Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist |
JokesMen vs. Women
4 Posts • 5776 Views Jokes & Games |
If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her from the rat race, you're a male chauvinist. If you stay home and do the housework, you're a pansy.
If you work too hard, there is... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167904 Views Psychology Forum |
yes, sord of, but u dont realy want to kill ur mom, come on trust me u woudnt want to. u might not no but ur mom loves u very much u just dont know it. she gave u life and u should respect that, excep... |
Is attachment weakness?
0 Posts • 6864 Views Philosophy Forum |
ok...you explain a general idea of what people must be thinking when someone dies and dont relate it to how attatchment may or may not make you weak. or if you were getting to that in another post jus... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59380 Views Philosophy Forum |
no. its not hate, its love for his wife. have you ever hated anyone. did you kill them.
"Now you answer my self defense question" sry i didnt see that. the timing was off. no. 1 murder does... |
Habits & BehaviorRandom Hatred
77 Posts • 16746 Views Psychology Forum |
I hate how todays society warns people that say smoking is BAD, it will KILL you and yet I am visiting my grandmother in the hospital and they are piled right outside the fucking door just like at a r... |
since we're all tryin to get to know each oth
11 Posts • 3614 Views Talk Talk |
yeah ya never know i live in west virginia so i'm always thinkin of places i could go i hate just sittin around the closest entertainment to me is a bowling alley and i can't bowl so yeah be... |
the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18457 Views Talk Talk |
I love people who hate a certain religious or ethnic group because a few turned out to be terrorists. We should all judge millions of people based on a few. Then there would be no such thing as racism... |
HomosexualityGay Marriage
9 Posts • 6388 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
It would have never became an issue if married people didn't get special treatment and such. This becoming an issue I'm sure our for fathers did not count on. But the argument is weak, we ar... |
Rant OnTailGaters
2 Posts • 4318 Views Talk Talk |
I also hate tailgaters and have some severe road rage. I am the type that will hit my brakes and make you eat my bumper if you get to close or better yet slow way down to make you pass me and then tai... |
43 Posts • 9084 Views Talk Talk |
everyone seems to hate emos, but im sure all subcultures are hated at the start. i guess people just want to be depressed, after listening to so much music when i was younger i thought i hated my dad... |
BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11979 Views Talk Talk |
i agree with wyote. there are so many historical "facts" that are exaggerated to the point of almost being comical. i didn't completely hate it, though. it was very entertaining, and th... |
110 Posts • 24284 Views Religion Forum |
Jesus (The Son), The Father and the Holy Spirit are part of the God Head (the Trinity).
It is through Jesus's sacrifice on the Cross that our relationship with God the Father is restored. When... |
2 Posts • 2995 Views Talk Talk |
First off....a very BIG ((((((HUG)))))) goes out to you.
Why did he dump you?
Was he cheating?
Were you cheating?
Were you married?
Are there children involved?
Do you think there... |
Your school and why it sucks....
4 Posts • 4008 Views Talk Talk |
:p ok here is a thread bout the school you go to and why you hate it or wats rong with it so go ahead let there be insults to school!!!*devil* |
Do favorite colors really tell you anything about
12 Posts • 15686 Views Talk Talk |
Wes sounds about right. I guess that me liking those other colors does say that I am a cowgirl.
I like different shades of each of those colors and it just deopends on what you have them on, etc.... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
yes two years is not too long in real time. but considering the fact that i have talked to this man more than i have spoken collectively to everyone else in the rest of my life, that two years is quit... |
4 Posts • 3727 Views Religion Forum |
I am a liberal Christian, and I have grown to hate church because nobody understands me or discusses things from a perspective I can benefit from. Is there anything I can do, or should I quit going to... |
ElectionsA very good read.
8 Posts • 3587 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dammit. lost my post
This is speculative and biased tripe.
Sounds like the terrorists are in control of our election and democracy now, don't vote against bush because the terrorists will t... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotions
17 Posts • 7053 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey all, first I would like to say that this is my first time actually looking at this kind of stuff online, I have a friend, who's brother is buddhist, and I find it VERY interesting to listen t... |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11274 Views Talk Talk |
Calm down Attolia what Decius says is true. Name something a woman has invented. The over whelming majority of it is men. But, it's not their fault. Men historically have been more encouraged to... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14995 Views Psychology Forum |
Women choose the pain. They know that walking on heels causes pain. The only way to get them to stop is to make a rule against it. Which would you rather have freedom or opression? Order or chaos? Do... |
Gender PsychologyYou Are Not A Feminist If...
20 Posts • 9481 Views Psychology Forum |
Inner beauty, for those with souls to feel it, AND outer beauty.
And the two should have a direct link.
But by using the rhetoric of oppression, something is obviously not right with these women... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14995 Views Psychology Forum |
So it's ok to wear painful heels and constricting jeans on a daily basis to attract guys? That all women have to do is be practical (not wear mini skirt in winter but in summer)? |
Touching a Girl
4 Posts • 5394 Views Talk Talk |
ok......as a woman....if she didnt like it or didnt want you to do it she would probably tell you...i would,or maybe she would give you a subtle signal, like moving your hand....you could also talk to... |
RelationshipsSoul Mate?
30 Posts • 9811 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Agreed. People confuse attration with love. Love blinds a person's judgement and leads him/her to do stupid things.
Young couples assume marriage is like an endless honeymoon, so they get disa... |