It was the best of times it was the worst of times, it was the time of happiness it was the time of sadness. - Samwell
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Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist
THREAD Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84767 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I think swallowing is erotic. It can show not only a pure sharing experince but a higher level of sensual affection. I'm wondering what the other women thnk???*roll*
THREAD Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5867 Views
Psychology Forum
i wonder how these guys fail to notice the countless men who have partners and are quite content with them. this also includes young couples. obviously there are some women out there worth having a r...
THREAD SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
You are condoning and encouraging acts of violence against the U.S. government and it's employees. As a Canadian that's pretty dangerous hate speech you are spreading. YOU would never do any...
THREAD Religion & Humanitypro-life v. pro-choice?
18 Posts • 6040 Views
Religion Forum
"How do you determine what has the right to live?" All things have the right to live. That is why it is ok to defend yourself. What we are trying to figure out is when does a fetus become...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views
Philosophy Forum
Are we real? Is that some stupid question or what? of course we're real, when I look in the mirror I see a reflection therefore I exist . Unless I was a vampire, this would be confusing, I would not k...
THREAD Gender PsychologyAre Break-Ups Worse For Guys Than Girls?
26 Posts • 9868 Views
Psychology Forum
It doesn't remove the emotion but it certainly improves the situation. For example two men best friends since Pre School each are about 25. One of them was recently dumped by their girlfriend, wh...
THREAD Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18623 Views
Religion Forum
Humans sub-consiously think that there is life on other planets, even the ones with doubt. That is why this world is so competitive. We are always striving to work our way forward in intelligence. Jus...
THREAD PoetrySecurity in lies
33 Posts • 9137 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Who would have imagined trolls would have such poetry in them? You see, when you act stupid like you don't care, then no one cares about you. You're just a another of the millions of path...
THREAD Life & DeathSocial existance, life and friends.
24 Posts • 5641 Views
Philosophy Forum
yeahh so the last sentence in your post is completely hypocritical. why would you be doing this study if you were not going to group the different people who respond by what they say. this is just a j...
THREAD Immortal Technique
13 Posts • 7946 Views
Talk Talk
I don't understand you. First your saying that rap isn't what it use to be with positive motives. Then you reply that Kayne West is a stupid bastard. But, isn't he one to push for such...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77268 Views
Psychology Forum
aside from the thing about Robert Steele, youve informed me and anyone else who pays attention of nothing new. maybe i should have one of my buddies join this site and tout about all of my retarded ha...
THREAD Summer Movies
14 Posts • 4215 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
it is Doctor Ocktavius i believe... and all i have heard is up to 3 movies planned so far... i really really hope they throw Venom in there somewhere! i hope Chronicles of Riddick is good and does...
THREAD New To This Forum
11 Posts • 3346 Views
Talk Talk
Hello and welcome to the party- I feel unqualified to welcome you as I have been on the site all of 48 hours- it is quite engauging I must admit. It is Sureal stupid and stimulating all at the same ti...
THREAD MIchael Jackson
0 Posts • 7487 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
this whole thing with michel jackson is stupid now he is thinking about buying the whole chain of whats left of k-mart.U probably havent heared he is buying it because he heard BOYS PAINTS WERE HALF O...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73107 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
no joke, the internet is ruining kids minds. there are things that you simply cant unsee and when you are a stupid curious adolenscent, you stumble upon a lot of that shit on the internet. but being r...
THREAD ChristianityDid he die on a cross to save the world?
3 Posts • 3031 Views
Religion Forum
No he died because he was stupid and let his identidty known. See if he would have called hemself Bob and worked on a farm he wouldn't have died. But since he let them know that he was God the pe...
THREAD Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23030 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ok, can we watch our written expressions of hate of religion? I understand that we're trying to express our ideas to gain insight, but can we do it in a way that's not so disprespectful (reg...
THREAD BooksNarnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
14 Posts • 3895 Views
Talk Talk
i think you have persauded me to see it defied. i only wanted to see it if it did the book justice. i hate fiolms that lose some or all of the books qualities, even lord of the rings irked me a bit be...
15 Posts • 4666 Views
Talk Talk
LOL, open a quick unused bank account and get the sucker down to like $1.00, put holds on all debits and let em have it. LOL. Ok, was just funning you. I hate spam, used to get a lot, until I star...
THREAD Gender PsychologyMen Intimidated By Strong Women
3 Posts • 16488 Views
Psychology Forum
I'm a 35 year old woman and I have worked myself up in my career to where I am now a senior staff member of the company I work for. Without going into detail about my company and what I do, what...
THREAD Random QuestionsInteresting Things
3 Posts • 2785 Views
Talk Talk
A few times recently, I've seen adverts, usually in print media, using one of my most loathed turns of phrase: 'Your mouth says no, but your eyes say yes.' There are a few variations, e.g. 'Your lips...
THREAD Sexual BiologyI like sex but have trouble Orgasming
17 Posts • 17692 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
i believe its more around 18-23 for women and 15-20 for men. of course everyone is different. a lot of people psyche themselves out about it. its much easier for a womans mind to wander and as a re...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWomen Hate Me
16 Posts • 21905 Views
Psychology Forum
Easy Wyote. Ok so most women are masochistic but there are alot of us out here that like a man that will treat us like we deserve. I think that you are just looking in all the wrong places and I also...
THREAD Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13315 Views
Philosophy Forum
It's not exactly a bad tradition either, I Mean hey if a woman wants to do it so be it , it's just another Choice made by freewill. But one thing that really bugs me are thoughs women right...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8617 Views
Psychology Forum
It sounds like this has a lot to do with creating romance, which a lot of women don't understand properly and a lot of guys suck at until they are 35 lol. If you are always available and always n...
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