Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hey Jesus loves Muslims.
Just not in that divine, son of God sort of way.
I say America is a woman who put herself in a 4-year abusive relationship with this man Bush. And then last night roll... |
5 Posts • 2959 Views Talk Talk |
Maybe someone can shed some light...I live a good life, take the high road and treat everyone i know and meet with respect. So why has the financial side of my life been so hard. I don't blow all... |
110 Posts • 24284 Views Religion Forum |
hmm a reference point is a good way of describing how i feel about the bible. when your every action needs to be acceptedor dissapproved by the writings of other men, your living experience on earth m... |
My life as I know it... or do I know it??
14 Posts • 4219 Views Talk Talk |
Did you ever demand sex from him? or try the old surprise I am in Lingerie trick?- that always gets me...
he could be gay- does he like Lliberace? or does he speak a pronounced deliberare lisp? Doe... |
Relationships & LoveThe likable facade
6 Posts • 4840 Views Psychology Forum |
Yeah I think I’ve decided that is stupid to worry about who you are. You can’t help who you are so you should just embrace it. That doesn’t mean you can’t change how you ac... |
124 Posts • 33724 Views Talk Talk |
You lucky lucky bastards!
Its the hottest its ever been in over 100 years. And it doesn seem to be going to get cooler any time soon.
I find im a naturally 'hot" person who is warm eve... |
Human Nature & EmotionThe greatest emotion of all
37 Posts • 9677 Views Philosophy Forum |
Love and Hate are rated 10 I think in emotional strentgh, there really isn't a negative catagory. Just how strong they are. apathy is rated a 0, but it is still an emotion and can give clearity o... |
Life & DeathAre you bored by life?
7 Posts • 4260 Views Philosophy Forum |
To answer the question no. Nothing is more important than friends, women and money! Without it life is boring, with it, it is awesome.
I also take the time to enjoy little things. Such as my mornin... |
Habits & BehaviorShort Men
59 Posts • 31618 Views Psychology Forum |
first off
there is a difference between putting people down and joking about something ... joke is something that is FUNNY or atleast is meant to be funny . yeah, sometimes they don't come out... |
I Need Advice Badly
2 Posts • 3016 Views Talk Talk |
There are a few things happening in my life that I am unsure what to do about.
I met a girl that I have fallen in love with on the internet. Neither of my parents understand this and won't let... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
how then can the mother continue in her role with full love and self confidence once she witnesses unfaithfulness?
This is one of lifes cruel realities. But it is not always like this. Faithfulnes... |
God in ReligionYour "Word of God"
0 Posts • 1538 Views Religion Forum |
I don't have one. I wish I did. The Aquarian Gospel would have to be I think if there is one.
I tried to find, "The word of God". Parts of it would blow you away and leave you in awe... |
Society & Sociologydeterioration of identity in society
12 Posts • 2652 Views Psychology Forum |
"Few people give up smoking. Few people disconnect cable. Few people refuse to drink. Few people stop objectifying women. Few people walk around in jogging pants."
Give up drinking altoge... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views Religion Forum |
Elemental -
"Many people swear just for the fun of it, and that is maybe the stupidest thing ever.
Rational mind...? "
If you really feel uncomfortable with the term, I will stop. Howeve... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27645 Views Religion Forum |
Surah 3:133-134: "Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous, Those who s... |
Habits & BehaviorShort Men
59 Posts • 31618 Views Psychology Forum |
the only people who get offended about people making comments about things(not necessarily insults, just comments) are the ones who were overly sensitive about those things to begin with.
insults too... |
4 Posts • 2895 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Woke up a w a y from society
prison could not hurt the inside of me
curious rats had a cat fro variety
2 much 2 handle when its not your own
you hate to belate but
when the world has more... |
GovernmentLeftwing Fascism...
28 Posts • 7162 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"And when I refer to big government, again my terminology is less in this area as you know, I also refer to the blatant consolodation of power and weath. And that in particular is the big governm... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
i myself dont watch snl ,so i havent seen this skit.i am not racist but i do feel that its unfortunate that people think that it is ok to mock other cultures and perpetuate their stereotypes and hatre... |
Best Friend=Nightmare
31 Posts • 8847 Views Talk Talk |
Well I am assuming that you are not dating significantly older women as this sounds like rather juvinile behavior. You marrige plans may be in Jeopary- But don't cry you have a long time yet to f... |
Can we escape our pre-conditioning?
21 Posts • 9833 Views Philosophy Forum |
Your Mum sound great! :D
But I was more thinking along the lines of those kind of lurking deeply held beliefs, that one may be unawares of. Like for instance the subconscious belief that 'mone... |
124 Posts • 33724 Views Talk Talk |
I hate myself when it comes to social graces. I can strike up a conversation with absolutely anyone at all, from an eight-year old to an eighty-year old, but when it comes to people I like, I'm a... |
Relationships & LoveBreakup Downtime Minimum
14 Posts • 2560 Views Psychology Forum |
i think that people like me hate people like you TOM and i am so awesome (here we go again) that if i got any more awesome i would suffer an act of S.H.C. which if you read my post on strenghs and wea... |
Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14476 Views Religion Forum |
Are you guys serious? Surely you must have done history at school. Its a known full full well that the new testament was written by the Catholic Church during the crusades to give a written scripture... |
how do i get a girl?
25 Posts • 7761 Views Talk Talk |
I've always found these things to be helpful you're gonna need this check list:
1) clonge
2) a cool line: like hello my name is ______ what's your next class. (sound confident its a... |