Kahlil Gibran Discussion on one writing of his pro favor? (No it is not in espanol)
17 Posts • 9430 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thanks for the response.
Ive figured alot more out now. Unfortunately I did not know him as I thought. He is not as smart as I once believed....he is MASK. I spoke with someone who was a good frien... |
FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16795 Views Science & Technology Forum |
A thousand years is much too far to make any reasonable prediction.. Think of being in the year 1013 and trying to imagine what 2013 would be. No one could have guessed any part of 2013 correctly. I c... |
I hurt the person i love most
11 Posts • 3601 Views Talk Talk |
Dear Amxoxo,
Hurting one's feelings is one and sometimes inexorable, but breaking one's trust is another.
Face it, you destroyed his trust in you by breaking an important promise you m... |
ElectionsRon Paul on Jay Leno (16 Dec 2011)
0 Posts • 672 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't need to add anything to what Decius said because he's probably more or less right. But I'm going to anyway.
I've always been a little unsure about how to handle remarks... |
0 Posts • 2212 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I had been wary of this but once but had planned to watch cause of bail and interesting premise, especially now that Bale is Batman, and will be for at least 3 movies, but bale is just intense no matt... |
War & TerrorismDecius B against the War?
55 Posts • 15031 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Again walts, you do not say anything new, let alone logical. You are simply full of propaganda...which is sad because you represent a large portion of the American community.
And Desert Storm wasn&... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9612 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Well the reason i have posted it here is because i have grown to love captaincynic, perhaps its just a habit, its been in my life for a while, and i trust it even though its before the whole world, no... |
My life as I know it... or do I know it??
14 Posts • 4217 Views Talk Talk |
No strong feelings for me. There is no way. When he found out that I was with another, he did nothing to win me back at all. Shure... I got the usual, gift for Valentines, and my Birthday, but still h... |
PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10955 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Shadow
As humans we all have emotions. Some are seen as good. Some bad.
But all emotions are part of us for a reason. We have evolved ALL these emotions as a means to survive.
Jealousy,... |
God in Religiongods name
46 Posts • 12632 Views Religion Forum |
Are you being receptive to such experiences? Did your aunt make any significant accomplishments during those years?
My most significant experience is as stated below
I was in the habit of cutting... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122959 Views Religion Forum |
i wanted to respond on an old post here by angel of death, when they said god is most logical and that "it is more logical than the infinite universes etc."
What is more logical, saying g... |
Rehab & AddictionNeed to help friend with downward spiral
7 Posts • 3990 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
If an addictive drug is involved, you probably will be, if you are not already, at risk (violence). I strongly believe that you should, if you intend to really help this person, enlist the help of a f... |
For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11705 Views Psychology Forum |
Sorry, the guy after you likes to torture, and the security cheif helps with that and even offers bonuses as incentive for it. And since he's such a sick fuck, he is even allowed to live, takes y... |
If Santa answered his letters...
1 Posts • 2272 Views Jokes & Games |
Dear Santa,
I wud like a kool toy space ranjur for Xmas. Iv ben good boy all yeer.
Dear Billy,
Nice spelling. You're on your way to being a career lawncare specialist. How... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Man I hate that guy. But as i read a book on his idiotic statements, it occurred to me that perhaps he plays the dullard so that the American people don't expect coherent words out of his mouth.... |
Random QuestionsGirls with Tattoos
36 Posts • 65875 Views Talk Talk |
my girlfriend says she wants a tatoo on her lower back, but im not at all sure why. im the only one whod see it unless she goes swimming. i think she wants a rose or something, im not so sure about it... |
TechnologySolar Panels – Several Thousand Dollars? I don't think so...
18 Posts • 5867 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Black I know Nicola Tesla proposed theories of wireless power transmission in the late 1800s. He conducted experiments in Colorado.
His objectives were to investigate theses three areas.
1 Demon... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27192 Views Science & Technology Forum |
maybe everything has unlimited demensions inside of it and the universe might have unlimited demenstions and the universe might also be a dulusion that we live in or we might be the delustion to the u... |
About Captain Cynic
8 Posts • 23614 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
What is Captain Cynic? Captain Cynic is a forum unlike any forum you will find on the internet. It is not a clone website that looks and feels and operates the way other forums do. Captain Cynic is un... |
BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12156 Views Talk Talk |
i am never fullfilled with what i do, thats what keeps me going on, till i find that peak orgasm. finding fullfilment in a glimpse of an eye or a snap of a finger seems to me too fantastical...art nee... |
Child & Family PsychologyRecapturing youth?
15 Posts • 4193 Views Psychology Forum |
I must be honest, I havn't read the thread.
But I guess I did a little, "Recapturing" of my youth a few days ago.
See, I was walking around downtown and me and my freinds were goi... |
Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9955 Views Psychology Forum |
That being the case open minded people are unable to empathize with other people and are therefore closed minded to the concept of empathy.
ya know, that sounds real good, but , being empathetic... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16871 Views Psychology Forum |
Any women who thinks that in modern times they haven't been givin a fair chance is just making excuses for their failure.
Women haven't been given a fair chance. Girls are taught to play w... |
Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6212 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you accept another's philosophy, you are deluding yourself--
They are right you are wrong!
Experience is the truth alone!--as soon as you make it your own it is no longer true!... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35951 Views Psychology Forum |
There really are different types of muslims, but when talking about the hate directed towards the US, you need to make the distinction between muslims of the ottman empire area and muslims of the more... |