War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Decius - if you want to take any blame for what happened in Iraq you are free to do so.
I have learned long ago that guilt and shame solves nothing except more hurt and pain.
I voted, but it was... |
Show summary/reviews... add your own!
2 Posts • 3176 Views Talk Talk |
Alright guys/gals, figured this would be a helpful thread. Find a show you like, search the internet for an accurate summary and/or review of the show, then post both the shows official website and th... |
11 Posts • 5336 Views Talk Talk |
Good stress, bad stress....stress is stress to me and it terribly sucks.
I totally agree with I R Me about the deep breathing.
When i'm stressed the FIRST thing I do is take a DEEP breath.*sl... |
93 Posts • 25433 Views Science & Technology Forum |
..what are you talking about. The bible doesnt say "kill all faggots"..
quit being ridiculous. Its a good thing biblical law is not utilized in our government.
Church and state. Nice... |
124 Posts • 33716 Views Talk Talk |
yay rant on about anything. don't ya just hate it when the film industry kills movies. I mean that is really just a dissaponiting thing to see happen. note this is an extention of my thread on ch... |
IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16001 Views Religion Forum |
Angel of Death - You got it right. In Revelations it says, I stand at the door and knock, he who hears me shall let me in. We assume this is speaking of Jesus.
Religion is much this same way. Most... |
AliensIs Bush An Alien From Another Planet?
12 Posts • 4031 Views Science & Technology Forum |
for him to be an alien he would have to be from a species that is more advanced, so that they could space travel.
I'm sure aliens have retards too.
Besides, aliens could be good at space tr... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40581 Views Religion Forum |
Why if ther is no God do we feel the need to protect society. If in the end all of society will not remeber. In fact in the end there will not even be a society. Why do we waste time protecting a soci... |
GovernmentGovernment Child Sex Trade
25 Posts • 10431 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We must stop protecting these criminals with secrecy, the benefit of the doubt, ignorance, blind patriotism, and dismissals of conspiracy.
There are bound to be hoaxes, but we cannot afford to tur... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I applaud you for posting such a well worded excerp. I think it is extremely accurate I agree with u, it is a good strait forward writing for the most part, especially the part of not voti... |
SpiritualityEvil exists; the devil does not
4 Posts • 3494 Views Religion Forum |
Let us excuse semantics and the definition of words; after all:
'A word is know by the compnay it keeps'
To me evil is when something that opposes your set of beliefs or morals or prin... |
Did I pick the right girl?
6 Posts • 4779 Views Talk Talk |
I have liked these two girls about equally for about 3 months. When I realized the first girl I liked didnt like me, I went for the second girl and she did like me.
So we started going on dates but... |
Worst Thing to Say
11 Posts • 6797 Views Talk Talk |
Now that people my the MILLIONS out here are finding out that I am pregnant by a guy of whom this child shall be his SIXTH.........(BTW he has now lost his job)
I get the....I hear your pregnant...... |
Twisted Fairy Tales
15 Posts • 3776 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Make it so maybe they killed someone from the past who was travelling in time and it is what caused them to lose 6 months.
And the witch wants to stop them because she saw them in her crystal ball... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17210 Views Religion Forum |
" If its broken, you don't leave it for something else, you fix it."
Well then, tell me when it worked.
In fact, what do we even mean by worked. What is religion supposed to do? Relig... |
InventionElectric/hybrid cars
26 Posts • 10577 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I tried to create a web page about oil independence. I got no support from no one. And what was more disheartening was that the U.S. auto industry doesn't appear to care. I mean, they've pos... |
PoetryDust in the Wind
41 Posts • 13286 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Oblivion's Random Thoughts
this makes two
the deed has been done
now im stuck wondering again
"Will i find someone?"
ah,who cares.
not me,not you.
hey,random thought!
i need k... |
Exsistential Angst
7 Posts • 3756 Views Talk Talk |
The only reason why you can not understand non-existence is because it simply isn't real.
That's part of the truth as well as the fact that very definition of existence and reality is quest... |
Life & Deathlonger life expectancy: good or bad?
9 Posts • 8429 Views Philosophy Forum |
About the negative consequences of long lifespans, I don't think they'll be a problem for the Earth. Before they become a serious issue nutters will be killing civilians on a decent scale in... |
what do you do?
8 Posts • 3349 Views Talk Talk |
I'm rarely bored, though I do enjoy a good bout of boredom now and again. If I am not online, I have a couple of civic and heritage organization I am involved in. If I'm not working, I like camping, a... |
Before Your Birth?
4 Posts • 2785 Views Philosophy Forum |
If we understand by making comparisons--life/death, good/bad, love/hate--in order to progress, then we see in opposites.
If we understand by accepting--not favoring one to the other--in a
state of... |
Life & Deathlonger life expectancy: good or bad?
9 Posts • 8429 Views Philosophy Forum |
Life expectancy for Americans reached an all-time high of 77.2 years in 2001, federal officials said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday that life expectancy increased by two-t... |
13 Posts • 4453 Views Talk Talk |
only things I can think of -
Go to macromedia.com and make sure you have a flash player- go to downloads look for the red 'F'- this a genuine site.
restore your defaults on IE tools/intern... |
HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16754 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Don't worry that is a super hot topic but all I'll say about you personally is that you should keep an open mind, thats a pessimistic view, wary, cautious, which is respectable, however like... |
BooksA book like no other
10 Posts • 3542 Views Talk Talk |
Do I think it more dangerous than a horror movie?
That would entirely depend on which movie we were talking about.
I find the horror movies of the last ten years, with the exception of Rob Zombi... |