Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29888 Views Philosophy Forum |
Redundant?...Hmmm...I guess if you think so, but, no, I don't think of time in the traditional sense. I believe time is not a property of the physical world as traditional concepts of time infer.... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Any violence that takes place due to freespeech is not freespeech..." Gemini
I think this is a very good point, this is validated through the anti-war talk. I've heared all too many... |
SocietyA New Discovery
27 Posts • 10058 Views Philosophy Forum |
Fine, but you have to realise its very frustrating to talk to someone who is presenting you a world panacea, but cannot justify except in step by step arguments who have no apparent relation to the pr... |
57 Posts • 10410 Views Talk Talk |
i think chiron makes quite a good point, it is only generally women who gain their opinion of beauty from the supermodels they see. Often their boyfriend or partner would prefer them to be more health... |
93 Posts • 30404 Views Philosophy Forum |
There are different kinds of people. Some people (like me). I talk about me, only because I'm an expert on me, I can't speak for anyone else. I will believe in God/religion no matter what. D... |
Society & Sociologycool people VS nerds
24 Posts • 10075 Views Psychology Forum |
both cool and nerds are social denominations, not relevant to knowlesge or interest (this is just used for profiling).
What I'm saying is that these labels are determined by social skills, not... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30339 Views Religion Forum |
^^hahahaha....I don't worship anything on this earth, and I don't worship God....I know God!...he's my homie/friend/buddy
And I never said God created evil....man did!...Nothing Bad ca... |
JokesCause and Effect
1 Posts • 3626 Views Jokes & Games |
An old sailor was out walking on the dock one day when he met a former ship mate of his. They had not seen each other for many years so they had much to talk about and many old memories to renew. Afte... |
RelationshipsWhen will the pain of heartache go away?
17 Posts • 26633 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
"Closing ones eyes when it get scary."
I can certainly relate to that.. when I became over stressed due to a series of crisis stacked one upon the other ; another and yet another . Even co... |
Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27338 Views Philosophy Forum |
I was about to point out some of you fallacies and ignorant statements. Untill I got a call from a pissant small minded anti-life carpet muncher. I work in a helpdesk environment for the s... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34076 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
war makes money for all involved not just the USA so don't blame our country for profits generated by war... america was built on the industrialized war machine as far back as time and so were ot... |
Mixed Martial Arts
8 Posts • 3165 Views Talk Talk |
first off, i am a fan and do apriciate all those aspects.
simply human cockfighting
apparently people do not know the size of a chicken brain. it is about the size of a pellet for a 22 caliber... |
Alternative BeliefsWorship 101?
5 Posts • 2958 Views Religion Forum |
Because being aware, conscious and reminded of the source or god and our connection to everything is very important for a balanced human being.
Thank you for your input Ironwood, but how would bei... |
ignorance is bliss
6 Posts • 2234 Views Talk Talk |
just a short little thingy i wrote, couldn't really find a good board to post it on so i chose this one:
"It's hard, you know, to think about it. To think about life, about politics, abou... |
Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6753 Views Talk Talk |
well this little 15 year old girl killed another girl couple weeks ago and so far this year there has been about 3/4 suicides and the latest one she was 13 years old...so where are the parents to thes... |
Aesthetics & BeautyWhat is Art?
4 Posts • 3326 Views Philosophy Forum |
Both the mimetic and the essentialist theories of art contain a kernel of truth. For although art necessarily deals with empirical phenomena, it is good art only to the extent that it elicits a certai... |
Weight LossFat Loss Tips
13 Posts • 5264 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
For a supplement that actually works, you won't have to go to a GNC and spend an ass-ton of money. Go hit up a Walgreens and buy some Bronkaid (active ingredient is Ephedrine 25mg). Get that and... |
Kallenites, x-liberals, and Neocons, oh my!
19 Posts • 7262 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Phil, you do exist! Thought you were a paid flunkie who hits 'send' every few minutes.
Ungrateful Bastard? If you feel the need to tell people to leave the country when their opinions do... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41998 Views Religion Forum |
I don't remember which thread or who all said it, sought and cturtle for sure, but you guys mentioned god wanting us to live a life separate than animals.
As long as we have to kill any livin... |
22 Posts • 11349 Views Philosophy Forum |
It comes to mind for me, when considering secret societies, that there must be a level of awareness among such members where they themselves are also aware of other societies. I realize it has been ru... |
Mental IllnessBorderline Personality Disorder Advice
10 Posts • 3245 Views Psychology Forum |
So I have to say that I am new to the forum but it seems to be filled with delightful and intelligent people. I was wondering if there were any seasoned individuals with Borderline personality disorde... |
Movie ReviewThe Butterfly Effect
19 Posts • 31773 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i know this movie was out a long time ago, but it just came out on DVD and has an alternate ending to it. when i saw it in the theatre the first time around i thought to myself "hmm thats a messe... |
That time of the month!
19 Posts • 5687 Views Talk Talk |
Atollia I won't recommend allopathic medicine because it looks to the symptoms rather than the cause, which means a temporary relief only.
Studies show that women who suffer from menstrual cramps h... |
Emotions & FeelingsAnger
10 Posts • 3152 Views Psychology Forum |
I feel that you make a good point about verbal abuse cause anger and often violence. I agree that often it is only the violence that we see but that is because it is much more noticeable. Suppose you... |
Alternative BeliefsPagan Religion??? or devilry
34 Posts • 11713 Views Religion Forum |
I know only a little bit about paginism. It is a title that covers a very broad area of beliefs and some of it was bad.
As far as what Christianity believes - that's a given. You have to under... |