4 Posts • 5776 Views
Jokes & Games
My advice to women - If he gets jealous of other men looking at you, run away. My advice to my brothers - If she does not like her father, there is a good chance she will not like you. I was mar...
THREAD "It's not all relative"
12 Posts • 3650 Views
Philosophy Forum
What about man being the protector-breadwinner and women being the child-raiser? Can I say that a "true man" should hold his emotions in in order to survive and ensure the survival of his fa...
THREAD Sexually Transmitted DiseasesThe AIDS Thread
0 Posts • 1251 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Not kidding, I've fucked about 1,000 different women including anal. Some were prostitutes and I didn't use a condom AND, in two cases, there was blood on my dick. Got tested recently. No...
THREAD Just For FunSarcastic Horoscopes
20 Posts • 49641 Views
Talk Talk
According to the dictionary: A bitch is a female dog. A slut is someone who's considered promiscuous. But if you want to add your bitter, twisted opinion of women in there, that's fine....
31 Posts • 9959 Views
Science & Technology Forum
This might sound kind of stupid to all of you light physicists but light is affected by gravity, so can it be reflected and pulled around in less than linear fashion so that we wouldnt have to travel...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views
Religion Forum
So what? God can't find a better way to put things back in order again then to slaughter his creations? This sounds like a debate philosophers were having 200 years ago. Both were christian, one...
THREAD Frosty Spring
1 Posts • 2935 Views
Philosophy Forum
A pure, humble life is a healthy, beautiful life. That is my philosophy. The word beautiful belongs to pure, healthy nature. As someone once said, 'Health is beauty, beauty is health.' In order for th...
THREAD Freedom
6 Posts • 3244 Views
Talk Talk
Freedom... HMMMMM there is always something to say on that subject. Lynnie you say that a family member has the power to take someone elses freedom from them for 20-30 years just by a testimony. WO...
THREAD I would like to commend
14 Posts • 3759 Views
Philosophy Forum
pretape- go fck yurself. If you dont understand my generosity...or my polite gestures, you and your "thinking" can go elsewhere and keep your accusations to a minimum*. If you over...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77269 Views
Psychology Forum
How in the hell do teachers become teachers when they are that dense? Jesus Christ! i have no idea either, but it comes great when I'm making stupid jokes of her and she doesn't understa...
THREAD Marijuana Decriminalized?
6 Posts • 2399 Views
Talk Talk
"you're just one happy stupid taxpaying loser like the rest of them." Do you pay taxes? I just want to know "Grow a backbone Americans and Kill your leaders" where d...
THREAD me and men
14 Posts • 4764 Views
Talk Talk
I wonder why we generalize! We watch men doing and say the same stupid shit no matter where we look. In real life, online, on tv, in books, EVERYWHERE. Men just prove that they will say and do ANYTHIN...
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