I sing the joy of wandering and the pleasure of the wanderer's death - Apollinaire
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Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Ideals
21 Posts • 7463 Views
Religion Forum
I've been trying to write this thread for about a year now but I never have the will or time it really requirs. I always get a good idea or two and then it all gets lost after a few days, only to...
THREAD Constantine
6 Posts • 3691 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
several people seem to be very over critical of this movie. whether it is the fact that they still cant accept that Keanu is a relatively decent actor or the fact that the special effects werent exact...
THREAD Who needs friends when you can write bad poetry?
17 Posts • 9074 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I feel like posting more lyrics. These two songs are from This Bike is a Pipe Bomb. They're a great anrcho/folk/bluegrass punk band from Pensacola, Florida. I've seen them three times. Very...
THREAD War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I don't know what dollars paid for this crime. Don't know if it was the dollars from China or Sadie Arabia that helped finance our debt or the dollars my son will pay to help pay off this de...
THREAD Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7017 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
;)CHAPTER THREE â€' Visions And Visitations;) I sat at my kitchen table feeling a little groggy from the Night-Nurse medicine that was now wearing off and I popped a couple of paracetamol in my...
1 Posts • 3496 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
The intro to this movie really got on my nerves for some reason. it was way to long and basically pointless. i think i saw Clive Cussler's name about six times. amazingly enough it is not on the...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8617 Views
Psychology Forum
As one naturally inclined to cynicism it is probably only fitting that the end of a three year relationship was brought about by the fact that I was too "good" a boyfriend. My ex made the de...
THREAD To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7373 Views
Philosophy Forum
"I can't be a wife. I'm not that sort of person." Sarah Brightman (and me) I was molested as a child and have never had a boyfriend. Never wanted one, so kids were not a conside...
THREAD LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29319 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Hmm. We're already populated, I'm thinking in terms of resources on Earth versus the growing 6+ billion, most of which live in poverty and hunger and continue to add to this population pu...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views
Psychology Forum
Hi everyone! my name is tweak. I'm the gnome that sits on Mugen's shoulder and thought I would reply to this thread again, I'm a little more informed of what I should be saying about hi...
THREAD Religion & HumanityMorals for sale
14 Posts • 4963 Views
Religion Forum
Morals are indeed a great thing, but morals are a learned trait, not inherent in the human animal. So the question is who decides what morals are appropriate? Christian morals are founded on cultures...
THREAD ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12475 Views
Religion Forum
Because it hurts...it is not borne of love for another. In fact it is using another. It hurts? It doesn't hurt if both partners participate consensually. He already loves us..what merit...
THREAD FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11498 Views
Philosophy Forum
We evolved from apes, Common misconception, Darwin's Theory was that humans and apes evolved from the same (pior) species at some point. All dogs are canines but do all breeds have the evolve fr...
THREAD help me
19 Posts • 6199 Views
Talk Talk
Thank you chained wings, i can see that you understand me well. Honestly, told my two best mates, one believes i need therapy, the others so upset she cant talk to me right now. How the hell am i g...
THREAD muhammed
6 Posts • 2362 Views
Talk Talk
Islam does acknowlege Musa. I will not lie and say that he did not ever engage in battle, and of course people died in that battle. You dont just smile at the enemy, Islam doesnt believe in that, if y...
THREAD SocietyI Spy - Because I Can, I'm The Commander-In-Chief
15 Posts • 4355 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Darn it, to quick to delete email . . . so I can't quote the sourse but I got this email telling how someQuakers in Fla[?] were being spied upon as radical subversives because of their anti-war m...
THREAD 23 y/o teacher and 14 y/o boy
15 Posts • 6069 Views
Talk Talk
As far as the female adult with the female minor I feel that the punishment should be the same if it were an adult male/female with a minor male/female. I also feel that adult males who molest minor m...
THREAD revenge help me
2 Posts • 1855 Views
Talk Talk
*angry* ok here is the deal i have this friend named angie and she was mad at me caz her crush was tryin to flirt with me while he was doin the same to her so i thought i would b a good friend and tel...
THREAD GovernmentDid you know Liberia was an American disaster?
0 Posts • 355 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
To provide more background. Liberia was an English colony for a long time until the Americans won it over from the British after kicking their asses once again at the start of the XIXth century....
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhat Is Wrong With Being A Slut
37 Posts • 15044 Views
Psychology Forum
Awakened: The origins of words are quite complex; for the woman there's an interesting post here where alternatives to woman are considered such as womyn and wom. http://www.academinist.o...
70 Posts • 22672 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
MiA - I don't really think of emo or Yellowcard etc. as punk. I, personally, hate emo and can't see how people listen to it, unless you are a fan of extreme whining competitions or something...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13578 Views
Religion Forum
Christianity is a false religion. Just like the other monotheistic religions (Islam, Judism), they were created by man. The theory of One God was used by power hungry men who equated the theory with o...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43048 Views
Religion Forum
But statistical probabability leads to the conclusion that Christians have done far worse in 2000 years than Nazis did in 5. But it still takes the Christians 400 times longer to commit worse....
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67428 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Hello. My Name Is Josh, And I Am A Cutter. (Hello Josh. Welcome) This world left me a long time ago. I've lost myself, again. This world left me, a long long time ago. If you are the only o...
THREAD This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41107 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Also found out that Brandon's home town is about 100 miles south of George Reeves old home town of early TV Superman fame, also part of a rumored curse with his killing himself, Chris Reeves acci...
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