The Relevance of Age?
11 Posts • 2467 Views Talk Talk |
http://www.captaincynic.com/th read/59511/age-relevency-on-cc .htm#59579
i think having the ages is a good thing as it does show you things like CW's mentality for his age in the "where... |
Sexual PsychologyA backlash against sexual attitudes?
25 Posts • 6910 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Ok but the first question to this is how will we benefit from such practices. I personally think liberal is a good thing. If we all adapted a conservative life style we might as well go back to the 18... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24288 Views Religion Forum |
Your life might be good, others may not be so lucky
but what of the billion children who are born into this world to only be hungry and many die of it, their brain doesn't function fully and t... |
Funny TidbitsWho Has The Best Pick-up Line?
86 Posts • 34067 Views Jokes & Games |
If the girl gives u a naughty look say: are u listening to me or are u just undressing me with your eyes...she'll blush. acting full of yourself and funny should work. or
If the girl is looking... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23031 Views Philosophy Forum |
I kinda' think that's all that matters...your own mind and thinking...the human mind "colors" the external world...ordinary objects take on different meanings for different people.... |
SocietyAmerica, Americans and Patriotism
0 Posts • 3112 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Nice post writewood, right on brother!
All the righteous ideals and beliefs of the Good America are in shambles to me now. I have never trusted our government
. . . there is more than enough to be... |
Two girls, one choice.
6 Posts • 2257 Views Talk Talk |
Okay I am going out with this one chick Adreanne and we are in an okay relationship but it isn't really good. We havn't kissed or anything yet we've gone out for 4 months. Also she'... |
I'm Tired Of Thinking And I Give Up
29 Posts • 11716 Views Talk Talk |
sobeit- as true as that is, thats not important.
the point is, i am tired of being this way. in general. it really doesnt matter to me what she feels. yes, i was dumped, but thats not what this is.... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22665 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am unaware of any facts you have given me, I am well aware of your opinion.
This is my opinion - Some people do a good job at whatever they do and others do a half *as job at whatever they do. I... |
GovernmentJust one chance
1 Posts • 2984 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Have you ever sat at home and thought deeply about your own country. What is good about it, what is bad about it? And you have so many ideas on how you might be able to change it. Yet you are discoura... |
Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16573 Views Philosophy Forum |
The problem isn't the self centered part, thats just a inevitable fact of life that has earned negative connotations due to strong cases of overboard self centered acts and practices. Like anythi... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThinking It Through
9 Posts • 2947 Views Philosophy Forum |
I was wondering if the post about The Matrix, which had the lines below refering to God being one universal consousness; discovering and learning and knowing "all" by us humans living... |
IslamMocking Muslims and "Virgins in Heaven"
0 Posts • 4379 Views Religion Forum |
The fact of the matter is(okay scratch that:P), is that how many times have you heard of a good Christian or Muslim? How many time have you heard of someone who has not died? We all mostly hear of onl... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55466 Views Philosophy Forum |
^^exactly....but if you're speaking A truth...does that make you a philosopher?? or does that make you a person who speaks truth?......I agree with you in totality, that's why I'm going... |
Why do boys fall in love with girls ?
15 Posts • 68186 Views Talk Talk |
are boys capable of falling in love? heh' love often is blinded by lots of things. that is a huge question though. why do boys fall in love with girls? the answer ( if one ) will differ from guy... |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18695 Views Philosophy Forum |
would be good. world peace etc. would still be crime though, but no real war.
americans celebrate those holidays, but i will agree, it is not just celebrating those holiays that makes you american.... |
EconomyMarket Meltdown 2008
3 Posts • 2061 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I totally agree that distributing money we don't have so we can buy things made overseas is not a solution to the problem. It is like putting a band-aid on a severed arm.
All the politicians... |
War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89306 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Its agreable alien, but just 'cos america fired the first nuke, you can pin it down that all american leaders will allow this to happen. People and nations change. its just like saying for exampl... |
Society & Sociologyvoyeurism
25 Posts • 8041 Views Psychology Forum |
wierd, isn't it. The other day (month ago) As I was coming home, I came upon an accident at a bend in the road a couple of blocks from the house.
The police nor emergency personal had yet to ar... |
L.A. Cops murderd toddler
7 Posts • 3076 Views Talk Talk |
19 month old Susie Lopez was killed by L.A. Cops who are supposed to "Protect and Serve". I would like to know where all of the non-lethal weapons they so often display and talk about were.... |
Music ReviewTop 8 reasons why Superman's Bryan Singer should be beaten
0 Posts • 1916 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Well, I pretty much agree with what all is being said here. Saw this a while back, and I will say that in general I didn't leave the theatre hating the movie but I was a bit sad and confused. It... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers II (YouTube)
110 Posts • 23484 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
The coincidence is coincidental as the man's films. Guy Ritchie meets and marries Maddonna after Snatch. And during all the time they are together, he failed to make anything; other than 3 non me... |
Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23583 Views Philosophy Forum |
Competition isn't all bad. Sometimes it is good for people to want to do something first. They will work faster and find their information faster. Yes while they are working they should get peopl... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38019 Views Psychology Forum |
You have a lot of good points there Rollergirl. I don't think that any person would ask to be sexually assulted, as there are men out there that have been sexually assulted. Although most sexuall... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21783 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"First of all, England is not grabbing more land. England has very good relations (and a shared peace agreement for Ulster) with the Republic of Ireland. So this isn't just a simple question... |